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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Krenzo, Apr 23, 2007.

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  1. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    -can spawn inside other players

    -names above team mates seems to be left justified

    -every team mate was highlighted yellow in the squad list

    -everyone is shooting two tracers at once

    -world rpg texture is fucked

    -scout rifle is seriously nerfed

    -emp_unstuck will put the player in stuff, doesn't really work all that great
  2. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    -squad menu is bugged (i couldnt join the existing squad, nor could i be invited into it)

    -reviving doesnt seem to work

    -keys got unbound, out of nowhere (better description, the keys i use to walk and strafe, stopped working)
  3. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    - Some were saying they were having problems with the squad menu, not being able to join squads (unlocked)

    - Revive wasn't working on BE side but apparantly was on NF side on district

    - the rebinding key bug happens on non-vehicles too. I think it has something to do with calling the default config instead of the proper one?

    I do remember with the commander vote thing, when it was unbound, it would tell me random keys to press. Perhaps it has something to do with leaving any function unbound? =o
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2007
  4. pickjaoe

    pickjaoe Member

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    On a good note my loading time is about 2 minutes faster.
  5. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    -When deconstructing an unfinished barracks with engi-tool, the server crashed
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2007
  6. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    -district center building had BE flags while being controlled by NF

    -(district) There was a missing face behind the flag, inside the building at the second flag from BE side
  7. Simon

    Simon Banned

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    - district on east side of middle, closer to BE flag you can still get on the roofs same spot as before but you just need to make a line of turrets on the edge. I'll try and post a screenshot tommorow.
  8. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    If you're going to post about an unbind bug, tell me how to reproduce it or give me some more info on what you were doing! It does me no good to continue to tell me it exists. Were you changing your controls in game at all? Did it work while you were alive and then suddenly after respawning it didn't work? Did the controls menu still say the key was still set to the command you wanted?
  9. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    in rc6, I was ducked, spotted a tank with the F menu, and some of my keys unbinded for no reason (and I was stuck in +duck, as in I was ducked and couldnt unduck as one of the unbound keys was duck), not sure which keys exactly were unbound, i was busy tyring to figure it out untill you killed me :P
    after respawn all keys seem to work, atleast I didnt actually get the time to find out because again you guys killed me and ended the game.

    With the public forum release, CDR_Canyon loaded up, I joined NF, ran with sprint to the nf vehicle factory, jumped on it, and suddenly while I was on the VF, some of my keys were unbound again, the ones I remember that stopped working were WASD, SPACE, DUCK, SPRINT, RELOAD. Not sure about any others, I believe I was still able to shoot. Luckily I was on the vehicle factory, So i pressed V, (vehicle spawn menu) bought a light tank, and was able to drive with it, after rolling dirty for a minute or so, I got out of the tank and all infantry keys (WASD etc) worked again.

    Something else I noticed was that while I was in commandermode, so there I was, watching down on my barracks from commanderview, I went to the controls, changed the commander move keys from arrows to WASD, checked the other menu's, I noticed artillery map was set to X. Now I didnt do anything with it alright, I just noticed it like, 'hmm funny i never touched any keys that were used for commandermode, quite a usefull place to have the artillery marker, add smile on my face)
    I pressed OK in the controls menu, then escape to get back ingame, still as commander. I press X to rotate my view, and it didnt work, my x key just stopped working by viewing the controls menu! To fix this I had to unbind the artillery marker, and rebind it to X, then go back to commander controls, and reset my rotate to X again (it hadnt changed, in the controls it still saif that it was bound to x, but ingame it wouldnt work)

    ok i hope i explained it better now? if not, cant blame me for trying
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2007
  10. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Yes, that helps an incredible amount. Now I have a clue as to what's going on other than "oh no, keys are unbound and the control panel is all broken and no one can play and it's all krenzo's fault."

    What is your ping? Are you dropping any packets? Sometimes dropped packets will do crazy stuff. If it ever happens again, try going to the title screen and opening the controls panel. Then, close it and see if everything is bound again.

    I know why the commander key issue occurred with the "x" key. When you close the controls panel, it rebinds everything based on the buttons in there. It obviously overwrote the commander's "x" with the all profile's "x".
  11. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    this is exactly what goes on in my mind.

    I'll turn on net_graph tommorow and see if that gives any results
  12. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    - Became unresponsive (once during connecting and once in-game with repeating noises) and crashed with a memory dump + Runtime error once. Check my thread for more info.
  13. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    When I get this bug and when closing the controls panel, I crash. I've sent the dump thingy.
  14. grayclay88

    grayclay88 Banned

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    Alright, from my 10 minutes of play time:

    The Good
    - Ironsights are very, very nice.
    - New models all around rock
    -Squad interface is very good

    The Bugs
    -Alright, so when i first joined the server, it gave me the option to join a team. Well, the join a team screen was HUGE. I mean, it took up the entire screen, and all of the buttons were cut up and in the wrong place. This might be because of my graphics, ill fiddle with them when im done with this post.
    - Both times after joining a team, my game froze, the type where the sound loops. It was stuck like this for o, maybe 20 seconds before it worked again.
    -When i was using ironsights, after sneaking into the BE base from a side corridor, everytime i shot my gun it bounced back to normal view, and then back to ironsights. But it did this really fast because i was firing.
    -Also, the class selection screen was like the team selection, it was extremely out of whack.

    Some screens:
    The two attached are of the class and faction selection screens
    On this one, the top of the UI is too big:
    This is of the xfire exception i got after joining the map in the rotation after district. I tried to join a team and wham:

    Alright, back to playing.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2007
  15. nuke

    nuke Member

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    Bug u can't unbind keys

    I try to unbind the weapon changing keys u know the once where u spin the mouse wheel and it changes weapons and it will not unbind
  16. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    You need to open the new controls panel, click on the key you want to unbind to where it asks you to press the key you want, and then hit escape.
  17. grayclay88

    grayclay88 Banned

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    if the key you want is already bound it takes awhile to do it.
  18. =HELLION=

    =HELLION= Member

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    unbind bug i think happened to me when i was the com and got out and died and changed to a infantry .... also i think somebody (dont know for sure)
    has rebuilt my map because i found a exploit spot and how i had it set it never happend ...
    -serious reload delay bug
    -serious delay changing guns
    -serious pain in the arse seeing from be's iron sites
  19. pickjaoe

    pickjaoe Member

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    -when you are in scope mode with a weapon and go underwater you are unable to get out of that mode without traveling to the surface.
  20. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Haven't been able to find a server in a few hours, but I may have overlooked something, don't know.
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