Potential HUD Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Art' started by Devourawr, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Source .psd for you guys to mess around with/help show your ideas (click download through browser):

    So most of you know that javascript has now been implemented for the HUD, which makes things a little easier in terms of fucking around with it. I know the piecemeal HUD I've been reskinning along the way has had it's ups and downs, but this is a good opportunity to choose an artstyle and direction now and then follow along with that.

    I'd really like community input and SUGGESTIONS. I know, finally, you can actually make suggestions and we can go with them rather than having an entire subforum ignored. But just on the GUI though.

    The Infantry HUD will get priority, as it's what we see 95% of the time. I would love to rework the menus though, but nothing can be promised. My dream is a really fucking nice vehicle HUD, with proper armour displays, speedometer, engine heat that isn't just a plain bar, etc.

    Here is a general list of what I'd like to aim for (infantry);
    -Team relevant HUDs
    -Potential bullet ticker remake/implementation, with individual sprites for each different style of gun (no longer firing bullets from your RPG, for instance)
    -Clearer information display without impacting on vision

    So here is the artstyle mockup. It's super basic and unfinished, so basically just takeaway the placement and shapes of things. Why I'm posting this now, very unfinished, is so that you guys can give me input on a few things. Most importantly;

    -What do you think is the best way to implement a clear way to show squad name, squad points, what the squad aura is, and whether you're currently getting the benefits of the squad aura? It would fit in above the name of the squad captain in this image. I also am wondering if there's a better way to display the HP of your squadmates. Ideas?

    -Bullet ticker opinions

    -Camera and turret health - Do we go with a health bar or a health percentage with numbers? If the latter we can make the cam/turret hp way smaller, it will be smaller than what it appears to be here in any case

    -How should we handle a health bar? I think leaving it as a bar is important - would you like numbers on the side? How do we clearly show what is health and what is stamina without conflicting against the colours? Do you think the current in-game icons are fine and we should keep them? The bars you see here are just placeholders, the final thing won't be at all similar

    -Do you think a curved top panel helps immersion or just gets in the way? I will split it into two pointed parts eventually, but the question still remains whether they should be straight or slightly curved

    -I want to have two little designs in the corners of the top panel, which would hopefully tie into the minimap and squad sidebar, which act as "projectors" for the top panel and displays, hopefully increasing immersion - perhaps a 1px line down to each of the displays would look cool without getting in the way. Thoughts?

    -anything else you want to offer

    As always, whatever you suggest probably can't be done, but at least this time the possibility of it being done might exist.

    I'll be updating the OP as the thread develops/I do more work with progress and changes. Check back.

    Current look:
    Infantry HUD mockup straight background2.png

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    its way too overloaded.
  3. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    You posted that a minute after I did, did you really read it?

    Anyway, keep in mind that you'll only see the camera/turret HP tiny amounts of the time, and even when they're there, this is still smaller than the current UI. Are you talking details or what?
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    My only thought I'm going to add is don't fix what ain't broke, kinda the thoughts I had when you first started fiddling with the hud.
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    well devo i think most of the hud elements could easily do with half their height.

    i didnt mean to say "its shit" or offend you in any other way, but "its overloaded" was the first that jumped to mind when i saw the image.
    could you maybe post one with a screenshot of the game in the back?

    and sure, you said its a mockup, but i mean you asked for opinions didnt you?
    Devourawr likes this.
  6. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    That's fair - I said above the Engineer cam/turret things are going to be shrunk, I should have expected that to jump to mind. I think even the squad panel bars could be shrunk, no? I wasn't trying to be defensive, just wasn't sure in what way it was overloaded - and you're right, things should be smaller.
  7. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Eh, looks pretty good to me.
    Make the squad names a bit smaller and you're good to go.
    It's not that much bigger than the current one we have.

    Had to stretch the image due to the small image in OP's post.
    And did cut off a few pixes at the bottom of the original image since the normal hud was still showing there.
  8. Ranger

    Ranger Member

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    This thread kicked me out of the forums wtf. Had to relogin

    I haz suggestion

    The stamina bar could be removed. It could appear between the health bar and the turrents' health only when stamina is used or when it regenerates. It's not my idea. I stole it from HL2

    I also agree it's overloaded.
    The ammo needs to be much smaller. Bullets need to be much closer to each other.

