"whatever you do, don't get fission" "bio armor is the best against bio weapons" "UML sucks, so do rails" "composite regenerates" it's like the only good weapons anymore are ugl he cn bio ml and the only good engines are 3phase/bio and the only good armors are regen/compo. coolant is no longer viable. people said there was something deathly wrong with fission, so i avoid it like the plague. and gas turbine is just as good as standard. i was on rainbow road the other day and i was in a dual uml missile boat just whaling on this be heavy. i unloaded 12 UML's on one of his sides and didn't even get through his armor. i think we should remove vehicle customization. maybe then we can streamline the shitty process of having to find the best loadouts possible for each version of empires.
please do fix fission (doesn't cool once overheated unless you get out) Ranged is still good I still like reactive, reflective is fine for me. other stuff I can't remember - will probably edit later.
i could care less about engines and armors i just wanna know why mls always have to alternate between shitty and overpowered
I've found times to use every research in the game. But Fission is really bugged and is definitely worth avoiding right now. I really can't get to fixing it at the moment, so it's probably going to be like this for about 6 weeks or so. Then I can do the 2.42 patch when I'm in the UK. I don't really see a problem with anything else.
Trickster says that he doesn't play and does his scripts by the amount of crying... forum people who don't play much come in and cry about things... things get change... shits fucked up... people wonder why?
Well a lot of the feedback I get actually comes over Steam from people who do play. But yeah, occasionally I do get mixed messages. But fission is outside of that, it's totally my bad. I was trying to make it passively overheat whilst stationary (like Coolant does when moving), but give it minor biodiesel qualities to allow it to move at a percentage of maxspeed to re-initiate the cooling. I did test it briefly but obviously not enough. It does seem that it's very difficult to give something partially the ability to move whilst overheated. It seems to be that I can either make you move as if you weren't overheated, or not move at all. That's basically the problem with it. So I have to rework things or revert fission to how it was before, which, whilst useful, did feel a bit unintuitive. Also @ FN. I did update all the descriptions for armours and engines. That includes regen being strong against bio, reactive being weaker, composite having regen and coolant not cooling whilst moving. I know very few people read those but if I took that logic then I could never change anything from how it has been for the past 6 years. So if you want to know how shit works now, read the descriptions.
i know this would frick up all the vets but doesnt it make more sense to have REACTIVE (the name and label, not the traits) be the armor that counters BIO.... so now coolant is for tank/arty camping ?? trickster u can now post again. *salutes
Having bio armour be the armour that suffers to bio kind of ruins it. The problem is that it totally negates the regen so it makes the armour worthless. I had to put the bio vulnerability somewhere else. Reactive seemed like the easiest place to put it, given reactive has a fuck tonne of HP now. I don't really think the name has any great importance or relevance to the bio vulnerability. Pretty much. There are a lot of situations where you'll find yourself not moving a great deal, chokepoint maps especially. If you get coolant there and use it properly, you can really exploit the stationary cooling to basically make sure you can fire at 100% all the time without ever having to stop to cool down, which is something you can't do with other engines. But if you're on an open map with mobile weapons then you'd honestly be better with standard engine than coolant, it's totally unsuited for that now.
is the wiki updated with the new info? i remember learning everything from the wiki back in 2.0 once and then not having to relearn it ever again.
What's a good source for updating the wiki from? I feel like I generally know some things and can cross-check others from patch logs where I can find them, but that doesn't give me a lot of confidence to push edits.
The scripts would only really help if you understood them. They're raw data rather than an explanation. Realistically speaking, I probably have to do the vast majority of it. This last 14 months in the UAE have made it really difficult for me to do all the things that I know need doing. It's not that I absolutely have no time, it's just that I don't really intend to spend the 2 free hours a night I get doing monotonous stuff like that. In 1 month, this job is finished and I'm moving back to the UK. I'll be taking 3 months off, during which I intend to try and catch up on things like that.
As for op, sadly, I cannot recall a single instace of when HE was anywhere below God Tier in terms of vehicle weapons.
Don't understand why UML doesn't fly much quicker. I mean I get guided rockets being slow. But if UML were was fast as a cannon they'd be quite a bit easier to use. I find myself using Dual Salvo and an MG quite alot more often now when I'm in an NF heavy... everyone says I'm wrong though
At their core, missiles must be slower than cannons. It just creates variation in weapons. So while it would be nice if uml was faster, it should never be as fast as a cannon.
That sounds neat. I wish we could get one script change every week. Stuff like ERC rof, or something else that's small. If it doesn't any serious issues, leave it that way. If it doesn't work well, remove it the next week when you make another change. The current change style is so permanent. Wait weeks for any changes and then they get set in stone. Make mistakes, fix them, make more mistakes. Less "in this version, stfu and get HEC, UGL, 3phase & regen" and more "holy fuck, what are we supposed to try this week?" This game gets stale. Keep it lively.