New League Season

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Evan, Dec 23, 2008.


Interested in a new League season?

  1. Yes! Sounds like fun

  2. No, I'm not interested.

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  1. nebajoth

    nebajoth Member

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    I'll give you two admin on the league forums, and you can add the boards and whatnot required to accomplish this.

    May I suggest boxing day as the first PUG day? Everybody will be around. :D
  2. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Don't rush it, Neba. They haven't accepted yet
  3. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    27th might be a better idea.

    You forget your failure a few weeks ago. Failures.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  4. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Stop acting like a child and get your Steam account back
  5. Stu

    Stu BehälterGott

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    At least we aren't fucking stupid enough to get our steam accounts hijacked

    Now that I'm back I'd love to shove my cock in that mouth of yours to shut it up
  6. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Maybe I'd use it as a toothpick.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  7. Lithium

    Lithium Member

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    Trickster just go away and have a time out will ya? you're acting like a little kid.

    I agree wholeheartedly with grapehead here, the territory map was cool but failed for other reasons (as I've stated before in a previous post)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    No, I just don't get why BSID and JPL are convinced of their awesomeness and everyone elses lack of it, this attitude isn't going to get any new clans into the league. If those 2 clans want to have a little league by themselves go ahead, but don't try and ruin this for every other clan, it isn't needed. And yes, I'm a little kid, I fail in comparison with Stu's very mature reply, I can't ever hope to grow up and write as eloquently as he does.

    The fact of the matter is, regardless of what happened in the past, a league can be fun for all the clans, and all this arrogance and bitching about their own clans and hate directed at Evan will get it no where. He started this thread hoping to get the community involved in some good matches, but all you guys have done is bring negativity to it. If you dislike the idea, simply say your clan is out, don't start throwing insults at Evan and blame the failure of a league that hasn't even took place yet on him.

    Sure, not every BSID/JPL member is being a dick here, some people are at least making ideas. But seriously the rest of you, stop going on about who is actually running the league and start going on about how to make it work.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  9. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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  10. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    You lack the understanding of British Sarcasm.
    Also, all you did was post links of stuff I've posted in the past...most of it has no relevance, albeit the occasional point there you are right about. Most of that was related to BioApc rushing for the people without access to the tester forum, and look, now 2.2 is out, every other game involves bioapc rushing.

    Anyways, I'm going to at least post something vaguely related to the topic in an attempt to get it back on topic before I end up with another infraction.

    #1 Basically, I don't know how it was set up before, but why not just do it like a Football (Soccer to amerifags) league?
    Each clan plays another clan on the same map, once as each team, so 2 rounds.

    #2 If a team wins both matches, they get 3 points, the other team gets 0.
    If both teams win 1 match, then they get 1 point.

    #3 As for maps, just find one the clans agree on, if they can't agree on a map, then a referee decides.

    #4 Each clan plays every other clan once, so assuming we get at least 5 clans, thats 10 matches in total, if we get another clan, thats an extra 5 matches in total.

    #5 Times could be pre-agreed in this way, a time is agreed, if a clan fails to meet that agreement on the day, they reschedule once. If they miss the rescheduling, they forfeit the match as a double loss. In theory, if clan A misses the first match, and clan B misses the second match, this could end up with 3 match times in total.

    #6 Make a small league table in excel and post regular screenshots.

    One question myself, what were the rules back in the old days and why are referees needed? I'm not saying they aren't, I'm just genuinely curious as to what game changing rules there were. I just thought a scrim was a scrim.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  11. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Come on now. How about you guys stop flooding this thread with flames or negative reply's and help put in some work! Seriously no one(but you) cares who's clan is better. This is about creating some fun for the community, not drama.

    I declined the offer to help or co-lead this because I'll prolly fuck it up somehow. I dunno the weed out here is really good :D

    But I would love it if someone mature and smart could step in my place and atleast talk with me about some of this stuff. Hopefully Opie accepts and we get this PUG thing going. I really think Bumgraveys idea would be the best bet to start out with. And if it has great success maybe we can move on too the more elaborate ideas.
  12. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I edited my last post and put something remotely constructive in.
  13. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    You can check out the existing rules / stats chart at

    EDIT: And I want Opie to have a co-leader if he accepts
  14. nebajoth

    nebajoth Member

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    Referees are essentially just neutral witnesses who spec for cheat0rs, and capture game footage for later download.

    I'll provide hosting to the empiresleague website, and hand over admin to Opie when he gets back from his xmas stuff.
  15. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Oh ok, this makes sense in a way, but I have a few points.

    1) Those rules are way overcomplicated.

    2) Models. How set in stone is this? Most people tend to use the edited NF jeep model without the rollbars? (I know this is pretty specific) and some people use an smg3 skin for smg2.

    3) Why is it so complicated seriously? Whats with all the formulae for expected outcome, a small league table like I suggested would make much more sense.
  16. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    1. (League One) It used a territorial system that allowed defenders to choose the side of their liking. This wasn't so much of a problem, though.

    2. Dunno about League Two, League One just gave you the territory

    3. Dunno about League Two again

    4. Lol wat

    1 clan plays against five clans, and each clan does this: 5 x 5 = 25

    5. Pretty much how it was done, except the team that couldn't show up didn't get that second chance

    6. System is already in place

    Your question: These are not scrims. They're clan matches. They're as official as can be.

    P.S. Note that I did not criticize the League or its administrator in this or previous posts, all I reacted to was your silly retort. If you mean BSID/JPL, but actually mean Thor, Stu, Cyber and perhaps some others I might have missed (not watching this thread), then please state it in that fashion.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  17. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    It is "complicated" (really not if you read the rules) because without the ELO system it is possible to have a tie for first place. The ELO system also makes a win against a good team worth more than a win against a bad team. "Good" and "bad" are based on your current score. It's a smart method.

    I don't get what all the fuss is about. Season 2 just didn't work because we didn't have enough clans. The rules/method were sound. Referees shouldn't have deciding power on match outcomes. So me being leader shouldn't jeopardize anything
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  18. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Also, the league rules are so long because people needed clarification on so many things. Believe me, I wanted them to be short and simple, but I got nothing but flak :)

    They are quite complete now and don't need to be redone much.

    The problems I see in them:

    - Match scheduling
    - Updating to 2.2-2.3
    - Making sure each clan plays all four matches so one clan can't win by not playing a single match
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  19. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    right, lets asume there are 5 clans.

    clan 1 vs clan 2
    clan 1 vs clan 3
    clan 1 vs clan 4
    clan 1 vs clan 5

    clan 2 vs clan 3
    clan 2 vs clan 4
    clan 2 vs clan 5

    clan 3 vs clan 4
    clan 3 vs clan 5

    clan 4 vs clan 5

    This assumes each clan will only play the other clan once right, just because there are 5 teams doesn't mean it clan A will play clan B and clan B will play clan A, isn't that the same thing seeing as we don't technically have "home and away" matches.

    New season new clans, BSID and CW are reformed pretty much and JPL will have changed, the beating a bigger clan shouldn't make a difference, a win is a win, whether it be David beating Goliath or goliath beating the shit out of david.

    Also: "If you mean BSID/JPL, but actually mean Thor, Stu, Cyber and perhaps some others I might have missed (not watching this thread), then please state it in that fashion."

    Whilst Thor and Cyber are technically clan leaders, I understand this and retract the statement as being a clan insult.
  20. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Sounds like the right idea, Trickster. You interested in helping run the league? We could make a triumvirate
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