Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Candles, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    forcing to someone to partake in something they are religiously against is infringing on their religious rights and freedoms. as I stated there are many places abortions are offered that's not at the taxpayers expense.

    Your rights end when it infringes on mine. (yours and mine are general terms)
  2. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    This is the problem when talking about abortions/most social policies. It's too divisive and there's really no "fact" to base it off of because social policies are more feelings towards an issue.

    With that being said, I would like to ask what Social policy of Donald Trump "horrify's" you the most? (Excluding the wall and ban on Muslims) He is pretty left on social issues, he even got a LOT of the GOP to now be supportive of Gay's and agrees women should be paid equal so long as they are all doing the same amount of work. I'm just curious what other policies you guys have issues with.
  3. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Here's a video I just found.
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  4. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    The thing about abortions what I dont get is. If you dont like getting abortions cause you think its bad or your religion doesnt allow you it, fine. But why do you have to impose that view on other people? It makes no sense to me that person A doesnt like abortions so person B cant get an abortion. It doesnt hurt person A when person B gets an abortion and person B is better of.
    It's one of those social issues that make no sense to me why its an issue, someone clarify for me how another human being having an abortion effects you? And if it does effect you; people around the world are having abortions and that doesnt effect you?

    I would understand why something like euthanasia is a social problem, but abortion, wtf how is that a problem

    edit: also isnt this more a religion thing where religion says abortion is wrong
    also isnt there a seperation of church and state so religious believes shouldnt impact law or what ever?
  5. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I heard trump has helped a lot of people but doesn't want it known or talked about, now and then a story leaks out and its very touching to see what a big heart he has.
  6. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    From my understanding on the abortion issue, and this is coming from a girl I know who flipped to Trump after the third debate, it's the life argument. Personally, I am a mixture of pro-choice and pro-life. When the baby could survive on it's own, that is where I draw the line. However, Hillary thinks you can get an abortion day before your birth and rule it OKm which is EXACTLY what made the girl flip off of her, and I think that's where people draw the line on. There really is no "middle" stance on Pro-choice/Pro-life, if there was I think this argument would be less of an issue. The candidate is either full on pro-life or pro-choice, which isn't what we need.

    I think the life argument could be made not on basis of religion but on basis of it's morally wrong to kill something that could survive on it's own, but then the counter argument is it won't have parents and will drift between foster homes with a really shitty childhood.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  7. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I am pro choice fyi but I am against late term abortion, I would never push my preference on anyone except I understand and I defend those who have a religious belief and a right to not be forced to have their money used to pay for them. There is something very immoral about forcing someone do something they feel strongly against due to their religious convictions.

    As I stated there are many other places other than Planned Parenthood that preform abortions and do not take tax payer money.
  8. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Thats not a right and neither is it immoral... I love dogs but i know some of my tax money is used to exterminate street dogs... if i dont like it i should vote accordingly or start my own party.
  9. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I think I understand where you are coming from since I just watched the video I Think you are referring to from 3rd debate.
    Theres a misunderstanding to be clarified here and its not to change your oppinion or that girls oppinion-> it's not as simple as deciding hmmmmm tomorrow is my due date, but I dont want the baby anymore, lets abort. NO, its situationally bound like hillary said in the video. The extreme version that you illustrated is very unlikely to happen. The more common, and lets speak in general terms here, is that in the late term period, 20-24 weeks so 5-6 months and beyond, ( yes this could be the last day, but if its the last day your doctors fucked up ) during those 3 months, something might happen that could endanger the mothers health if she continued with the pregnancy, in that situation the mother may abort. Thats what hillary is talking about. I understand that people would say what if its the 9th month and docters tell you abort or you have odds of dying on the table. But you should also think about the women who get the news at 5-6-7-8 months in that their health is at risk.

    I dont quite know the abortion rules to the teeth in the states, but I like the way belgium has structured it.

    No abortions after 14 weeks UNLESS the baby is deformed/congenitalmalformation etc etc OR if the mothers health is in danger.
  10. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    using taxpayer money for things having to do with animals is not a valid example and has nothing to do with this issue of going against the constitution.

    it is a right its called freedom of religion, not freedom of religion unless the govt decides otherwise

    first amendment states:
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    oh land of the free hypocrit
  12. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    No you misunderstand, even a majority of Republicans agree you can abort if it endangers the mothers health or in cases of rape. Both parties agree on this, however Republicans generally don't think you should be able to abort at all, and Democrats think "It's not a person till it's birthed" which has some validity. I stand by you can abort in these cases: Before it can survive on it's own, if it endangers the mothers health, or in the cases of a rape baby. Hillary is not really saying situational, she is saying a woman SHOULD have the choice to abort right before it comes out and that is a literal statement.

