Let it fill up faster, a lot faster, I spend more time humping ammo boxes then I do shooting with rails. It is annoying as fuck.
No. Railgun does already the most damage per time (beside arty) and it also generates less heat then other cannons. Therefore rail gun doesn't need shorter reload times.
And here comes the empires retard brigade! Lets balance weapons by making them unfun to use and force people to sit next to a building/box if they want to shoot for any extended period of time!!!!!
ammo could probably just be removed and replaced with reload times, gives too much of an advantage to engineers anyway
Yeah. Let's remove ammo reload and also heat. Then you can drive around with your tank and keep on shooting the whole time.
Heaven forbid, that sounds like fun. IMO heat and ammo together are stupid... one or the other is probably enough of a balancing tool. Ammo limits in general make engineer tank drivers overpowered in tandem with their ability to also repair anywhere. I think some weapons could use ammo while others could stand to go without. Specifically about the railgun, I agree 100%; even if the railgun had its damage lowered slightly to compensate it would be better overall if its ammo refilled faster or was removed altogether.
MGs should have reloads, but infinite ammo, not because people can sit in one and spray it everywhere, but just because it's a APC (loaded with ammo) for fk sakes!
God forbid tank combat was based around SKILL hitting the enemy and not sitting still overheated or out of ammo constantly and forced to be a single class. Go fucking rolleyes on a dick, you blow fucking ass at this game like 90% of the people on the forums and just want shit like this kept in the game so you can pretend to be awesome by being engineer in tank abusing the repair/ammo, while ROFLing at new players who are riflemen and run out of ammo in the field and can't pop behind a rock for 10 seconds and have a fully healed tank.
I downloaded and played that BF 1943 game on xbox when it came out and all of the weapons had infinite ammo but longer reload times.. And it was fucking fun! You gotta think out side the box here sip. Just because IRL you need ammo doesn't mean that a game should have it. I support this. edit: I rated this thread 5 stars.
Amoo has been one of the worst mechanics for balancing, the fact you can bypass it completely overrules any kind of nerf it does. Look at any weapon in the game right now (HE, nuke), I can't imagine anyone here saying the ammo really makes a difference.
Make dat dere engy ammo boxes like a pickup, so you drive over them, wa-la, full tank. Also, I would lol at t3h engy and steal his ammoz :D Or make a new ammoz crate just for vehicles to pick up :p
I disliked this suggestion because the OP was about to buff the rail gun. Rail gun has the shortest cycle time and because of this it would gain the highest advantage from shorter reload times. Removing ammo completely with the motive to make other classes be able to drive tanks is another suggestion which I support. I already suggested that the vehicle skills (gren:armor; rifleman:damage; scoutpeed; engi:cooling) also should be increased to 20% or even higher. Together with free ammo and slower engi tank repair speed this will maybe remove the engi dominance for driving tanks.
cause liek everygame i pley has railgun endings all those gamez and i like hate the fact that when my commander does like get railgun s and stuff (which is like prolly 10/10 gamesn stuff) that i have to wait like 60 seconds to get my ammo which i shute off in like 20 secdonds so lets balance it by makin g it boring and n stuff when i have railgun s that my commander researched 10/10 gamess
We could simple do it like Mechwarrior did where killing your victim has a % chance to drop ammo @ his tank remains. We'd need a glowing ammo model thingy, but this would go into your clip (half of your max clip). Rails get +20, DUMG gets +75 (max of 150, rite?), etc. SpamML....just go into ammo counter.
Instead of removing ammo, just make the ammo count huge and have it reload quickly enough that this won't be a burden if, by some horrible accident, someone actually does manage to run out of ammo. That way, the engineer won't have a serious advantage ('but i has all da ammo i needz, y i has moar?') and we still get to keep ammo around for sentimentality's sake.
I think lower shots/clip would be nice, that way coming in fully prepared with all shots loaded in a tank battle is an advantage (only if a reload key was implemented!).