If anyone has ever played Socom II, it would be cool if something like Crossroads, on a bigger scale could be done. If you aren't familiar with it, here is a link to a map pic of it. Granted it would need scaled up so Vehicles could be used. Maps Socom Overview
A research lab like the Biotech map from Zombie-Panic source, or even Black Mesa. Basically a highly detailed, multi-story interior. For kicks make it slightly about progressive objectives, and have tons of environmental hazards---acids, flammables, electrical shorts in pools of water, triggerable collapsing floors, malfunctioning lasers, etc.... Or similarly, a Pentagon-like war room like that intelligence map (capture the flag) from Team Fortress 2.
Cool idea. Bonus points if at the end, the ship starts exploding like the deck of the carrier in Army of Two, and NF has to race to escape on a dinghy before the ship blows up, to win.
No. The NF are capturing and refitting Brenodi warships for their own use. Their navy is in ruins and they need warships. They're high cost missions with a high failure rate, but the payoff is worth more than anything else the NF can get their hands on.
NF pilots a massive blimp onto a Brenodi plateau base. NF has to fight from top to the bottom of the plateau through service tunnels.
The only massive blimbs in Empires are MAC's; Mobile Air Carriers. If NF had one, they wouldn't need to land, they would just blast the shit out of BE from the air.
ANYWAY... I think we could use a racing map or a CTFish map that has a lot of button-activated death traps in each base, such as a death pit, or a crapload of invincible turrets that turn on for 5 seconds each button-press with 30 seconds of cooldown/recharge, an exploding fake objective (flag) that respawns every minute, and a crushing-walls trap. The walls would be parallel to the passage they're helping consist, and the push of a button (by the correct team ofc) would make it crush anyone inside.
Brenodi MAC's (which is the only MAC NF can get their hands on, they have to capture them, they don't have the equipment necessary to build one), tend to have 42 INCH cannons. I'd say, considering what one did in the official Empires story thread by DonMegel (tore a cliff to pieces when not even artillery and other heavy weapons like bombers could punch through), that it could break the plateau.
Well, this is why NF needs to assault like this. Had it been BE assaulting, it would be over already.
Anyway, eliminating an interesting map idea on the supposition that NF have a weapon that is both hard to come by and does not exist in the game itself is just silly. (fyi they're assaulting to get the MAC gun)
MAC's are not guns. They are Mobile Air Carriers, giant blimbs essentially. The 42 inch cannon I was talking about is the main weapon on a MAC from the backstory. You don't send a small force to secure a MAC. You send an army.
Which is why this kind of map would be so compelling. NF has a MAC, but they lack the full capabilities of its gun for whatever reason. NF needs some intelligence regarding the use of the weapon, some missing component/software/whatever, Brenodi needs the entire MAC. Assault on the plateau is a gambit, risking NF's captured MAC, to gain extreme firepower. NF spawns from the MAC on top of the plateau and they need to capture some kind of computer console (a flag) and BE needs to recapture the MAC, then kill NF.
It still makes no sense. You have a non functional 42inch cannon, which if working could 1 shot the enemy base. You a) Attack the enemy base to obtain what is needed to get it fully working or b) Bluff them because they likely don't know the cannon is broken and living is a very compelling argument.
Fixed. :D The 42" cannon is a perversion of physics, anyway. Which is probably why it isn't working for the NF. They just don't believe. Or maybe it requires the power of heart.
I think how Empires vehicles drive and tank cannons work is proof enough that that world uses different laws of physics :p
Are you suggesting it uses up stamina? I know, but keep in mind it's like the year 3500. Obviously vehicles have been upgraded to ridiculous extents, but 42" cannons should be off-limits. Maybe you should create a reason why. Maybe it's out of ammo. Maybe it's just broken. Maybe it isn't there at all. Maybe both teams will consider it a bad idea...
It's in the Empires canon. It's official story. Go bug DonMegel if you don't like it (but don't mention I sent you, I has a man crush on his awesomeness :D)
Well then I really don't know what to do or say about how to keep the pilot of that annihilator from killing every single enemy.