trying to resurrect a legend

Discussion in 'General' started by -MEG- hobbes, May 16, 2015.

  1. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    whats amazing is that people will give other coms all the shit in the world for things they cant influence while hobbes gets an infinite pass for dying constantly
  2. 101010

    101010 Member

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    With Hobbes you know 3 things are certain.
    1. You will get research.
    2. You will get Buildings dropped when needed.
    3. You will know when he is in trouble.

    Tho he is the one the puts himself in trouble. It is still better then the surprise you get with other commanders. Where they say nothing.(*) -"Or even worse the ones that require half the team to kill spawn every 5 mins because they can't figure out that walls and turrets will stop / slow down jeep and APCs from just driving into main". Or the ones that in the same spot in main all game then when you have 90% of the map they decide that's the perfect time to go for a drive into the middle of no where and lose the CV.

    I have also noticed since his ban. It really sucks having him as a commander.
    He was avoiding boom-tanking just doing normal commander things and it is like a piece of Empires has died. It was a sad sight to be seen. Hobbes not leaving his base, Not running people over, Not being Hobbes.

    People like Hobbes and his commanding.
    That is why he gets voted in.
    The other day he did lose the vote to another well known person (not saying his name) and his team regretted that decision within the first 5 mins.
    Then spending the next 45 mins of the map really wishing they had Hobbes.
    For reasons listed above (*)

    Easy solution for Hobbes loosing.
    Fix the broken game mechanic with sticky stuns.
    Make the CV immune to them..
    No reason why it shouldn't be immune to them.
    Scout + APC shouldn't be what wins.
    Especially since BE scouts can just sit in the 2nd seat of an APC and just spam stick stuns.
  3. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I only have problems with boomtanks when they get ahead of the frontline or overstay their welcome on a losing front. Still, these cases feel way too common, so I'd rather my commander sat in the main base and paid attention to the map.
  4. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    I dont mind hobbes, its many times fun. And he can also play very good.
    But most of the times he loses, he simply gives all the opportunities to lose. He definitely loses on purpose many many times and that is bannable and very much like griefing. All he does wrong is that he often overdoes boomtanking and does it even when its completely unnecessary.
  5. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    @42: sounds like a simpler solution to me. Instead of hobbes only playing NF, now he should only play BE. The rest of us really don't have a problem avoiding the mechanic and staying alive.

    As for everything else, Neoony summed it up well. Most of us like Hobbes as a player and a staple of the community. I like Hobbes, I don't want him to stop commanding. I want him to stop being an idiot about it, and it's not unreasonable. This thread has established ad nauseum that Hobbes loses the CV, often, unnecessarily, consistently for years, and that it feels bad for the rest of the team. Shtap It, figure it out and be better. Kthnx. He needs to improve and apparently needs admin intervention to help it along, because this is a problem unique to him.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  6. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    No , we fucking dont. Stop speaking for dozens of others.
  7. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Haters, Haters everywhere.

    Can we not simply settle this like men with a round of emp_hobbes.
  8. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    worst commander on the worst map.

    MEG remnants vs the world pick up game when?
  9. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Be Sidd will take all of you on in district any time. :rolleyes:

    Edited to allow space for the tiny minority who are loud proud and hate a generally good and mild mannered emp player.
  10. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't get the getting cv from second apc seat. Apc moves so fast that any grenades you throw don't really go anywhere. I think once I did it just right and stickied myself somehow and blew up. Was hilarious.
  11. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    It’s how I troll gren and rifleman, just turn the turret backward when he’s about to fire mortar or throw a sticky, boom.

    That shit’s priceless.
  12. 101010

    101010 Member

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    I miss being able to sticky APC's others where driving from 2nd seat. Those was the good old days.

    But what I was saying is that after you get one on the com as long as you have 2nd seat in an APC or a ammo box it's none stop sticky spam. I know Spike / Scar had an idea to fix nade spam. But I really think the CV should be immune to stuns. But maybe increase the heat from plasma.
    I miss the days where plasma was needed to end most com chases.

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