Should there be a limit to the number of times you can get revived?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Lazybum, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    It's a thought that's crossed my mind from reading how people deal with things, along with just dealing with unstoppable squads or trench warfares that go nowhere fast. Half the reason is a bunch of players would rather revive someone then heal, revive takes a second and you don't have to chase down a corpse after all. A calc does charge fast enough to reliably keep people up too.

    Just imagine if you could only be revived 2-3 times before rev doesn't work anymore. To help show players that you ain't coming back your corpse simply disappears. Makes apcs more important(as if they weren't already), building forward raxes more important, bringing the right firepower so you can actually launch and finish an assault on a base.

    And before someone asks, I would assume squad revive wouldn't revive people who have been revived to their limit. Squad rev would simply need a small rework, one that's already been proposed over here.
    Note I still think the 2+dead people for squad cost would be the way to go. This way dead people you can't rev won't actually eat up squad points.

    Admittedly this would affect sudden death too. Honestly not seeing a downside there though. Sudden death shouldn't last forever, and if one team is annihilating the other team it really just means they should win.
  2. PredatoR[HUN]

    PredatoR[HUN] Member

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    I'm against having some arbitrary limit on revive but some tweaks have been suggested before that I really liked.

    One was to reset your calc charge if you get revived so you can't instantly revive others and the other was to have reduced health when you get revived. Both would make revive more fair and they would also be good nerfs to undead deathball squads.
  3. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    the limit is the calculator juice
    thats fair but i don't even think its that much of a problem. even when there is a talented squad reviving each other it still possible to beat them. people should know to aim for the engineers first before the riflemen/grens
    Neoony likes this.
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Nf engy and nf rifle kinda look similar. Not as different as be for example.

    I don't think you should rev with full hp though, I like that revive with only part of your hp. I think it works great in battlefield.

    Calc juice isn't that much of a limit. Not if there's a second engineer floating around and there usually is.
  5. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    If you ask me, you shouldn't be able to just "1-click boom revived", you either have to charge your calculator (like they do with paddles in BF4) or hold on target to get him revived. As I said before, this used to be a battlefield mod, and battlefield has fixed that "problem" by having to charge paddles to revive people at full health and implementing a limit to how many times you can get revived.
    Since we got games going on after the tickets are depleted I don't think implementing the second part (revive limit) would be a good idea for us.
    That being said the whole concept of tickets in a game that's half RTS without any tie to the resources is disturbing, and I'm not sure it has its place.
  6. Michael0100

    Michael0100 Member

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    I had this kinda problem where about 5 guys kept reviving each other at stupid rates, although teamwork is quite a drastic part of the game it might be better to instead of limiting the amount of times some can be revived, create a grace period to revival so if the die then someone regenerate them, then after... 10 - 25 seconds, they can be revived.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
  7. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I used to really like trench warfare tbh. There were many epic battles that were pretty amazing with that...and victory or defeat did not come easily.

    I don't think there should be a limit to revive. That being said there are some problems with it. Mainly that there are two people you can revive in an instant on full charge, and they are revived at full health. The latter in particular I think is an oversight. Of course, these are both good things when you're facing splash-damage tanks or mortars, or arty's even, but for stopping rushes they can be a pain. I think probably if someone was revived with 50% health, people would turn to healing more often than revive, since there'd have to be healing involved regardless.

    HOWEVER, the main reason revive is easier is because the dumbass is dead and can no longer move while you revive. The problem with healing is you have to run around like an ejat, trying to follow someone to heal them. Often not being in cover while doing so. If this particular problem was addressed I think you'd see a great deal more healing. I mean if you could just throw a medikit or the like at someone's face and they'd heal up over the next 10 seconds, you'd see more heal spam than you could believe.

    To be honest, it'd also be a damn fun thing to play with.

    Though no healing grenades please. They're just...dumb, lol.
  8. chernobog

    chernobog Member

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    When revived, you should't have full health and that is the reason why it makes healing pointless thus when revived, health should be half rather than full also reviving should have some charge time or simply "heal" the body for a couple/few seconds...
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    now you all bash revive, as soon as you change it you gonna wonder why theres noone reviving you anymore. if it drains half your calc and you have to spend the rest to heal the guy (plus the time this takes, even when we assume that people getting used to fricking hold still for heals) why bother, seriously?
    its also questionable if it wouldnt devaluate engi so much it gets a rare sight.

    there IS a reason behind engineer being the most powerful class, you simply need them, them being slightly overpowered is nothing but the carrot ...

    ... this being independent from my opinion that building stuff should be everyones, not only the engineers task - but thats just not how the game currently is designed and it would be no trivial change either even if it might sound like now.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
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  10. chernobog

    chernobog Member

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    Are you responding to my post or someone elses?

    If mine, then you didn't read thus please read again... I said that when revived you should have half health, not drain half of calculator for revive.
  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    well you have not been the first to suggest this. i also question that a limit on revives really works well. what if theres 2 or 3 engis in the middle of a intense fight, how would you tell if its worth running into the open for a body or if the guy has been revived x-times already? it might even appear bugged.
    revive is powerful, no question, its not as overpowered as people make it appear though. just kill the engis, they can only revive this much if theyre ded.
  12. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    It wouldn't be that hard to implement, just give everyone a calculator with different options, engineer can have turrets/walls and repair/healing upg and revive (they're the only one who can heal with calc), grenadier can have vehicle repair upg, scouts can have camera/radar and sensor upg and sabotage with the tool, riflemen can have ammo drop and maybe get a second ammo crate at 40 points.

    I really don't see any of this as hard to implement and it would give everyone a decent building ability. Not to mention it would make engineer a bit less all-powerful.
  13. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I said the simple way to deal with that is have the corpse simply disappear if it hits its rev limit. But yeah, it was just a suggestion to get the ball going.

    No one said it had to simply be a rev with less hp at the same cost, you could make it cost just 33 calc to rev someone, that way you can either rev 2 others so they can go to the armory for a full heal or use that 17 charge to full up the on hp. Or something that I feel like was suggested before was you rev at that 20% hp but over like 5-10 seconds you go to max hp without the engy chasing you down to heal you back up. Like how coming up for air when you're drowning works.
  14. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Make revived people start at 10% health and then give them a 90hp regeneration over time? Say 20-30 seconds.
    Solves the issue of revived people being at full health and doesn't create an annoying gameplay mechanic where you have to heal after reviving or corpses randomly dissapearing or "OMFG NOOB Y u revive me now and not when the area is clear!?"
  15. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    nobody is going to want to revive people during a battle because they will die again. nobody is going to get revive as a result. it will be as useful as speed upgrade (third tier skill)
  16. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    What you talking about? Speed upgrade #1 skill in empires.

    With all the splash damage weapons in empires 10% is too low though, it has to be at least 30% or possibly even 50%.
  17. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    only for grens (and by third tier i meant you get it third. revive should be a 1st tier skill, like repair)
  18. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Get speed first as every class, except engy of course, building anything without repair is an awful experience.
  19. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Revive is fine. I guess the only thing it could really do with is its own animation, maybe ti should take half a second rather than being totally immediate. Also a tiny bit more reach might not be bad, its kind of awkward now. I mean like just an extra 15% range or so.
  20. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Plz no, don't buff revive. Actually if that range increase lets me rev people that fall into buildings, plz give.

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