trying to resurrect a legend

Discussion in 'General' started by -MEG- hobbes, May 16, 2015.

  1. TheLiberalElitist

    TheLiberalElitist Member

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    Commandante Hobbes is a legend a hero of sorts, dare I say a god among men.

    How many of you have half the balls Hobbes does.

    How many of us have stories of games were we humiliated by the peer genius of Hobbes diversionary tactics.

    Or vies versa how many of us have been in a losing game to Hobbes' brilliance only to win by a well placed 9 mine on the BE barrack, to deal Hobbes a laughable defeat as the NF CV in stranded on it's back like a

    defenceless turtle.

    Or the times where a team will ,rush feverishly to save Hobbes from his own bravado.

    You who doubt his genius, you who scoff at the majesty that is Hobbes. You have not embraced what Commandante Hobbes truly is to the game.

    Even after countless losses Commandante Hobbes has soldiered on, delivering endless lawls and shenanigans.

    You who sit in your ivory towers and say Empires shall not be played in the way of Hobbes, should bow is shame at his magnificence, and the style in which he has painstakingly crafted.

    What right do you have to ban such a pillar of the Empires community? You should beg for his forgiveness, and hope he is merciful.

    I say Hobbes should forever have a seat in the NF command Vehicle, and whoever is there before him shall be banned.
  2. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Can't argue that it's pretty visible and intuitive. Although it could stand to be more unique with decals and whatnot saying "command" across the site maybe. Or anything, really that would stop newbies from taking it.

    I don't really have any answers or options. The only thing is that...right now a team isn't that responsive, and doesn't care much. We definitely definitely definitely need a system that replaces kill-spawn, for sure, but aside from that...not really sure. Maybe if we had slightly differentiated voice overs for buildings getting attacked, we'd be able to pick up on the important ones? That's really a small thing though. You want to be able to attack somewhere at least with partial stealth.

    Ooooh...did we ever have that kind of ability? Like a sabotaged building wouldn't send out alerts? I know when we had DoT it didn't but DoT was a pain in the butt. Would be cool to have a version where a sab'd building was mostly used as communications disruption.
  3. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    I was going to suggest this myself, actually, but it was tangential to the topic. Yea, a badass reskin, something that makes it pop a little more or has some description? How about first time pop-ups? Like the first time you get in a CV, or the first time you spawn in a barracks (telling you about ENTER and KILLSPAWN). The first time you have squad lead (Informing them they have squad lead, telling them they are responsible for the squad, and if they don't want it, how to give it to someone else). These also would significantly increase the speed with which newbies become vets.

    Honestly, the squad thing is probably my biggest complaint. Especially on escort, or district, or any infantry map where someone might dc, leave the game, or accidentally leave the squad. Then again, whenever I'm playing with hobbes, I always go comm nf anyways so we don't suffer his antics, so i guess I don't have that problem :P.

    Sabbed building silencing alerts is an awesome idea. Different voices is an awesome idea. The little things make a ton of difference, and can really balance the game. Between pop ups, changes to alert sounds, and something to make kill spawn more visible, we would probably solve this problem 100%, make rushes that much more difficult and competitive, and probably inspire a rollback in commander buffs.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    To be fair, a lot of suggestions in that other thread was about more secondary objectives. Or simply ways to win that don't include the comm, because a lot of other things are more satisfying to destroy or obtain than a moving target that takes a (somewhat decent) beating and can't fight back. Comm killing is still an option, you just have more options, thus more strategies, available.

    Won't argue about things needing better communications, but I do like more options when it comes to how to play the game.

    On topic of hobbes, one of the best thing about a hobbes match is that ninjas and random squads that bum rush the comm aren't a thing at all. It's just so much more exciting when hobbes includes the entire enemy team in his shenanigans rather than a couple of players who ignore the rest of the map and just focus on the comm. Team victories and all that, so much better.
  5. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Not sure if I follow the last bit. As for the first bit, if the comm is now too hard to kill... Man I'm confused :confused:

    Can we just agree to ban Hobbes when he's dumb and close the thread?
  6. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I never said it was hard to kill, I said the comm isn't a fun target to fight. There is no gratification to killing the comm beyond winning the game, and shockingly enough people don't want to win the game, they want to play the game. What a thought.

