By this I mean weapons like rails and so on. I don't think they have a good purpose. Heavy tanks get a default buff over meds by virtue of an extra weapon slot, more armor and hull health, and 90 extra weight to put stuff on with.(I'm actually kinda surprised by that one, but it helps explain fully outfitted meds with some room to spare.)Not to mention the new cooling values so they can shoot all those weapons. So tell me what's the point? I can see the reason for weapons like nukes which help break through, but even then they aren't really necessary. There's plenty of weapons that do a decent job at clearing turret farms or hitting a couple of buildings, some are actually better when it comes to destroying buildings. There's the thought that because heavy tanks are basically the 3rd tier, they should have 3rd tier weapons. You really can't balance that though, it makes things really hard to balance against the first 2 tiers of tanks and infantry, one of the few constants in this game. As shown, they get a bunch of buffs anyway that make people prefer them over meds too, so again what place do 3rd tier weapons have?
For me, the eventual goal is to slow heavies down and letting them be significantly stronger than other tanks. 3-slot weapons are only available on heavies, so they are an easy way to provide a heavy-only source of superior fire power. Admittedly, it's a pain in the ass to do it slowly, but I feel like the community would get a bit shell shocked if heavy tanks were unrecognizable over night. I hear some significant angst over the current (glacial) pace of change. Maybe that would get worse with bigger changes, maybe not?
People have been doing fine with all the 2 slot stuff. For a long time no one bothered with rails and nukes weren't every map either, so I don't quite see the point in saying it ends the game when the game ends anyway. I guess I see what you mean spartacus. I still don't quite like it though. I mean a heavy tank simply has twice the firepower by simply existing, so I don't think more powerful weapons is actually going to help in that transition.
I think it's because the change is happening unevenly. Recently we've seen a huge increase in power of the tier 3 weapons, but we have not seen any balancing decrease in speed with the heavy tank chassis.
Mayaswell do it quickly - rip the plaster off, so to speak. To be honest, I'm pretty sure you can't do it right the first time, so we'd probably need a lot more time to do all the fixes. Might be better using the time to fix the final product rather than get there incrementally. Only because I think that incrementally it feels like the game is falling apart. Otherwise I'm usually a bit fan of increments. And chocolate.
Why are all suggestions nowadays about removing stuff from the game!? I research rails from time to time, nukes very often. It just depends on the map. Just like artillery, maybe we should remove that too hey? I mean mediums do their job too.
It's not just that, light tanks need to get better. Long term, I'd love to add an extra 1-slot option for cannons and an anti vehicle mg option in some form. And handling needs to change as well. You can't just limit the engine top speed and make everything feel good. I haven't tested thoroughly, but I wouldn't be surprised if heavy tanks needed their top speed to get up certain hills in a remotely pleasant fashion. Granted, you can monkey with the transmission to get more low end power, but it's easy to make the vehicle feel like a rocket that chokes just as it's getting started. I'll admit viroman is a fuck load more experienced, but I'm sure I could manage done baby steps. But I'm not changing the fucking suspension. That shit can go fuck itself.
Some times you need to remove stuff so you can figure out how important it is. You have no idea how often I want to remove heavies just to see what would happen.
I know, but that was when it made sense situationally. It doesn't feel like that anymore. It feels mandatory, which I think is pretty shitty.
NF will always dominate with current scripts. Best BE heavy armor will last 7.5sec against dual 3 slot mls. Takes 9sec to use dual rails to kill nf heavy.. Broadside to Broadside you will always loose the kill time equation. The one that lasted longest surprised me, it was compo. Brittle also failed vs rails faster than capacative.
Because tank combat consists of: Drive up to tank Hold mouse buttons until one tank dies Rinse and repeat Perhaps distance, zoning, and the beloved by all but few mobility will finally be more important than brute firepower.
Brittle takes the most damage from rails. Code: "KineticResist" "-0.2" //Cannons and shit "APBulletResist" "-0.5" //DU and shit "Speed To Damage Modifier" "0.0001" It takes 83 damage from the speed to damage, and further damage from the resist, so it should do nearly 100 a shot against brittle. For some reason I thought brittle has missile resists, but it doesn't. Honestly I don't see the point of brittle. Capacitive has more health, weighs the same and has no weaknesses. What ddd said is the most valid thing about all this. I had a lot of trouble trying to fight against security when he had dual ranged a bio ml with compo armor. I tried 2 triple ml a couple of times and 2 guided a couple of times with both abs and reactive as armor, I could strip him of armor but he had what I assume as gas or 3phase because he certainly has an easier time moving around me, preventing me from getting a killing blow to him. That said, bad drivers were indeed easy to kill, for both of us. The speed nefd really did make triple ml a pain to use at a decent distance and guided has a rather long reload time.
Yeah, I vastly underestimated the ability for players to repair and maintain their tanks, which is an implicit buff to the Capacitive style of armor. That kind of thing will happen. You're never going to get it right the first time around. Also, in general, if we're using a resist modification on an armor, then it's an un-ideal hack job. Brittle only has a cannon weakness because cannons can't be faster. Likewise, MultiMLs were temporarily slowed because they needed to be affected less by speed to damage. APBullet resists are only in there because they are hitscan weapons that aren't affected by speed to damage.
That was the reason? Ew, if you wanted to do that you could have simply made a minor resist to mls for abs. I know you say that's kind of a hack job, but I see it as making things work the way you want them to. That's the whole point of the resist system, provides flexibility. Still, if you are going to increase the speed up again I really hope they aren't the same, even now it isn't to hard to hit a moving target with them.
I agree we should make heavies slow sooner rather than gradually. Then slowly add buffs to weapons IF necessary. Err on the side of heavies actually not being worth it. That said, it needs to still be able to get everywhere on every map, and not suddenly be unable to go up hills/ramps.
atm, if you have a fast engine and a bit of space to maneuver you can take on a heavy in a medium. they got slower a lot, 3phase feels like standard now. i kinda like it, but its as bad as mk2 tanks were. while they made meds obsolete, i wonder what you need heavies now, theyll only die to meds. are they only supposed to work in chokepoints anymore?