Reserve Windows 10 Today!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CRITAWAKETS, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I have a few other ideas on why they could be doing this...
    1. The app store. 7 don't got it... 8.0 and up do. App store will bring in shit tons of revenue to MS.
    2. The more people are on win10 the more likely things will be created for it instead of for other versions of windows.
    3. Using said app store you modularize the OS like a linux/android. Sell cheap/free CORE OS then pay for extras.
  2. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    they are doing it out of the kindness of their heart so people on windows 7 dont get stuck with black and white emojis
  3. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    So how can you now reserve your free copy of Windows 10?

    First, you must be running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1, and you must have installed a March the Windows update dubbed KB3035583, according to blog site VentureBeat. That update will already be on your PC as long as you have Automated Updates enabled.
    Peek at your Windows system tray in the lower right corner, and you should see a new icon displaying the Windows logo. Hover over it, and the popup messages says: "Get Windows 10."
    Click that icon, and up pops a window that explains how the free upgrade works. Once it's available, Windows 10 will automatically download onto your PC. You'll receive a notification after the download is complete so that you can choose an appropriate time to install it.
    You can scroll through the various screens of the Get Windows 10 window to read more about the new OS.
    When you're done, simply click the button to reserve your free upgrade.
    The reservation screen asks for your email address so you can receive the notification. Enter your email address and click the Send confirmation button. You can now close the Get Windows 10 window.
    Should you change your mind and wish to cancel the reservation, just click the Get Windows 10 icon again.
    Click the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner to display the menu and click the link for View confirmation.
    Then click the link to Cancel reservation and click the button for Cancel reservation to confirm your choice.

    Windows 10 is a free upgrade. The upgrade offers the full version of Windows 10, not simply a trial or limited version. It also ensures that you can run Windows 10 on your specific device for free "for the supported lifetime of your device," according to Microsoft.

    But there are some caveats. The free upgrade applies only to Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1. So if you haven't upgraded Windows 7 to SP1 or Windows 8 to 8.1, you'll have to perform those tasks first. Also, you have one year from July 29 to upgrade your PC to Windows 10 for free. After that year is up, you'll have to purchase Windows 10 yourself.

    Those of you running Windows RT or RT 8.1 are out of luck. Microsoft has excluded Windows RT and RT 8.1 from the free upgrade offer.

    And what will Windows 10 cost you if the miss the free upgrade window? On Monday, Microsoft revealed the various prices. Windows Home will retail for $119. Windows 10 Pro wil sell for price of $199. And the Windows 10 Pro Pack, which lets you upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro, will cost you $99.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    so i upgraded my notebook to win10 today ...

    ... i kinda like it. especially the multitouch gestures are nice, but thats features of the touchpad driver i guess?! i didnt have them with 7 though.

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