1.06 Information

Discussion in 'News' started by Krenzo, May 27, 2006.

  1. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    ive been thinking, and 1 thing would pacify me enough to wait for .06, making the teams different but equal like they were promised to eventually be. iceing on the cake would be versitile jeeps for NF and anything on BE to balance them (like better tanks, hell someone in an apc can shoot out as is).
  2. Ermm ok!

    Ermm ok! Member

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    hey mr quackums , u r cool.

    What would be the point of the NF having more versitile jeeps?
  3. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    They were never promised. That's just what they hope to achieve.
  4. meganegamev

    meganegamev Member

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    uninstall them.


    I'll admit to being an update geek in that regard. I rotate around games, and I play some Empires. I'll admit that some of the gameplay elements that are on the dock for 1.06 and beyond are annoying enough for me not to play Empires alot.

    For example, I really don't like to COMM. I'm not good at it, there is little reward to it (for me) especially when people don't want to follow any sort of teamwork guidelines, and there are some pieces to it that are just not fun. I get a kick out of popping in as an Engy, and building what a good comm puts out there. To that point, a bad COMM makes it a really tough game to enjoy, whether they are on either side. So the vote mechanisms, some of the little bug fixes, etc are what I'm waiting for.

    But yeah, I an an update geek. :)
  5. Alterscape

    Alterscape Member

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    I apologize for the silly dolphin/zepplin drivel.

    Seriously, the update will get here when it gets here. I admit to enjoying new content as much as the next guy, but give the team time to do the quality job they want to do on the content they're producing. I know you all wouldn't hassle them if you didn't want to see the game better, but they're probably working as fast as they're able already.

    Keep up the good work, Krenzo and company, and I'll be glad to play 1.06 when its done. :)

    And, an aside regarding comming: I've seen a couple of posts in this thread bring up NS's twitch-clickfest style comming as something to emulate. Honestly, while NS is awesome, with a game as wide-open, physically, as Empires, I'd rather see the commander role evolve into a more thoughtful, strategic position, planning and executing large-scale strats rather than worrying about micro. Of course, this may only amplify the problems that comms have with n00bs who don't follow orders and so forth, but its a thought?
  6. Sonic

    Sonic Member

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    WOO ironsight and updates. Happy duty day's for you!
  7. Exo2000

    Exo2000 Member

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    The NF already have more versatile jeeps. Their jeeps seat 4 (driver and 3 passengers) whereas the BE only seat 2. ;)

    Essentially, the NF jeeps can carry 2 more gun-wielding doods. High-speed rocket launcher jeeps! Woo! :D
  8. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    Just a shame you can't actually fire from the jeeps :(
  9. Bodrick

    Bodrick Ye Olde Supermod

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    Would be fun if you could repair the hull from inside vehicles. Also, remove the roll bar from the NF jeep, or move it out the way. The number of times I've blown myself up with that stupid rollbar and a rocket...
  10. Ermm ok!

    Ermm ok! Member

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    who actually uses jeeps? other than douchebags doing donuts round the CV.
  11. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    Exactly. That's why they should be better :)
  12. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    wasnt there official talk of alternate jeep chasi/chasi add ons for the NF on the old forums?
  13. Bodrick

    Bodrick Ye Olde Supermod

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    Like a heavy jeep or something.
  14. Ermm ok!

    Ermm ok! Member

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    wooooahh dude that is one cool jeep
  15. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    It's in the media section of this site >.>
  16. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    back to the FIXES vs CONTENT debate again:

    we definately, and this is somewhat controversial, want CONTENT. _definately_

    here's why: we can either have a finished game in 2 months, and then another month for balancing. because if we balance AFTER then he won't spend time ironing out imbalences that won't really matter to later releases anyway.

