I think I remember seeing the code for the vehicle creation image alignment (with the slots and shit). I can't remember if it was in scripts or a forum code post, but it was really janky and not friendly to change. Changing the 3-slot to a 4-slot might be harder than we think. Or I could be one sad confused motherfucker and it's easy as pie...
Mr Weedy did crazy shit with the vehicle customisation menu and adding new vehicles with Empires AU, adding entirely new slots for vehicles as well. For some strange reason, when I asked later, he outright refused to give me the files. I did have them when I tested it for him (long before I was dev) but I didn't have them any more. Idk why he refused to give me them, but Weedy and I never got along at all. I actually thought he was a bit of a cunt.
You are a bit of a cunt too Anyhow, why don't ya download it and extract the scripts from it if needed? Link!
I am a cunt, but that's beside the point. Weedy was pretty unpleasant with me from the first day he met me. I did go through a few of those Empires AU threads but I never actually found any working links. That's a pretty awesome find, so thanks for that, though I don't really need it now. It is cool though, he did some impressive things with the scripts, far better than I could have done.
BioML + ML + ATMG BE heavy surprises the fuck outa NF heavies everytime, I can take down 2 heavies before more show up to get me.
tell me what exactly to put for each armour and engine and ill update the wiki. im not updating something with incomplete/wrong info also im too lazy to check if this was the topic where you talked about the wiki not being updated
think it was.... EDIT: of all the mirrors on the primary post this is the only one functional... http://brutos.org/download/empires/Empires_AU_V0.26.rar I will use weedy's venture as a launching pad for some kind of 4slot BioHoming solution.....frankly, imo NF should have some further kind of compensation for their heavies as its just too easy for a competent BE team to win....
Weedy did a "Riot tank" for each team, in which he took the chassis of the medium and added the APC turret. It was dumb as shit. But what Weedy did do that I found really impressive was adding extra weapon slots to add properties to the vehicle. I can't remember if it did stuff like lowering the weight of your vehicle or had any other effect but it was really impressive that he managed that. When I get back to the UK I'll install Empires AU 0.26 over my 2.12 install and see how he did a few of the things he did. Weedy certainly had a better understanding of the scripts than I ever had. But I don't intend to port any weapons over or add any 4-slot weaponry. I'd just like to learn how he made use of those extra non-weapon slots.
That's a good point actually, there used to be upgraded guided but I don't recall there being salvo guided. Or is memory failing me?
no salvo guided ever. also spartacus salvo-homing was 2 slot but has been nerfed by making it 3 slot bc on nf heavies 2xsalvo-homing was quite op (no aim required)
In a way yes, in a way no. In terms of technical ability, Weedy was better than I am, or at least far more patient in experimenting with things. Given enough time and patience I could probably have achieved what he did. Compare that with Drag however, who really was on another level. I could spend months dicking with the scripts and know for a fact I couldn't hope to achieve what he was able to with the vehicle handling. He actually made the LT handle so well it had to be nerfed. But on the other hand (with regard to Weedy), as Angry posted in this thread, there was a lot of content in his Empires version, but nothing really in the way of balance, nor did it particularly achieve anything. It was just "more" as it were. At the end of the day though, vehicle weapons are just statistics. Most of Weedy's weapons were still used in the same way our cannons, missiles and MGs are used now. That's why with regard to armours and engines, I've tried to use every function possible in the scripts to make them in some way unique, so they aren't all just the same. Sadly there's not much room to do more with the weapons as there aren't really any features I can enable that aren't already in use. The only really unique thing I recall from Weedy's AU Empires was the push missile which could flip tanks. That might sound awesome but it kind of sucked. It didn't really damage much (for balance reasons), so you either 1 hit killed a tank or didn't do jackshit. And if you did flip it, you weren't exactly credited with it. Likewise, the riot tanks he made which were Mediums with APC turrets that had 2x 2 slot MG were cool, but lacked any real positioning with the game. They didn't have a particular purpose within the game. So yeah, more is better for a quick laugh, but in the long run, it isn't really worth it. That's why I removed upgraded homing/guided. They had no purpose.
2 things. 1. consider the 4-slot ML (NF only) "late-game" weapon to help counter BE heavies (IE: bio homing, bio-salvo-homing? [but 2 missiles not 4 launched], etc) If you place it in the right location in research tree then you can still allow BE 5-15 minutes of technological advantage to wipe out NF before they find the NF heavy now being able to go toe-to-toe with them as it becomes unlocked... 2. Modify APC to be able to be upgraded to the 'riot apc' ? Not sure how yet but would be nice to see APC's late game if we could un-nerf HEMG or DUMG and give them something that can take down a medium no problem and do some moderate damage to a heavy. There was a time where APC was OP and I think we certainly need to avoid that, but we could drop the weight restrictions on it since we can now limit 3xGL in other ways, and then add a 'uber-antitank mg' somewhere deep in electrical/physics tree... counter ideas? ps: we gotta make plasma weaps into something useful.....i never see it being used....
2.24d BE comm chase nostalgia man. Why am I just hearing of this now? Is there some way we can still play this? It sounds like what Empires should have been.
why not make bio-homing combo more accessible for NF instead of introducing a new weapon that does the same? and i dont meant adapt research times based on factions, you could for example (and really guys before you rip it apart its an example) give regen a buff against cannons. its kind of a pitty that homing is in electrical since in theory (or at least originally intended) reactive is good against missiles. idk really, just ideas.