    Just to show I'm not talking out of my ass, there has been numerous times where the enemy comm gets caught for whatever reason and he just gets let go with someone saying "don't kill him we're having a good game here."
  7. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    That's it in a nutshell, really.

    I do like the CV as an objective...but it's kinda circumventing the game, fairly often now (well, it always did, 9 mine flips anyone?).

    It'd be a little silly to put a barrier in front of it (like a power station you had to knock out/sabotage before you could ko the CV), but at the same time, it feels like the team isn't being the barrier they should
  8. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    CV dies = team sucks.

    For quite a few times, I really wanted to ban Hobbes's team more than Hobbes himself.
    The CV is a goddamn moving fortress, if you have at least a little fucking sense, you should push with it.

    I don't care if your CV died to ninja/rush/boomtank or whatever reason, there's absofuckinglutely no excuse if enemy took down your CV, you just sucked at saving it.

    If you couldn't have saved the CV at any given time/place, you just didn't deserve the victory.

    N00b : B-but we were winning! Hobbes lost us the game!
    Right, you were winning and you didn't have like 10 heavy tanks at frontline around your CV, you were winning and the enemy still had the leisure to throw everything onto your CV, that's some nice definition of "winning".

    N00b : B-but it was 50-50! Hobbes lost us the game!
    Right, the CV is like 5 times stronger than a heavy tank, if enemy threw that much forces/concentration onto your CV and your team still couldn't do anything, well played.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  9. Candles


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    There's literally nothing you can do when Hobbes pushes the CV much further than your heavy tanks. It is a fortress, so it can push behind enemy lines much further than those heavy tanks.
  10. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Why don't we make a research thing that gives better ramming to the cv so he can push out of a traffic jam.
    So it becomes viable for the CV to go in first, and make a pocket for tanks to drive through.

    Not like your changing the health of it, it just pushes things out of the way easier.
    I kinda want a plow infront of the cv models.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  11. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    I know this isn't what you guys want to read. But I still have to say this.

    The only valid explanation is that your team didn't want to give a fuck to the CV. Same thing applies to ninja/rush.

    It's like you wouldn't ban your comm simply because he got ninja'd.
    Why would you want to ban your comm for being "ninja'd" at frontline?

    Furthermore, it's funny to see that the enemy team expected some boomtanking, and Hobbes's own team acted like they didn't expect it, what is this magic?

    What were you doing when Hobbes's pushing? What were your enemies doing?
    What were you doing when Hobbes's trapped? What were your enemies doing?
    What were you doing when Hobbes's ded? What were your enemies doing?
    This is to all of you, ask yourself these questions.

    Hobbes always tried his best to escape every single time when I deconn'd the wall, when I destroyed the APC, when I killed the infantry.
    As long as he still tries his best to escape, I am not gonna consider his action as griefing.

    Just why would you guys consider that as griefing, instead of team-failure?
    Sorry, I just don't understand that.

    To be very fair, if I want to ban Hobbes for what he's been doing, I would end up banning a lot of other commanders/players, too.
  12. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    That's another thing I need to work on when I get back to Empires big time, learn to focus on the CV more. I'm clearly too preoccupied with other things.
  13. Candles


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    Because sometimes Hobbes pushes far beyond his team. What you're describing only works if Hobbes is just pushing the front line, but oftentimes he goes beyond the front line. Even when his team doesn't have a VF, he does it. How are infantry supposed to catch up to the CV that's sticky stunned next to the enemy barracks all the way on the other side of the map without vehicles?
  14. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    Guys don't make excuses saying gameplay shti whatever.

    You don't have to excuse a legend, hobbes boomtanks because he's the national patriarch of the based church. Let's get down to the roots, hobbes puts the game into jeopardy because he's a fuckin baller. He's a gangsta. He even smokes weed.