    _or_ we can have a balanced game now, playable, building up the community. it would still be fun to play and would encorage more support for the mod and forums. it'll also maintain a good reputation. it may talk LONGER to get to a final finished result, say, 5 - 6 months but it will be much more impressive and with much larger support when it gets there. and who cares if it is 'unfinished', without _all_ of the content that is wanted. as long as it's fun.

    damn, i just convinced myself that the other way is infact better.
  17. roflcoptor

    roflcoptor Member

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    My first post, I realy love this game/mod it has replaced CS in my book
    ill just throw some ideas i have in the pot of great ideas in this topic.
    I like the idea for personal upgrades after the com does research. i was thinking upgrades would take a skill slot or wep slot so one or the other. giving the rifles say armor dmg ability is fine for the heavy and MG the normal rifle should get a faster reload upgrade or something(and extendied clip for NF cuz no hvy rifle). scouts could get thermal binoculars see other "hidden" scouts and active turrets among other hot things. Eng can discard Smg for a "thing" that allows the commander to build in that area so the CV doesn't have to be there to put something down. naders should get a auto pistol and have to pick mortar or launcher, the ammo stock should be the same for both .Mortars they shouldn't be able to do the couch slide for morters and they should fire faster. last thought is that research should either A: have a way to reasearch faster like having more radars the faster it researches. or B: have the ability to reasearch multiple things within a main feild IE. like you can research arty tank and med tank in upgraded chassis at the same time but not arty tank and nuke missles. these are just some ideas i thought would be cool try.
    i tend to agree with balance issues people bring up but other then that, this game is the best fps ive seen while in beta your dev. team has my respect for making a great game for free.
  18. Ermm ok!

    Ermm ok! Member

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    I think it will take alot longer to finish empires than 2 months. And it wont be finished until its balanced.

    Also every bit of content that gets added will then need to be balanced.

    Game balance is the most important factor to any online game , look at how many games have been ruined by expansions.
  19. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    I've never tried to finish Empires, I've always thought that it's a multiplayer game... :(
  20. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Here's what I'm thinking of doing since the aircraft, iron sights, new weapon models, and new animations still aren't close to being done. I'm going to release 1.06 this weekend without those things. Instead, 1.06 will have bug fixes (see below) and some new maps (new version of Escort, new map titled Gauntlet and possibly some community maps). I really do not like the whole idea of holding off updates for this long. Releasing updates often keeps us focused and keeps the feedback coming. That's why I want to release 1.06 as is. If this release seems underwhelming it's because I've been doing most of the work on aircraft and map scaling which aren't ready yet.

    -Fixed: server crash related to armory or barracks being destroyed
    -Fixed: memory leak that would lead to a server crash after an extended period of time
    -Modified: halved movement speed when zoomed in
    -Added: 'emp_comm_restrict' brush entity that prevents either commander from building in the occupying area
    -Fixed: 'emp_sv_player_think' cvar which was implemented to reduce cpu loading was causing hitboxes to not always be matched with the player correctly; this cvar has been effectively removed by defaulting it to 0 and making it a cheat cvar
    -Fixed: turrets not able to hit players who are standing right next to the turret
    -Fixed: console error when in a NF heavy tank reporting that four variables exceeded the max allowed value and were being clamped
    -Added: tank rotate in place when at slow or still speeds
    -Fixed: cannon kickback being inconsistent with actual firing
    -Fixed: vehicle self damage working the exact opposite, vehicle weapons hurting other friendly vehicles and not damaging their owner's vehicle
    -Fixed: vehicle passengers always being parented to the vehicle's main body even if the position is associated with the turret
    -Fixed: commander able to suicide and become invincible
    -Fixed: the vehicle HUD's chassis health indicator now scales with resolution to not get too large
    -Fixed: changing teams now resets the player's class and spawn point selection
    -Fixed: vehicles now show the order location/target of the driver and connect the line from the vehicle to that location correctly
    -Fixed: vehicles can receive orders correctly now
    -Fixed: units that are outside the commander's PVS/network update distance will now remain selected, will update their position, and can receive orders
    -Fixed: the Units selection panel lists all entities in the world regardless of your proximity to them instead of dropping ones off the list as they exceed the network update distance

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