What do you think of the new Escort ?

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by jambo, Jul 7, 2006.


What do you think of the new Escort

  1. Biased towards Brenodi

    23 vote(s)
  2. Biased towards Northern Faction

    14 vote(s)
  3. Its perfectly balanced

    19 vote(s)
  4. it was perfectly balanced before

    8 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    the one thing that can't be disputed :D
  2. hEllO kIttY

    hEllO kIttY Member

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    The 3rd flag on escort

    While the current version is more balance then previous versions, I believe the map could use abit more work, peculiarly the 3rd flag. Like many of the players, I have won on both sides recently, but to me, the map has a biased towards NF. As the teamwork demanded to take the 3rd flag is much greater then is required to defend it. I won't go through the BE list of adv, as many of you know them and to shorten this post. However to make my point, the NF map adv. include:

    1. NF consistently has the high ground on all flags (big plus to grends, easier to withdraw/rev),
    2. Mines/turrets are obviously defensive by nature,
    3. Cams/radars leave no doubt where everyone is,
    4. Mine deployment is much easier than mine defuse (in fact once mines are setup and the area is camp, its easier to tell one guy to suicide run through the mines than try diffusing them- i.e 3rd NF flag),
    5. Weapon changes, while the weapon balance is in flux. Its much better then the 1.071 days, where the BEAR reign supreme. I would argue one of the key reasons why BE teams did so well in the earlier versions was because nothing comes even close. As NF weapons become more competent, it will be that much harder to attack a well-gunned team.

    A Map Change suggestion

    I think most players would agree that the 3rd NF flag is the hardest flag to take; as being mortared,naded, camped, mine'ed, turret'ed spam from above can be a daunting task, even if you mange to kill alot of NF, the spawn point is just above the flag. As the match drags on, its even harder as engineers began to have access to 2 lvl 3 turrets.

    What I would like to see is BE having access to the high ground to the left of the 3rd flag, i.e the tank/apc access way. This way, there is another way of assaulting the area, without opening another front for NF to defend.
    The best way wouldn't be to simply make a ladder, but make BE work for it. For an example, BE has to repair a broken lift (taking a long time to repair), or BE must repair/hack these exposed locations nearby for a lift to work.

    This way if BE can take the flag through normally means thats fine, however if its start becoming a camp fest, they can repair a time consuming lift and help their tanks breakthrough. From a mappers point of view, this would be perfect as the high ground runs out, and there are already some interesting bridges that NF currently use (1st the two pipes that run across, and 2nd the bridge catwalk towards the front)

    Just thinking about the ensuing firefight makes hello kitty smiles with glee! :p

    **p.s. Is there plans to stop the Wall climb exploiters? (ninja the VF).
  3. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    I'd like to see the 3rd flag easier to take and the 4th harder to take.

    The difficulty of flags should be pretty equal. NF should be able to stop BE at any flag if they work right, but not indefinitely.
  4. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    The whole point of the map is that NF has nearly killed all the BE and taken over the base, the imperials are trying to get a vehicle escort out of the base alive, so it makes sense for it to be a little biased towards NF.
  5. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    The situation in escort isn't really an escort though. What about if (maybe not replacing the current map) but if the BE have to spawn in an APC, which would be heavily armored, and they have to get from one place to another without the APC getting destroyed. The NF would have to spawn at some point, and travel to destroy the APC.
  6. Mr. Weedy

    Mr. Weedy I will report bugs on the bug tracker

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    In my opinion the walls, where you can walk on, of the 3rd flag should be removed, or something similar to done to them.

    Now when the NF team has 3 engineers and they take turret upgrades it will be something like 2x lvl 3 MG and 1x lvl 3 ML on the walls. You can't capture the flag as BE because there isn't really almost any cover from those lvl 3 MG turrets shooting down on you.

    And when you bring the heavy tank there it is hard to keep it alive when there are mine spam all over the canal and the tank must all the time warn his teammates not to walk on single mine. Also when there's lvl 3 ML shooting to the tank and mortars/bazookas shooting on top of the tank, it is A BIT HARD for BE to cap the 3rd flag.

    I have been on FEW (not A FEW) game where BE has pulled it out.

    I think if you lower those walls on both sides of the canal, so that grenadiers don't have so hard time to shoot them down and also they could take more cover when they are shooting them, I think it would work much better.

    PS. And when those engineers get the chance to build 2 turrets it will be eventually 3x lvl 3 MGs and 3x lvl 3 MGs on the walls. Try to take some cover there or capture the flag OR even try to shoot down those turrets when NF is shooting you down with their assault rifles at the same time.

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