not another remove ticket idea...

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ViroMan, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Far as i rememeber thats beerdudes , not candles area of work that youre describing.

    Also, no, it is not timing. We had weekends where noone played. It was that bad.
  2. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    So where is hard collisions on that list and all the bugs he fixed?

    Oh wait, you were never here for those...

    See spartacus fucked around with game files and that's it.

    Candles actually fixed the game, and is still fixing the game.
    He codes the game, and got rid of some of the most ingrain problems the game has had for yeeeaarrs.

    And you have the gull to say he is so insignificantly small compared to the fucking mess we had before.
    He is the reason the game is so playable right now compared to before because holy shit was the game a mess the early days.

    Bodies falling through the maps, people rubber-banding into each other.
    Vehicles getting stuck into the smallest of map geometry, com crashes more frequent.
    Plasma crashing servers, and that is only the tip.

    This has been discussed to death, tickets are not going away.
    And fighting and complaining about it constantly is not going to equate to it getting removed but in-fact piss people off to the point of them ignoring you.

    You are in the same boat as HSM where he refuses to play because we won't casualize the game for him.
    Squad targeting has been in the game and he is fucking retarded for complaining about it.

    Tickets are apart of empires, tickets are empires.
    And the moment tickets get removed means the game is no longer empires and is finally dead.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015
  3. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    How about every time someone ranks up, they earn tickets for the team? That way it's tied into a game mechanic that generally reflects the tone of the game.

    The more intense the battle, the more tickets flood in, but if people get tired or things slow down, they naturally drop.

    Actually this could be pretty effective if we look at implementation:

    - Balance tickets for 45/60 min play for a full (50/60 person) server
    - A rank up = 2 tickets
    - Ranks get more spaced apart, meaning if there are more players playing, you'll get a large boost to tickets to begin with. If there are less people playing you don't get so large a boost, leaving tickets at lower levels.
    - Tickets now naturally flux in response to player levels
    - The longer the battle goes on, the less tickets are earned, naturally curtailing the game, but not with a sudden "run-out" effect

    Problems solved?

    Alternatively, you could give out a ticket for every 5 rank points. This is a flatter system that isn't really effected by player count.

    Con's are you might need a system that recognises player rank in a meaningful way. But...I think we already have similar frameworks, right?
  4. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    This is nice. There is a rank limit at what...20? So 20x2per rank = 40 per person possible. Base bitching is NOW a requirement in order to not grief your team.
  5. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    What is this argument about tickets extending the time a map takes to end? If it weren't for tickets we'd still be playing that slaughtered PUG deadpool hosted.

    This exact scene plays in my head all the time whenever I see 101010 post.
  6. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Or on the flip side, any sort of point whoring is extremely encouraged.
  7. 101010

    101010 Member

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    Been playing on and off since battlefield mod and have always checked out every version.
    Every developer we have had has made improvements to this mod.
    Didn't say Candles hasn't made improvements. Just said maybe you shouldn't be only riding his dick. There are lots of dicks to ride. Maybe hop around on them a little Teef. And yes in a way what he has done so far is small. I am grateful for the time he has put in but compared to the years people have put in. His code / bug fixes is a small part of what Empires is.
    Top person being father Krenzo. We wouldn't have Empires without him.
    Then there all the original developers that made Empires what it is.
    Plus all the developers who put in time keeping this mod going.
    Longest ones that have been here are I believe Empty,beerdude, and Angery.
    For you to say Candles is the only reason Empires is still here is bullshit. He is part of it but with out the others we wouldn't still have Empires.
    Also don't forget the great people who host the servers. (game & forums)

    I guess you was too focused on riding that dick to notice that Candles said he is willing to if a better alternative can be found.
  8. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I am now convinced everything you say is troll bait, which means I don't have take seriously and can ignore.
    You are now considered to be another Franklin.

    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: You telling them
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: to give you a alternative
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: will result with pages
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: of pages
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: of bullshit
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: You will not want to read
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: Not to mention you make me look like an ass
    2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: But thats a normal day for me
    2:51 PM - Candles: Good. Then they won't bother me with other bullshit.


    12:26 AM - Candles: People can believe what they want, they can thank me, insult me or ignore me.
    12:26 AM - Candles: I'm just happy to have done my piece.
    12:29 AM - Candles: Also
    12:29 AM - Candles: I give like zero shits what 101010 thinks anyway

    He said to give him an alternative because he was being nice.
    The reson he refuses to defend himself and say tickets wont get removed was him being nice.
    So fuck it, I was already an asshole so he doesn't have to dirty his hands and can continue to be nice.

    Here is a short poem.

