This is how bad scouts are

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordDz, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. Castrol GTX

    Castrol GTX Member

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    This is all conspiracy crap. If you follow the news like I do you know no two guys in government are capable of agreeing on something together long enough for some grand devious thing to come of it. Congress at least.

    Besides this administration and congress have done more good for the country than has been packed into two years in a long time. I follow the news and watch how everyday the republicans utterly make shit up and circulate lies and stupid rumors while simply voting no on every. single. bill. ever proposed ever.

    Right now they're filibustering a bill on healthcare to 9/11 responders, which has been paid for and is deficit neutral or better. Seriously? Seriously?
  2. meg griffin

    meg griffin Member

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    Wow speaking of derailed posts....

  3. Varbles

    Varbles Simply Maptastic. Staff Member

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    its not really that funny
  4. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    You read the news huh? How was that 9/11 bill introduced? Hmm? The answer is under a procedure called "suspension of the rules" which need not a simple majority, but a 2/3rds majority. Moreover, you can't ammend the bill! How the hell can you justify voting for a bill when you want to ammend it to make it more agreeable, but ypu're not allowed to. Either you cave in and give ground (they're trying to prevent the bill allowing illegal immigrants to get free health care - a move I thoroughly support) or you dig in and fight it. What they need to do is make it DAMN well know that the moronic democrats have caused this themselves, and that the democrats are trying to run the country by brute force. Moreover, filibuster? Where? That bill was voted down. Days ago. Many days ago. No filibuster needed...a lack of a 2/3rds majority is what killed it.

    The dems are trying to force bullshit down our throats. Oh, and that health care bill? That's GOOD? Really? Socialism isn't good. More taxation isn't good. That bill causing more debt is not good. Our national debt skyrocketing is not good. You're in the minority here moron, the president's approval rating, and the overall polls saying 70% or more of the nation feels the country is going in the wrong direction says otherwise. The fact that these upcoming elections have a large number of senate and house seats changing hands, as well as a fair number of states electiong a republican for their gubernational elections, over a democrat. This country realized the mistake they made.

    And want to talk about congress doing nothing? Look up the contract with america. Funny thing that, within 100 days of the start of the 104th congress, the contract had been fulfilled! Moreover, while the republicans held majority over congress during the 90s, national spending went up by 2% or so, but actual income growth was 4% most years, and the year they lowered the capital gains tax, the growth was 7%.

    The republicans can't do anything my ass. That congress cannot do anything my ass. You read the news and know what's going on, my ass. You know less about politics than I do, and I avoid politics becuase they're just a frustrating mess that remind me that the US is going down the fucking shitter.

    Also, deficit neutral? BETTER? What? You're joking.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  5. Castrol GTX

    Castrol GTX Member

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    You want to know how they paid for that bill? They closed a motherfucking tax loophole that allows corporations to HQ in foreign countries and skip out on paying their american taxes. THATS how they paid for it.

    And yeah, they introduced it without the possibility of amendments because the republicans were going to bring it up for a followup vote and scream about the illegal immigrants and force the dems to drop that part. So what if their illegal immigrants, THEY WERE 9/11 RESPONDERS ALL THE SAME. They SHOULD be taken care of. No excuse for filibustering this bill.

    Anthony Weiner says everything I just said here:

    Now fuck off.
  6. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Filibuster...where? They are considering it if brought before the senate. But there was no filibuster. It failed in the HOUSE. Now tell me, can there be a filibuster in the house? What's that, no? Yeah, thought so.

    Also, paid for that bill, when otherwise we're neck deep in debt? The idea that you can PAY for anything when you're already in debt is laughable. We can help pay off the debt, but we can't pay for something correctly. Also, anything using money cannot be deficit positive...

    Finally, whether the democrats wanted to prevent that ammendment or not, they introduced the bill in such a way that did not allow it's passage. If they wanted it to pass, it needed to not be brought in under suspension of the rules and allow a TRUE and PROPER bipartisan debate. Their lack of any bipartisan effort cost them the bill. When they're willing to actually be reasonable and allow proper debate, then they can try again.

    Finally, illegals are...illegals. Truman kicked out illegals after WWII, even ones who had worked to support the war effort....all to better the war veterans returning home. That was before we even had computers to track them no less - the same should be done now. You came in here illegally, you have no rights here. US citizens have rights in the US. If you want to come to the US, fine. Do so legally, and I'll be happy to welcome you to this country. Else you can get out, or be kicked out forcibly.

    And my thoughts are expressed here:

    Don't bring this up and say "fuck off" when challenged, especially when your facts are wrong. You saying fuck off is short for "I have no clue and cannot defend my point, so I'll insult you to put you on the defensive."

    Late edit: my $.02 on your opinions and knowledge of news Castrol:

    Come back and debate when you can talk FACTS. Something you're not talking now...
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  7. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I'm not sure if massive political derailment is okay in a thread about a screenshot.
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Rednecks everywhere amirite?
  9. Castrol GTX

    Castrol GTX Member

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    1. Filibuster as in they didn't fucking vote for it and now its not passed. Okay its not technically filibustering, but they don't technically filibuster in the senate anymore either, they just take cloture.