    This is what hobbes listens to when he boomtanks
  15. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    TL;DR People always blame Hobbes for their defeat, but for 99% of the time it's actually the team's fault.

    1: CV was completely out of reach. No VF and not even a mid spawn point.
    2: CV died within 1 minute after being seemingly trapped.
    If these two conditions happened then sure, you can blame the comm. Otherwise like I said, you just didn't give a fuck to the CV.

    Hobbes? My observation&experience is that for 98~99% of the time, it's just his team being ignorant.
    Either his team had plenty of time to react or there's a lot of forces that could've been utilized to save him in no time.

    For that 1~2%? Well, yeah, even I would say it's pretty much griefing. :D

    Allow me to clear myself, I am not saying that Hobbes never "equivalently-griefed".
    I am not sure if I missed, but I don't think Hobbes ever intentionally drove CV into water and stuff.
    I am just saying that for most of the time, it's really the team's fault and you blamed it on Hobbes because you failed.

    What's the tactical advantage of boomtank?
    I suppose we all know that you can hurt your team badly if you threw too much resources on enemy CV and you failed to kill it in the end.
    I am sure it's what all boomtankers are trying to achieve.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  16. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Okay there were times hobbes straight up just drove into my base with nobody behind him.

    All I had to do was wall off the entrance and we killed him by just pecking him with gren missiles because we could not afford tanks.

    He is 25% not that bs 1 or 2%
  17. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Uh oh, I'm probably on that list now. The only thing I can say is... Commanding is hard. Fighting as infantry is easier. So that's what I do... in the cv...
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    You can argue all you want about whichevers teams ability to save the cv based on whatever conditions, but the simple fact remains that in order to save it everyone has to throw away everything they been doing and go do this one particular thing else theyve wasted N minutes of their lives for complete nothing. Having to do all that crap to bail out the cv because the com decided to go for a lol randumb voyage is plainly not fun. Its the exact opposite of fun. Game is supposed to be fun. If you are driving into bunch of infantry, apcs and the worst of all, barracks [under non-critical circumstances anyway] you are knowingly putting everyones fun into the shitter, loose or no loose.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  19. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Hey that sounds fun, where do I sign up?
  20. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    The idea that it's always the teams fault is just not true. Case in point if I get in the CV and after the 60 seconds, drive straight to enemy rax and get stickied, my team can't do anything about it.

    However in the win condition Security is talking about, yes, it is the teams fault, and the comms. The comm has first and foremost responsibility for map awareness and strategy. If s/he cannot convince the team to follow on some push or aggression mission, don't go on the foolhardy mission alone. If s/he can't draw the attention of the team to kill spawn or come defend the CV from an APC, the comm is just as much as fault. Ban the team too, but in the throwing the baby out with the bathwater analogy, Hobbes is the bathwater. Is being offensive with the CV good? Sure to a point, but if you can't adapt to constantly being ninja'd on your own, then bans need to be administered to step up the punishment.

    Point is, you should learn, you should adapt, and especially as often as Hobbes plays, he should learn how to sense when he is too far, motivate his team to help/save him, and have the map awareness to avoid the rushes. His consistent inability to realize how to play better, has earned him the noteriety of being a boomtanking liability for years. This isn't a reputation that he has earned wrongly or infrequently. It is consistent and as troublesome now as it was in 2.24.

    Now look, if you play the game badly, you should adapt. Hobbes has learned how to play well, he has picked up good strategies and comming ability, but he still hasn't figured out how to not be a liability. Stop using the kid gloves on the guy, he's a fucking big boy, he's been here for ages, and if he's doing something even mildly more unreasonable than most comms and fails to be near his team, be able to mobilize his team to help, or just is inexplicably out of position, punish it. Neither the team nor the comm shoulders all the blame, but for fuck sake the comm most definitely has the lion's share: it's his job and he's the only one with the satellite view. If he needs a suggestion, he can take a page from HSM and try raging the fuck out when an APC is rushing or he is getting ninja'd, but what he's been doing obviously hasn't been working and he can and needs to fix it.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015

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