    Candles is love.
    Candles is life.
    Candles is empires.
    Tickets won't get removed.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  9. 101010

    101010 Member

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    First thing - "2:51 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: Not to mention you make me look like an ass" - lol

    2nd thing - Wanting tickets removed was yesterday. 6 pack + 3 Percocets
    Today only 1 Percocet so far
    But I do like Ikalx's idea.

    3rd thing - Candles knows better then to take any thing I suggest seriously.
    Pretty sure that goes for almost any suggestion.

    4th thing - For the love of god stop bugging Candles with every little thing.
    He has more important things to worry about like school work and finding real strawberry milk.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  10. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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  11. Candles


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    I did find real strawberry milk, at Market of Choice. But then I remembered how unhealthy it is (1400 Calories per half-gallon)
  12. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I then proceeded to buy a week long supply of mechanically separated meat hotdogs.
  13. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    So, any real thoughts on the idea, or are we just going to sideline it for no particular reason?

    I know sometimes my ideas are a bit pants, but this one actually seems workable and useful, so I'd appreciate if it could be discussed a bit. Also being encouraged to earn points isn't exactly a drawback, since I'm expecting that kind of mantra will replace people shouting over who's using the 'goddamn tickets' instead.
  14. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Not quite sure if that fixes much, since youd end up with coms shouting such things as "we need a squad of engies to indefinately keep building walls in main to generate more tickets". Empires has some stupid in game logic, but thats a bit much.
  15. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    You don't get points for walls anymore afaik. Of course you could build a bunch of buildings or turrets maybe.

    Or would this just shift the blame onto people with low scores? Thankfully right now people just bitch about others being useless, not really how low their points are.

    What about if it was reversed to a diminishing returns scenario. Where you got 4 tickets for the first rank, 3 for the second, then 2, then 1, then 1 onwards?
  16. 101010

    101010 Member

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    The other day I got points for building walls.

    From what I have noticed over the years with Empires is unless you can "show" how a change would be better it has about a 1 in 10000 chance of ever getting implemented. I know that's kind of hard with things that require code.

    One idea would be a server plugin. But that would require getting Vicky or Epic to use it or running your own server and getting people to join.
    There are a few plugins around on SM that would probably just need some changes to work for Empires.
  17. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    You get points for building walls, just not your own walls.
  18. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I think it's com walls, likewise with turrets.
  19. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you gain points for comm walls but thats it - but thats rather unimportant for the actual topic.

    if you keep tickets you keep tickets and you dont have to touch them at all. if you gain tickets per rank or per kill or per whatever it just delays the issue a bit, eventually youll run out of tickets and end up where you are atm.
    empires has a different win condition then battlefield had, tickets are redundant and all they really do is destroy epic games - not the shite ones, those never make it that far anyway.

    i do understand that dying should be punishing (but you could aswell argue that the time it takes you back to the front is punishing enough), but i dont understand how those playing careful and conservative should be punished for those who eat trough tickets like there would be no tomorrow. this also leads to a lot of really bad gameplay. like constant apc rushing fe. sure it should be possible to run an apc by your enemy, but it shouldnt be as easy as it is in empires, it should be an archievement.
    ultimatively this just means dying doesnt mean anything to anyone - there is no personal disadvantage. the best playstyle is run and gun because you make most ground and if you fail just rinse repeat.

    my proposal would hook in exactly at this point where dying is punishing to only the player who died. i know you will die eventually - and in empires even die intentionally - so i made this steps to ease it off a bit. since people will be affected personally, it should help to create a feeling of threat. its a battlefield and no rainbow road of lulz.

    or if you think empires should be a mindless meatgrinder just remove tickets endofstory. eventually the comm will die and if it really should happen that a game lasts forever it sure deserves it.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  20. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    If you are going to due something related to tickets, which is really about death, it should be personal like flasche said. I'm up for whatever on that front, longer respawn times for every death, respawning takes a chunk out of your wages(which does mean less tanks), something like spawning in with less health (5% for every death?).

    Another idea is related to the main cause of rounds ending, tanks. Building tanks uses tickets instead of infantry using tickets. Doesn't affect infantry pushing anywhere and people can spawn all they want, so people can play the entire time. I think someone actually suggested that a long time ago, but I can't remember the consensus on that one.

    Actually I found it, it was Aquillion who suggested it.

    I will say I don't see the big deal most of the time. Tickets seem like a non issue most maps. Even the times where one team ran out it didn't feel exactly like a bad thing, the team lost due to excessive aggression but couldn't finish off the enemy team most times. Other times are just people being not great and dying to better team, but those occasions I get annoyed that better team isn't finishing match like they should be able to.

    Sudden death is kinda crap though, I kinda don't like how everyone suddenly turtles, especially when most of the time it ends to random scout or a gren getting squad hides to sprint across the map. I like team efforts, not solo ones.

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