    As for squad health. A vibrant azzure could indicate good health and a deep navy blue means close to death or something.. OR the opposite idk. However, I would still like to have numbers.
  9. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Since I'm such a great fucking awesome person, I took a new screenshot without original gui. (Yes it's streched)


    Inb4 "OMG CHANGE IS BAD" posts.
  10. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    As for HUD, can't say I like it.

    and why is the example 640x480, can't we get a 1080p example?
  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i mean i had no turrets built and my top bar is pretty small due to the resolution, but it works fine for me its stuff you dont need to keep an eye on all the time anyway.
    and i still wouldnt mind if some fo the things would be smaller though.

    but yeah, maybe its because the original image is in a 4 : 3 format

    also thx Dz :D

    (and this map needs its cubemaps built. or rather someone renamed it. it breaks cubemaps)
  12. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    That way you never get anywhere xD
    Also...there is a fine line between repairing and improving xD


    Im liking it.
    I like the "bullet ticker", maybe not sure if it shouldnt be a single line for something with 30 bullets though...for better/clearer peripheral visibility.
    I like that you wanna keep health bar, maybe it should be more visible, so that you can better see it peripherally. I definitely wouldnt mind numbers added to it.
    I like the pretty big/clear letters/numbers in squad or ammo.
    And design seems cool too :P
    But that would be best to feel when I on usual resolution.

    And about the top bar, probably separate ones seem better. But even the curved one seems interesting :P ...maybe taking just a bit too much space in the corners...maybe less curve?

    Would be awesome to get example picture with it ingame and in 1920x1080. That might bring more thoughts :P

    But interesting :)
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yes i too would like to add that i dont have objections from the style side. i just think its huge.

    another thing that just jumped to mind, desaturate it a bit. i think its very blue.

    also on a sidenote, will it ever be possible to have faction themed huds?
  14. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    So yeah, smaller sounds good.

  15. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    I actually like this, gives it a modernish appeal. Good work, but some questions/comments below.

    Is the honeycomb thing at the top the resources?
    Perhaps, make it all slightly transparent?
    Give a bit more notice for the person who is the squad leader as well, I know it's the person at the top but I don't think it accurately shows that in the photo.
    The area on the upper left side is vacant. What will take this place?
    Where are wages shown?
    Maybe no bullet ticker, either have the bullet ticker or just the numbers. I can't see a reason to justify both

    Also, faction themed HUD's by chance? :D
  16. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Honeycombs are resources
    Transparency, from experience with Empires, goes down shit against skyboxes, ice, and deserts. So 80% of Empires. Will test out 1-2% transparency though, on the list
    The upper left area needs to show a lot of information, read the OP on that. I'll also try make the squad leader VERY obvious
    Wages will be shown, just haven't made an icon for it. Remember it's unfinished

    Faction themed huds are definitely yes. There will be a deep maroon colour for NF, alongside a different pattern to hexagons - maybe a very basic chain/block pattern. I want something industrial and communisty.

    This HUD is BE ONLY
    . I want to get the layout done right, before I jump into the NF one

    This is also an option, good thoughts. Might do some tests now and see. It really, really depends on what design I go with the "projector" thing though
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017
    flasche and Kidpaler like this.
  17. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I thought honey comb was research actually, because that's what the resource tree looks like. Seeing where you put it now yeah it looks like res because of location, but it doesn't feel like they relate at all.
  18. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    research is on the left side below commander
  19. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    Good work Devo, I appreciate this and think it's good.

    Also, for the turrets, I would say a "bar" of health. I honestly think all buildings should have a bar rather than showing a number. For example, the barracks. It has 250 health, but how does a new person know that when they go to build it? A bar lets you accurately gauge how much health it has while numbers are just a number and do not give an accurate representation of how much health it has. Hell, you could even turn it into % and that would be better than just numbers.
  20. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    Wait wait wait, Lord, what map is that? If that is forestattack, how dafuq did you get flowers on the ground?

    Edit: Sorry to derail, but I need an answer. When I compiled it, all I could get was the grass I have now to show up.

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