So who else here read it as "refill my damn ammo reserves faster" rather than "maek gunz shoot fastur!!1"?
One specific idea lead to the general consensus that the general mechanic to which said idea pertains to is broken.
Your attempt at utilization of eloquent English has failed. Your sentence contains one too many prepositions.
Anyway, back to the topic, we might have enough support to make this happen for 2.25b, so you guys need to decide what needs to change. Are we just increasing the ammo regen rates and capacity? Or, are we doing something more ambitious?
I think infinite ammo is the best solution. It will help get rid of noobs asking how to refill tank ammo. I don't think balancing the tank weapons on heat and reload times alone would be game breaking. Parking next to an ammo box or armory never really made much sense to me. It's another feature that is really added because its realistic to run out of ammo. I think this would be a step in the right direction as far as making the game easier to just hop in and play with out reading a manual.
personally i would say change the ammo restocking method that tanks have, because thats where the source of the problem is for example only restock at armories and repair pads, and restock all ammo in 1 go but you have to be stationary for the process to not interrupt (a process bar fills up (like with defusal) if you are in the tank and next to an armory or on rep pad, when completely filled your ammo jumps to fully loaded and stocked or something)
I actually rather like the idea of removing ammo, pickled if nothing else you can increase the ammo capacity to 999 or w/e in the scripts and we can test this idea anyway. If it sucks we just don't I plement ya? That's what testing is for, we can debate till the world ends but if we have a suggestion that is just strong enough just test it. Anyway scardybob has signed up alot more svn tests so everyone that wants to see how features like this turn out go download it and start your testing!
Having to go back to reload is lame and just takes away time from the action. More time on the front lines shooting and less time falling back bumping other tanks out of the way for more ammo seems better. It makes sense to pull back for repairs but to have to do that for ammo as well just seems unnecessary. Team work is nice to have but when it doesn't happen then you just get frustrated and infinite ammo is a step towards independent gaming with out removing the ability for team work.
Since this is just a test we can go all-out and see if it works. This will be part of the next SVN test.
I thought it was to tie the team closer together. The only problem was that engies could solo tanks without any problems...and still can, lolz.
Except it turns into "DROP A FUCKING AMMO BOX RETARD" "FUCK YOU COOLDOWN" "OMFG 3/4 OF THIS TEAM IS ENGINEER SOMEONE DROP A FUCKING AMMO BOX" and ammo request spam Do you know what I realized, I have no idea what keys you press to radio for ammo or health. F something..... I think I've been playing too long where I muscle memory ammo and health request :*(
F A S A might be ammo. F S A would be the first squad power. I do remember that F A W is air support. (Knowing how to quickly call for air support is important!)
I never had successfully tested any balance issues on SVN tests. Half of the people are fooling around and when you actually manage to test something it is mostly only 2 vs 2.