I always wanted to give tier3 weapons to meds and heavies would get 2 tier 2 weapons. That way the heavies get more-ish firepower, but meds get the REALLY cool weapons. So you'd take a heavy to unload a variety of weapons for every situation (or just barrage), and you'd drive a med to punch holes with only one super powerful weapon
but arent heavies in empires supposed to be better then mediums? if they are "just another tank" why cant i get them at the same time i could get meds? not that id suggest that, but heavies require some time and then you get sometime just as good as anything else? you cant cast mobility in numbers, on some maps its void on others its key. i know i was pro slow heavies aswell, but its dumb to kill heavies in meds as it was to do it lts, no matter how awesome it was. oh and also please dont just increase their health, its not like killing them would be quick (which is the issue really, survivability of tanks is just too damn high).
Well back in the day heavies used to be like 2k to research and took longer too, so I think that was fair. I still think a heavy with 2 2slots would be better than a med with 1 3 slot ( I mean look how the NF heavy fares with a railgun.) plus the 3slot would mean your research would go: Engine->Armor->Meds->2 Slot weapons->Heavies->3 slot weapons since the level 3 weapons are still hard to get to, a heavy would outclass a med one on one until the meds got their 3 slots and then it'd still favour the heavy I think.
but you can just run in circles, dodge some shots and hit a more or less immobile target. it really reminds me on lights with uml, i mean i had great fun, but i never wanted another tank. err what i want so say, the fun factor is really onesided.
The idea (I think) is to have heavies the slow behemoths pushing at the front of a battle force or being the anchor holding a position while mediums/infantry support them. Kind of like artillery tanks can't be massed, a mass heavy push is supposed to be weak to the much more maneuverable mediums, which are to function as the main battle tanks.
Well obviously if it's only BE med then yeah it won't be so fair, but tank model balance is entirely another debate.
i recently did that to be heavies in a nf med. also plasma is horrible. aside from that you cant shoot and take damage you also dont see shit. its explosions are blinding edit: but i think its really compos regen which is the problem. on cyclo before we had abs and no chance to pull off something like that.
The ultimate goal (and we aren't there yet) would be that heavies would feel vulnerable to more nimble vehicles like the situation that you described. If used & supported properly, they oughta be game-ending, but if deployed inappropriately? They just become very expensive. As long as the game still ends in everyone getting in heavy tanks, then we know that we aren't there yet. We might never get there. If someone tells you that they are certain that any particular idea will or will not work, then they are a fool.
grats you made it there ... ... also compo is op there is no reason not to get bioml med with compo, gas or 3phase (maybe fission but i dont trust it) and any cn to aid bio. zip around your enemy, hit potshots and use the handbreak to not expose your weak side all the time. unless you get stuck out of bad luck the heavy is gonna have a bad day. now even worse then in the versions before. ofc also works the other way round with biocn and missiles to support. biocn feels strangely heavy somehow, its a challenge to hit, is it better then the ml? is so id actually want the tank in this setup. never thought of that till now ... edit: for heavies salvo homing could be a good counter actually as long as the map doesnt allow escaping. but they wouldnt carry nukes then (what else you need them for you ca have the rest on meds) anyway the above tank is all i ever want now. heavies feel boring. its way more fun in meds now. but maybe you are right, maybe its all just me. but compo isnt me. regen with no plates is insane if used correctly. i fought a tank i met while retreating blinking red and won.
I absolutely don't think that's the case because people still pile into heavies en mass. Getting to "slow" heavies means that heavies are treated like arty in that only a few of them are ever seen on the field, definitely not one per teammate. Can we ever get there? I'm not so sure, but I think it deserves testing so I never have to listen to someone whining that heavies oughta be slow strong siege breakers ever again.
just wait a bit. once people realise that a heavy is en par with a med now you wont see many of them anymore. with heavies it takes twice as long to get anywhere (ja exaggerated), you cant wallride or powerslide turn an get lost. and you cant get to places meds can go. you cant chase them down. also given their reputation killing heavies in meds gives you better street cred. edit: hahaha ... well actually im dumb. i said it before. its compo. even multipke times. off to bed ...
Arty is probably eternally stuck where it is, but attempting an even proportion of mediums and heavies wouldn't be a bad idea if this slow heavy thing doesn't work out (and it doesn't seem to be working out).
Or heavies get a bit weaker and a bit speedier while mediums get a bit more powerful and a bit slower. We still have the problem of everyone driving a heavy tank and it working pretty well. That still leaves mediums as an after thought. It's an interesting issue.
but destroyer, who would want to drive a heavy if you could walk faster? neat, but do meds really need more powerful? if powerful means "health".