Playing The Long Game: How Risky Short Term Behavior is Sometimes the Best Way to Win

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by ImSpartacus, Jan 4, 2014.


Do you often find yourself forgetting how to win Empires?

  1. Of course, I'm fucking human.

  2. No, I'm FN.

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  1. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    I wouldn't have a problem removing them from Viper to be honest. Though I fear then the focus will then just shift to district andcod/bootybay or any of the other maps that are able to support low player counts. There is always going to be repetition when there are so few people playing and so few maps able to offer consistent gameplay with less than say 10 players.

    But basically if enough active players ask for changes it will happen. Certainly with regards to Viper the only thing that stands in the way of changing the map cycle is that nobody ever messages me to talk about it. In the past when people requested things to be added or removed it was done so I don't understand your pessimism. The only agenda we really have for what maps are available to choose is utilitarian - whatever pleases the most amount of people, even if in many cases I agree that they suck. But hey - people vote for them and that has to tell you something.

    If I had my way we would play chain, a lot. But what is actually good for server population and what is actually the best maps are not the same thing and people need to keep that in mind too.
  2. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    What I am saying is, there were a couple of times where there was a lot of dudes (as in more than 14), with more guys coming in and it all went to shit ,because people apparently have bile nostalgia towards money or want to play a clusterfuck district. Both of which are terribly efficient at killing the server in their own ways. Also any gimmick map. rainbowroad, wintergames, minigames and all that jazz are all fun and nice.. the first couple of times. The way I see it, they are more of a"Lets play this on demand and if the company is right" type of deals and have no place being in the nominmation menu.

    Actually, new that i mention it, how hard (oh boy, I know this one doesn't come up alot around here) would it be to change the way how nominate works? Current many a map starts with a bunch of assholes nominating all the crap and then you are stuck in a situation where the only way to have fun is not to play the game. Why not have it so that maps need several nominations to make it into the vote? Normally I'd ask that the risky shit such as raiboo get a penalty to that, and to have the number be dependant on the number of players, but thats coding so fuck that. Another viable option is to limit the amount of nominations per player. Prefferably to a one.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  3. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Thing is money and castle don't actually play out all that well. While district is a simple slugfest, cod degenerates into lvl3 spams and bootybay is money with more focus on attrition, they still play out better than the two culprits mentioned at the start.

    And I think nuclear will fit into this list of "works on low-pop" if Dz or Silk can fix what I somehow broke.
  4. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    I'm ok with money, but district is 99.999% shit and anyone who bans for spamming smokes on district is 100% retarded. District shouldn't be on the list because the only point to the map is throwing concussions at each other, because it's impossible to play seriously.
  5. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    On another note, and please hear me out on this one azk,

  6. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    If removing them all from the rotation causes too much of a backlash, at least do this - there's no reason for so many versions of the same thing.
  7. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    While I certainly agree that district is a shit magnet, there can be some proper fighting done on it. (its still shite in my book) What really sucks is what happens when you hit the SD. You'll end up with a slugfest that can go on for dozens of minutes. Dead guys will just leave the game because they can't actually play.
  8. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Also, ditto goes for district. Noone cares about the longer middle hallway.
  9. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    yeah I hear you
  10. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I am not sure what you mean by this. The only 2 versions I played recently is the one with the big overpass on mid so you couldn't just shot across the otherside of the map and the one where you could build turrets. I don't remember one where they lengthened the middle part.

    About maps, I think the money with the overpass you can get on top of and center spawn point is alright. It allows infantry to do something on that map. Money is still kind of a bad map though. No one likes commanding it and not too many like playing it because of how every round plays the same. I do agree about minigames though I think. It is mad fun when there is like 10 people on the server, but anymore and things really fall apart. At least the map is usually short, I think most rounds on that map only last 15-20 minutes. Way better than district or escort. Castle holds a very special place for me, I love playing against a horribly stacked team on that map for some reason. But yeah, it should be removed from rotation probably, most people hate it.

    I kinda wish glycencity was back in rotation. I think that map was a lot of fun and could be played on low pop servers. I am certain rainbow road isn't on nomination list, it is usually some admin just listening to a few people demanding it. Isn't the winter stuff getting removed though? I thought it was just there for the holiday season.

