And make us of gravity! Like if a tank drives out into the space, he doesn't fall down but continues to fall at 0 gravity . Sense? Tell me how NF and BE got on emp_canyon. or Slaughtered. or Money. Or Simon. Or Frost.. or.. any map.
They have got cloaking suits and radars that go trough solid rock >_> I assume they also have spacecraft...
I love that map on Supreme Commander, I have had osme epic battles on that one :D ____________________ Silk would you like to make that spacestation map? "
Well i think, some SupCom features could be merged into empires, seriously, especially map scrolling for com But i love that map , one of my favs are you nuts , do you even know anything about air around earth?
In fact no propeller driven aircraft can. Perhaps even jet turbine driven aircraft because they use air in some form.
nothing that uses oxygen to fuel it's combustion can really get to space. The only current aircraft that can get to "space" altitude use a mixture of 2 liquid agents to provide thrust i believe.