why do people not play empires?

Discussion in 'General' started by OuNin, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Because after all those years of playing, I absolutely detest escort, district and dust. That and ever after 2.2 came out, inf combat is just not as fun. I don't give a fuck what you guys say, I liked lethal weapons, and loved how targets promoted outsmarting your opponent instead of the usual " I can camp in this spot and be left unnoticed" , " I just went the other way, there let me have 6 cheap kills because none could see me" or "I spent last 20 minutes crawling unnoticed to camp the barracks with hmg for all eternity". It doesn't help that the game still is slow for no reason after few lst updates. That and as it goes with most small communities, there are several people that act all important and ignore everything you say, even though you played the game when they were busy opening the presents for their 13th birthday.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  2. beeng

    beeng Member

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    Why does no one make maps anymore? I don't see any new maps in rotation :(
  3. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Because it usually is a variation of this:
    mapper makes a mediocore-to-crappy map, gets criticism, moves on. Map gets mostly forgotten or is played for laughs.
    mapper makes a second map, this time its playtested, its polished, people like it, its in the rotation blabla
    mapper commits a sinful shit that people do not quite like, cannot take the criticism, no more maps.

    At least that how I remember that.

    There are alot of empires maps. District itself has like 5 equally bad versions. Now for the mean quality, its pretty damn f low. (own opinion)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  4. beeng

    beeng Member

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    Yeah there's a lot of empires maps... all of which are rehashes of old maps :P
  5. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    well the huds changed in the new version. maps have gone under huge texture changes (looking much better), other particle changes... not being in HD is another minus, i guess.

    also, me me i make maps go bug vicki to put railway on (its a rehash of railroad loloololol)
  6. beeng

    beeng Member

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    haha see ;)
    I wonder if a new map was made whether it would be put on the servers...
  7. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Basically, mappers put a lot of effort into making an enjoyable map. People play it, hate it.
    Mappers make gimmicky maps that look like shit and play even worse. Those maps get played constantly.

    It makes me so fucking sad that maps like Fuel get hate, when it's such a fantastic map. Meanwhile, maps like Rainbowroad are played constantly. It's fucking bullshit.
  8. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    Everyone here saying it's the players, or that vets are scaring players away, and that maps are sucky (they do suck), but i'm going to hammer the nail in right now and say why players don't play. They just don't get the same reaction to the game from when they first played (or when they first started liking the game). Everyone here can attest to the fact that their first experience with the game was one they wish they can get again because it's probably the most exhilarating. The amount of dopamine players need to stimulate in order to have fun is higher than what the experience can even offer anymore, which is why you only see vets in PUGs or Scrims and even then they seem bored. I for one can't even think about launching Empires without getting instantly bored, and I know when I enter a server all I want to do is drive tanks around and explode stuff but no my team get's mad at me when I just want to have 100% fun and 0% actually using my brain, because Empires is a game about thinking and teamwork, and I don't want to fucking think.

    Like I can't honestly be the only one that ends up getting bored at the loading screen and leaves 10 minutes in.
  9. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Actually, empires was shit for me the first time around. Then, at try #3 or so I teamed with some equally awesome people and that was the prime time for me. Dicking around with squadmates is what is most fun in mepires for me. People now don't tend to be that spontanious and fun oriented.
  10. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I disagree entirely. When I play with my clan, when I play high-skill games, I get just as much of a kick out of Empires as I did the first time I fired it up. It's still wonderful, it still provides me an adrenaline rush that nothing else does, it's just that those games are few and far between.
  11. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    And you hit your hand instead of the nail, like usual.:p
  12. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Yes Trickster, YOU do. Try finding 4 jpls or cws playing at the same time. Epics are plenty. There are still many people around that started playing at the same time you did. I dont recall anyone from the december 2007 draft that are still around. Maybe mayama if he still plays.
  13. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    You joined too late for me to say that I started at the same time as you zoom...your loss really :P :).

    Had a really good balanced game with lorddz and several others vs yusunder and various others on duststorm yesterday. Its games like that, that make me love empires. Unfortunately they are too rare now due to less vets playing and new players getting raged to leave (means the skill level stays shitty).

    Is there anyway to get empires content working in source filmmaker?
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  14. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    That's what I wanted to say but I didn't know how to word it well.

    Exactly, you can only get that rush from playing with people you know and have formed strong emotional ties with, no longer can you feel like you're having fun playing with random strangers, but there was a point when you were just another pubber and you did have fun with the other pubbers. One can say that you, and many of the clanners, have a dependency on other fellow players.

    It's kind of scary to say it, but the reason people might not play Empires anymore, and other small community source mods, is that players form such strong emotional ties with each other that eventually they experience withdrawal symptoms playing the game when their friend's aren't. I did a psych essay on video game addiction so that's how I am approaching the topic.

    Essentially, clans killed the mod, gg no re.
  15. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    New blood:
    1. Less people are looking for source mods to play.
    2. PR / advertising, etc. And not just a video, website, etc. Word of mouth is way better. Force your friends to you TS and play with you, in exchange promise to help them with their shitty social media web games or whatever it is you kids do these days.
    3. Not many good players do anything to coach players who don't have the first idea about what they are doing to a level where they are useful to the team and not frustrated with themselves. You might have heard the same question 100 times, but it is the first time they have asked it!
    4. Tutorial needs to be supplemented with a handful of short but useful videos. It is impossible explaining the mechanics of a multiplayer game in single player mode.
    5. Add new players as friends (beggars can't be choosers right?)

    Old blood:
    1. Not enough people use steam friends to organise games on the fly. Most of us have each other added even if we aren't clan buddies or even talk online much. Once you have a few good players in a server you can usually populate it with invite spam (try and be sensible and invite people who are not already doing something and people should be fine with it)
    2. Not enough people who really want to command as much as they want to pwn.
    3. The things that make Empires so damn replayable also make it inconsistent. There are lots of things that have to be right in a round for it to be amazing. Vets having already experienced some amazing rounds that were the most exciting online gaming they ever played obviously get turned off by sitting on a half populated server and having to command a bunch of scouts for 2 hours.
    4. Map votes always end up with the "safe bets" where everyone knows what to do. Chain, Fuel - perfect examples. Look great, play well never get voted because vets haven't yet figured out every exploit and placement. The Nubs don't vote them because they never got to play them.
    5. Bob the Builder (jks)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  16. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I'm only friends with those people because I made those bonds within games like I mentioned. I'd have newer guys to play with if games like that happened more frequently.
  17. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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  18. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    having commanders makes or breaks the casual empires experience
    i elect that popular empires maps should be remade for commanderless play

    maps ONLY get voted in because players like the maps

    the voting system yields no false positives
    the maps that are readily accessible and readily playable are the ones that win
    the commander only adds a minor degree of fun in regular pub play
  19. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    me? not my fault i stayed under the radar for over a year
  20. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Don't get me wrong, im not complaining about either clan, its just that epics have alot of not shitty clanmates to play with. Don't take it as an offence, it was not meant as one.

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