    I know you're trying to prove a point, but again, how does that negatively affect anyone? I know we say "separate" but again, how does this affect anyone? I believe the modern interpretation of this is essentially the government can't favor one religion over the other. Saying god is a very very vague and general term that I don't think really offends anyone.
  13. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    I think that there's a few misconceptions about abortions floating about. You can't get post 24 week abortions in most places in the world unless there is a threat of life to the mother. An abortion in the 9th month of pregnancy is probably called birth followed by adoption, and that doesn't result in the death of the child. So even if it gets made legal, that doesn't mean doctors will suddenly start aborting kids at 24 weeks. Who the fuck does that? Potential mothers don't wait half a year before going, "You know what I don't want a baby".

    Think please.
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  14. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    No it seriously is what some notable democrats want. They think you can abort at any time until the baby is born and even when it could survive. Their official stance is that, once it leaves the birth canal then it is born. Hell, there are even partial birth abortions which can be performed in the third trimester, or as half the baby is out of the body. They clip the spine then suck out the brains. While this MIGHT be a good thing for women who have babies that are deformed and pose a risk to the life of the mother, it can be done on anyone who wants it. This is the problem with the stance on Abortion in the US. No candidate takes the middle stance of "No abortions after X weeks". You either have pro life which means nothing unless in the case of rape, incest, or posing a risk to mothers life, or you can abort anytime up until it is fully born.

    Yea there was a law against it passed in 2003, however, whenever Hillary is asked she always says "I think most of them are medical reasons, but again this comes back to a Women's right to choose"
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  15. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    you can tell there is a certain echo chamber among some posters in this topic when yesterday there was not a MENTION in this topic that the fbi reviewed all of hillary's newly discovered emails and found NOTHING
    so he campaigned on it in 2014. so its not actually some super sneaky move. it was always the plan to restore voting rights to ALL felons. the people elected him on that plan.
    technically he failed in his promise and only got less than 50%. i wonder if the electorate is going to forgive him next election.
    vicki also didnt mention that possession in some states is a FELONY including in VIRGINIA
    boom fact checked. im living in my own world though

    also didnt mention that there is a large amount of states that allow felons to vote (including a bunch of southern states)

    i would never say that vicki doesnt know the country she lives in

    e: pardon=/ restore voting rights. i got confused by the right wing spin
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  16. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    kill all babies. hail satan
  17. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    I'm a dangerous xenophobe who hates foreigners and weird religions.
  18. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    christianity is so weird bruh, they always sayin "eat da poo poo"
    that is the definition
  19. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    The majority of Texans that support trump say they will vote for Texas to leave the Union if Hilary is Elected.

    There has been a growing movement for Texas secession over the past 7 years during the Obama Administration. As witnessed by Greg Abbots request to have Texas’s Gold returned from the Fed. Texas has the right to leave the United States as established in writing when Texas first joined the Union in 1845. This clause was the only way the United States could get Texans to agree to give up their Sovereignty. But even with the escape clause, it was far from a unanimous vote. From the birth of Texas as the 28th State, Texans have been debating the possibility of secession. Today, support for secession has grown into record numbers and was just short of votes a few months ago from being on the ballot this 2016 election cycle.
  20. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    Well xenophobia is not hate... I mean sure, but there are many types of xenophobia.

    Edit: Let's just not affiliate xenophobes to hateful behaviors. Some are just afraid... Fear is a form of defense, being guided by fear is another thing. But it's foolish to ignore the possibility of danger that's why I dislike Governments with so... idk... open border policies...? Like, "come in brothers, we are all humans". You don't know what the other person thinks though. It's not bad to be suspicious. Media can feed hate, spread fear and anything you want, but it's true hateful, malevolent people are on both sides and it's not something to be ignored. I think everybody can agree on this right?

    Germany accepted immigrants decades ago because they needed workers.
    Greece accepted everything because they are idiot wannabe leftists. Please understand how much of an impact it makes to have wannabes in power. Currently, they are making new jobs to accommodate their own people.

    Funny Greek Success Story: A company wanted to buy a stadium from the state. The state agreed to sell it for a sum as long as they kept all 1000 employees and their salaries intact. Minimum wage is 1400 Euros for the cleaning ladies. Please note that only 14 employees go to work everyday. Obviously, every time the Government is replaced, these people are replaced with the people of the new Government.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
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