    Also about nominations, please don't make it need multiple vote for a map to get nominated. It is a terrible idea because not many people nominate in the first place. This is why we get stuck with bad map choices usually, they are just the default ones for some reason. On that note is it possible to make the lesser played maps take priority on the default map vote choices? Might help with escort, money, district, repeat thing that happens sometimes and kills the server usually.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  11. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Castle is a flip-flop for me. Its really bad in that you have like 10 seconds to join and have to rush the 2nd flag at once. If be holds it, nf is fucked because they can camp the blanks and spawn camp all day long. If Nf makes it, Be gets screwed really hard, as holding the last two flags is next to impossible and is a giant speed+melee faggetry magnet. I bet the idea here was making multiple routes viable, but it really doesnt work with the map layout.
  12. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Castle is just a poorly designed map.

    Whoever made it didn't really understand vertically. The first point is so low. BE can put cameras that will completely cover the entire map before flag 2 and out then uh places that NF can't get. And that's before we talk about the two long, straight, uphill walks to get to the second flag. It's ridiculously easy to defend.

    And then there's the issue of players spawning on their current flag. That makes it hard for be to capture the first flag and bring the shitstorm to a merciful end.

    It's a gorgeous map and it deserves to play better than it does.
  13. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Blight made that map.
    And I agree that winterminigames should only be played with lots of people and like max once a day or so.
  14. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I found this kinda hilarious. Usually the 2nd to last one is the hardest for nf to cap. Not only does turrets make that place hard to get into, even if you clear them it is covered in mines usually. Meaning unless there is a revive engy handy most people blow up. There is also how the cap point is oddly placed in that you have to sit right in front of that door, so people capping can't hide in a safe spot. BE spawning like 10 meters away makes it even harder. It is also a 2 person cap.

    First flag that nf has to cap is a bit tricky if be gets entreched there with a couple of turrets. For some reason squad arty doesn't work there half the time, meaning killing those turrets is a giant pain in the ass because there is like 2 engys or a couple of grens shooting at you. The one thing that always annoys me to no end is be just sits outside of nf's first spawn camping, never trying to take that first flag.

    If nf spawned on in the waters and had to swim to shore that might help fix spawn camping a little. It wouldn't be a instant victory if be capped first flag, tickets would just drain 3 times faster I think. If there was a stairway that went from the water of second flag to the top that might make it easier for nf to cap. I'm not to sure about last 2 flags... maybe if BE spawned on top of the center keep and nf could only spawn on the third flag, but there was a another entrance to the 5 flag. Maybe a gate with a tunnel going from fitrst flag to fifth but you had to hit a switch first that could be open after getting the third flag. Oh and it would probably work best if those last two flags didn't have to be capped in order. Well there's my idea of how to fix castle.

    Either that or make it so you can't upgrade turrets. Once engy's get 40 points I think they can just control the area with their 2 upgraded turrets I feel.
  15. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    The problems are deeper than that. The very structure of the map is flawed.

    NF is almost always fighting uphill and BE can easily exploit that.

    Grens can dump mines on the stairs that are partially concealed by the steps, making them harder to identify than normal.

    And even if you spot them, it's harder to jump over them because you're going uphill.

    You have to do all of this while there are grens spamming mortars & rifles spamming nades down the tight stairwell chokepoints.

    We would already see mines & spam on any tight corridors even if they are flat (District much?). Castle is horrible because the elevation makes those shitty tactics almost ridiculously effective.
  16. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I understand that, kinda. I don't have really problems with the elevation thing.

    Most of my suggestions give a third access I think. They also open up the last two points so BE can't really just lockdown on chokepoints. To be fair castle is really a low pop map, like around 10 players is best for castle I think. Spam gets plain stupid when there is like 20 people on the server because every point is really just 2 tiny chokepoints. Spam effectively decimates whoever is sitting in the checkpoint at the moment. Also this reminds me of a suggestion I want to make, thanks.
  17. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i think its just that flags and spawns are too close to eachother, but last time i played it we still had two populated servers ...
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I find it suprising you guys get a diffrent impression. I think nf is the easy side on that map. I always go be and most of the time it is still a landslide loss. Trying to defend the open ass flags or trying to retake them is usually an excersize in futility.
  19. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    well i only remember round where each area was so full with enemies that it didnt matter if you took out 15 of them there still were 15 left.
    it usually went to this last room thing where the final cap point is behind and then it stalemated till enough quitted or it ran out of tickets.
  20. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Wat. That 4th flag tho... easiest point to defend in the entire game.

    I find it incredible that you think NF is the easy side. Unless BE really drops the ball, they should always win.

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