whats wrong with snipery scouts?

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by supaste, May 27, 2006.

  1. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    EXACTLY!!!! Scouts should have no edge or advantage in infantry combat whatsoever. Riflemen should dominate infantry in one on one against anything except another rifleman.
  2. Tarantio

    Tarantio Member

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    This argument seems to go on forever.. all through the day and all through the night.

    How about just giving the scout some C4 and abilities to temporarily disable buildings, as well as marking enemies on the radar and calling for artillery. Change their rifle to:
    A) Silenced, short range rifle, or,
    B) SMG
  3. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Scouts should be weak but should be able to sneak past most anything without anyone noticing. They should be able to do scout things like say hacking or other non-combat things instead of being the sneak-around the back or be unseen and pick people off. Currently, the scout can not do anything anyone else can't. The can set artilary points, but those fade away and are not worth a whole class to do. They can't do anything if they sneak into an enemy base besides kill a few people. If they could, say, be a sabatage class that sneaks into the enemy base and jams their vehicle factory, that would be fun. Instead, we have another killer class, instead of something creative. I would give an arm and a leg to see scouts completely changed from what they are now into something cool and usefull. Stealing research, jamming turrets, these are all ideas that have been mentioned before. The ranged rifle is an efficient killer, combined with the invisibility and other skills and their gernades, they are now only a killer class, while only the riflemen should be able to kill extra-efficiently

    I'm sure that the empires team can come up with some good ideas that would enhance gameplay, and I look forward to their solutions.
  4. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    Weren't you just arguing for the rifle? Oh well thanks for saying everything that I've been saying for the past 6 months.
  5. Sheepe

    Sheepe Member

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    Yeah, I've only be reading this thread for about 3 days now, didn't really bother to read the beginning (I think I did at one point but gave up).

    okay, give the scout:
    1) C4 or some sort of sabotage item
    2) Hacking capabilities? Allow them to steal tech?
    3) Concussion grenades disable turrets

    take from the scout:
    1) The scout rifle, maybe give it to the rifleman in a reduced form

    That it? I think I got it all

  6. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    Okay, now make a pro con list and stuff it up in the suggestion forum sticky.
  7. FalconX

    FalconX Developer

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    That's the idea.
  8. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Oh gosh, did it really seem like that? Geez, I really have a bad way with words... sorry about that. :(
  9. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    if the NF rifleman had a weapon as good as the brenodi AR, it would be balanced. currently the BE AR actually works and fits in as the kill all weapon, although perhaps it's ranged fire is a little powerful

    i find that the sniper rifle fits in when you use the AR, because you get 2 shots as the sniper before i close you down. the sniper isn't as good as the AR, but you are safer with it. i like it as it is, really. don't change anything but give the NF a better AR.
  10. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    haha it's alright brother :D
  11. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    GARGH!!! I can't seem to think of a good "I have a brother?" joke!!! :(
  12. Edgewise

    Edgewise Member

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    You ever play CS? You should recognize both assault rifles are based on existing weapons in their kick, damage, and accuracy. The NF AR hits a bit harder and kicks up. It also seems to fire more slowly. Hmmm, what CS rifles do that? :P I think it's pretty obvious. The BE rifle kicks less, hits slightly lighter, and seems to fire faster tho I haven't actually parsed it. It kicks your aim off in a small circle instead of an upward arc.

    Try this sometime: Go on an unpopulated server, take a rifleman, sit in an armory and spray the wall till your clip is empty. Then you'll see the spread pattern of both weapons and maybe get a bit better at using them.
  13. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    It's ok brother :D *FACEPWN*
  14. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Brother... I like that name.... How bou't


    Oh, and try my new hypno-tellys. Whats that you though? Oh, no, you always have had the telly, and it doesn't hypnotize you. Smile! Or else!

  15. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    fair enough, yeah, I was playing as NF rifleman the other day and still picking off scouts at sniper distance.


    can i just say a few things:
    1. do not tell me, or anyone else, that they need a 'sniping fix'. do not if you value your teeth. I will nut you.
    2. The scout does not beat the rifleman. please don't tell me this. it doesn't, ok? you want to try it out? me and you, we'll find an empty server and I'll be NF (or BE, if you really want)rifleman and you be scout. let's have some fun.
    3. The scout needs to be able to kill people, as that is it's role. it's role as a death machine is to kill people protected by turrets (stopping rifleman assaults) and to kill and put pressure on enemys before they are in range of the teammates you are with.
    4. if what you think of as scout, you actually mean "a sort of stealthy guy that get's past turrets and ninjas / kills people from behind" then suggest a class like that, please. but that's not what the scout is for right now. if you currently want the rifleman to destroy everything reguardless of range or tactics used, the please delete the scout.
  16. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    1. Yes, sniping is bad.

    2. That's based on personal opinion and experience, you can't force opinions on people as facts. A one on one wouldn't prove jack since the two players would have to be of exact skill level with each other, and that is impossible to prove.

    3. Yes, camping and killing is the scouts role, and that's why we are trying to tell the devs to change it. All of the situations you mentioned aren't used at all.

    4. There are two things here; either the scout class is ill-named(there is no scouting involved), or someone messed up when creating the scout class. We're trying to actually gear the scout towards scouting, and having creative abilities that can still be devastating to the opposing team. And yes, riflemen should have an advantage over all infantry in one on one battles, especially at range. This forces the other team to stick together and use tactics to overcome their enemy, unless they want to stay alone and keep getting owned. You also forgot about tanks. Riflemen aren't very good against those. If you're being overly-harassed by riflemen, just blow him up with a tank. Now you're probably thinking, just blow up scouts with a tank. Well, it's not how to kill a scout I'm arguing about, it's how to make them something different. We need variety in this game. There are plenty of other games with camp, point, click, kill. We need a class with some originality and flava.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2006
  17. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    A good example, make the Scout like the Battlefield 2 Special Forces class. Silenced pistol, SMG, and explosives, that's all he needs. Combining that with the hide ability makes it a killer, still!
  18. Edgewise

    Edgewise Member

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    The scout as it is has a place in the game. It's stronger on some maps, weaker on others. If you water a game down by taking out every class you do not like to use or more accurately, have used against you, the game will become bland and boring.

    Riflemen can snipe. Both NF and BE riflemen snipe quite well tbh, especially if you know where the scout you're sniping against is at. You should have 50/50 odds at least if you spot them at about the same time they spot you.
  19. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    It has its place DOING THE EXACT SAME ONE THING on every map, that any class can do. Cool, it's so original to be able to kill people.....................And how is it watering down the game BY INTRODUCING MORE ABILITIES AND ADDING VARIETY?!?! I'm really getting sick of explaining it. The scout's watered down right now. It's plain and boring. There's nothing that adds a rush to being a scout.
  20. Edgewise

    Edgewise Member

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    Then don't play one. I get it. You don't like scouts. However, some people do... so leave them the option.

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