I thought that poison gas-esque stuff was like stuff that this mod would never have. I'm highly certain that the 'Suggestions Guidelines' states that it's op.
Wizard class? Make double missile launcher that does this when fired Maybe with more of a gap between them
This is the kind of stupid shit that we need. If it's easy to get a pair of missiles to fire in this pattern, then we should have a 60-weight 2-slot weapon that fires two missiles like this. It could be slightly better than two Std missiles (perhaps just UML speed, Std damage) and you could get it when you open Improved Warhead Compounds. Not every weapon in the game needs some unique niche. Some can just be fun weapons to temporarily use until you unlock something better (i.e. UML).
Go die in a fire. Those are perfect in every way. Oh and since we're in post-stuff-you-secretly-want-to-make-a-suggestion-thread-about mode, can we get some better/different starting weapons? So many maps give you a vf, but no research. It's a exercise in torture. Could we have a 1-slot middle that's faster, with a deeper clip, but lower damage? Or a 1-slot canon that's heavier (~70 weight) and slightly stronger or something. I compare it to what machine guns get. I think the std mg-chain gun dynamic works pretty well. And that leads me into my next bitchfest. Would it be so awful to get 2-slot MLs and canons off the bat? Make them generic and shitty, I don't care. Mediums are great, but they feel like shit until you get the first weapon.
I always wanted a tank with a dual machine gun slot, I was curious of what kind of hell you can cause with a gun that sprays death.
if both teams get same item, dont see why it be an issue? except perhaps for a few specific weapons, but even then I am struggling to think of one item that could throw a game if both get it at start.....
Clusterbombs are just a splash weapon. Airburst however is an interesting concept. I'd want some way to control the area of detonation, rather than make it a set distance. Maybe it's a missile that you fire, then click again to make it explode. That's a unique weapon. I like this idea. I think that an area denial weapon is something a bit new. It could be especially interesting if I could find a way to work it into tank combat as well, so I guess that's another one. That kinetic cannon idea is also interesting. I do like that. Likewise, you can also double that up and have one the other way, a cannon that does less damage at distance. So that's another 2. On top of this, I've always wanted a weapon that you "charge". Fire it instantly for quick but low damage, or charge it for the full time to deal the full damage. I did used to want RPGs to do this, back before RPGs did little damage to buildings and could thus rocket snipe buildings at max range. I wanted them to just lose "thrust" and drop down. That idea is interesting though, I mean there's some mileage there for SOMETHING. The problem is that, in my opinion, the box is full. I've gotten as much out of the script functions as I can at this point and I really don't think there's much more that can be done. The area denial stuff I'm talking about adding is using new script functions, so I can get this kind of thing added. Likewise, to allow that tesla MG thing, I had to get a function that stopped drawing decals for MGs. Chances are none of this will get implemented, but if I do get the opportunity to get new vehicle weapons in, I'd use ideas here as a guideline for myself. If it sucks, I'll remove it. My worry is buildings, with the gas cloud potentially permeating through the side of a rax and being pretty gay in that respect. I haven't thought of how I'll address this. On top of that, I worry about people stacking multiple nades on top of eachother using a number of APCs. There's a lot of potential for it to not work, but I hope that it can. It might need a lot of caveats to work properly though, such as maybe not hurting people if they spawn into it or whatever. I don't really like things like that but I guess we just have to wait and see what happens. I can predict how people will use it but I'll never be 100% accurate. 1 slot weaponry has always sat uneasy with me. I always just envisaged that if we had that, people would grab those weapons and jump straight to heavies, regardless of how good mediums are. If you remember MKIIs, they did a similar thing, which is why they were removed. The problem is that the line of balance with vehicle progression is a really fine one. It's probably the best it has ever been right now, with early game tanks, Mediums and Heavies all getting used. There are very few times I can remember over the past 5 years where we've been in that situation. Usually Heavies or Mediums were always neglected. I'd like 1-slot weaponry, but not at the expense of that vehicle progression balance.
What about a salvo that adds one missile to the current clip each second or so? If you want to do any decent damage, you have to "charge" it. But you get to pick your reload time which could be quite compelling. Somehow, Chain Gun and Std Machine Gun coexist. Why couldn't we have a second ML & cannon to coexist with the current options? I'm not thinking of endgame weapons. More like something to deter you from bashing your head against the wall on com-less VF maps. If we had a 60-weight missile that was as fast an UML with a 6-missile clip, but weaker than standard, then that would work. This stuff would definitely be a side-grade from the current weapons, just like Chain Gun and Std MG.
This does sound quite cool actually. I would love you to be able to set a bunch of missiles and just fire them at the floor, waiting to explode - like a trap, when you wanted. I do love charge weapons, and I would love to see some in game. Ah...okay, now I understand a little better. Well, i'm sure you won't lack for random suggestions! :D Still dreaming of the Sidewinder. It's a distant dream now, but still a very cool idea Hmm...actually now that I think about it, I guess we're focusing more on tank weapons because we all know aircraft are...only just this side of impossible now.
Also like and could fit in either new tesla mg or current rail guns. With rail guns you could use the mechanism to reduce falloff and increase range ever more when fully charged. Probably also even the weapon out a bit by reducing its current OP-ness when low-charge. If you made tesla a fairly close range anti-tank weapon then a decent particle effect would cover up any dinky little MG tracers (if thats an issue) maybe its just me a close range MG-slot weap would be nice to have. Having more than one ML and one cannon to use from start of game IS a very attractive idea and can understand where this is coming from, it would certainly give noobs a chance to learn how to config their vehicles BEFORE HE-meds are unlocked and created with STD CANNON and PAPER armor! EDIT: also, PLASMA MG = 0.5 movement rate of target it, low spread, low RoF, low ammo clip (beyond this, scrap the bitch!)
YOU'RE CONFUSING i mean, come on! like seriously, come ON! come on already FN are you a homo? if so, is that an engaging scene in SF? one would think so, cause, sand fran = gay scene, right?