    2. You can bring something up that costs money, as well as a means to pay for it at the same time, thats whats called paying for things, and thats what I said. Thats also whats called pay-as-you-go, something republicans have been complaining about recently, so they should be happy. But instead, as in the health care debates, they bitch, and when they get what they want, they move the goalposts and bitch about something else.
    And its not like this deficit and debt wasn't around before Obama. Bush's tax cuts have done more to add to the national debt, and will continue to into the future, more than BOTH the Iraq and Afganistan wars, the recession, AND the relief efforts, ALL COMBINED.

    3. All you've said is that you don't like illegals. You don't think at all that they deserve healthcare for responding in 9/11 and getting ill? But you've probably called the responders heroes and patriots in the past before. Now that they're mexican though...

    So wait, where am I actually wrong about anything?

    And thats really brave of Rep. King to blame the dems when they brought 94% of their fucking caucus to a yes vote, and he brought a pathetic 12 republicans and didn't even try to get more. The republican party has staked its whole claim in the 2010 elections on voting no on absolutely every bill ever proposed by democrats. They're completely inflexible and unreasonable, and then tell US were not bipartisan enough.

    The republicans are voting against this bill because they can't bear to see their precious corporate tax loopholes closed like they should be. The fuckers who rob and rape our country.

    And go away everyone this is our thread now.
  10. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    i try to stay away from politics for the most part. My question is this:

    why were there illegal immigrants responding to 9/11?
  11. o_O

    o_O Member

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    call other party unfriendly to the middle class, get voted in
    spend money, cut taxes
    other party gets voted in
    blame them for the deficit
  12. Pope_Homeless_XIII

    Pope_Homeless_XIII Member

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    A paying job?
  13. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Yes, it did get voted on. It failed at a general vote, 255-159. You cannot prevent something in the House from being voted on, there is a limit on how long you can hold the floor. Learn how Congress works before you claim to be all knowing. You're not. Debating with you when you clearly have no clue what you're talking about is beyond pointless, it's stupid for me to even try.

    Copy/paste from wikipedia:
    The 104th and 105th congress are why we had a surplus at the end of Clinton's term. What are you talking about? Also, since when have the democrats cut taxes lately? You see the new enegry tax bill? Obama said taxes would not be raised on people below 250,000 (don't know the exact number from his campaign) in income...but yet that's exactly what this new enegry bill does. It's also what the tax on health care plans does - my health care will now be taxed.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  14. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Every party says the other gets favored by the media.
  15. Castrol GTX

    Castrol GTX Member

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    I KNOW its not a filibuster and I've said that. Its part of the general theme of republicans in both houses to completely vote no or promise to vote no on anything ever proposed by democrats. Call it whatever you want, it doesn't actually have a name, but everyones been using the word filibuster.

    And yeah, the first of two bubbles. Tech and housing, the latter nearly destroyed our economy, caused by conservative deregulation and dismantling of the New Deal.

    Yeah talk to me about learning how congress works, then blame Obama for Kerry or whoevers energy bill. (He's in congress, doncha know, ie not the White House)

    And a more progressive health care policy would really help that problem of yours. Especially single payer. Like Canada, or England, or Germany, or France, or the rest of the industrialized world, who have better healthcare than us per unit GDP if not just outright.

    Anything else?
  16. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    This thread went from shitty scouts to politics.

    Forum, I am disappoint. (Even if politics interest you)
  17. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    That's the power of the scout. Kills the fun of anything it touches.
  18. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    if they were being paid, they'd have a work visa...and thus, not be illegal...

  19. o_O

    o_O Member

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    Basically the reason this thread became political is because America's team is full of fucking scouts that just sit around demanding increased jeep production and waiting for someone to give them ammoz. Our comm is recycling base to pay for turrets, which is a big improvement from our previous comm who griefed the CV into the Eastern Faction base.

    Ok, to be more accurate I should have said Republicans increase spending and decrease taxes while Democrats increase taxes but increase spending more. Same idea though, waste now and make someone else pay for it later. Thats what the people really want and thats what both parties provide. Wars! Drug Wars! Free Money! Subsidies! Tax Loopholes! Blame our problems on foreigners! Free stuff for old people!

    True the Republican congress under Clinton balanced the budget and were generally decent and competent as far as I know. What ever happened to them? A few years later Republicans controlled congress and the presidency, bought a whole bunch of nothing and payed for it by cutting taxes. How would they fix things if they were still in power today? Ban same sex marriage and deport some illegals and not pass healthcare bills of any sort? Wow neat, now if they just find a way to win two wars and save another trillion dollars a year all our problems will be solved! Not that I like the Democrats either... lawl we are broke so lets start working on expensive environmental laws. lawl our national healthcare bill never even had a chance of passing, but we cant make it look like we lost, so ram some crap through and call it a compromise victory. lawl we promised not to raise taxes so instead we will just raise taxes anyway and hope no one notices. Anyone who believed a single Obama campaign promise is a hidden sniper scout who likes defending bases and throwing smokes, but then again its not like there is much he can do with this huge recession and two parties that hate each other and hate him.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  20. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Seems pretty clear you thought it was a filibuster, and it was going on at THIS MOMENT...despite the bill having been voted on, in the house and not the Senate, and that Congress is having their August recess...which you'd know if you followed the news.

    Point being, you have no clue what you're talking about, and just are spouting nonsense. So, as I said before, any debate with you is pointless; you'll just invent facts to support your bullshit theories and opinions.

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