"Next-Generation" Consoles

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Al Fire 101, Jul 18, 2006.


Consoles: Which will you buy

  1. Nintendo Wii

  2. Microsoft X-Box 360

  3. Sony Playstation 3

  4. Wii360

  5. PSWii

  6. Both the 360 and PS#

  7. PSWii60

    0 vote(s)
  8. None of these inferior machines

  9. Giant Enemy Crab

  1. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    Well, you don't really SWING the Wii-Mote. It's more of a flick. And it's not the only controller, that controller is called the Nun-Chuk. They also have a classical one, with basic stuff for playing the emulators. Yet ANOTHER reason to get the Wii. I can play all those awesome games everyone remembers that Nintendo has made! Goldeneye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario Bros. 3....

    They also have a lightgun. Pwnage.

    Oh and yes DeadReckoning, I'm waiting for Mass Effect too :D I loved KOTOR 1 and 2, and this is supposedly the spiritual sequel to KOTOR 2, game design and graphics wise. Personally, I thought the KOTOR games were some of the best looking games I've seen. I literally watched the sunset on the water at Manaan for longer then I'm sure any gamer ever stopped to look.

    Maybe that's why I am a slow RPG person ^^
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2006
  2. Chahk

    Chahk Member

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    Yes, I hate how slowly the RPG reloads :p

    The Wii looks promissing, but i'm still skeptical. I'd love to do the try-before-you-buy thing or play around with it when one of my console-loving friends buy one.
  3. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    I'm doing the whole console-loving friends thing. I have a friend getting the PS3, another getting the Wii. The person getting the Wii is already has a 360. That's why he's getting the Wii :D
  4. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    I want a 360 for halo3. I am desperate to finish that story. Plus, I hear ps3 is going to be uber expensive, and those stupid blue ray discs will be expensive as balls, and the ps3 wont be able to play dvds or something.
  5. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    I hope that Sony looses the new war... and that HD-DVD wins... That will make me a happy person... They are using the PS3 as a means of distrubting the blueray player, they hope that beacuse they have a head start with this they can win over the market, since people will buy Blurays since "They already have a player" This is one of the reasons why the PS3 is around 500-700 dollars...

    For that price I can by myself a very nice video card and my PC will be able to handle better then the PS3.. bu.. bu... teh bloo ray will be missing :(...
  6. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    I hate sony..............:D Maybe it's cuz I hate RPGs. FPSs for teh winzor!!!! I have a question, though, what's gonna happen when game visuals perfectly mimick real life? I know graphics are a big seller when it comes to new video games, but when graphics reach an end , I can only imagine new gameplay ideas will only fuel the market for so long. Maybe it will be the death of consoles and then on to virtual reality. I guess only time will tell :)

    Oh yeah, and I guess I can conclude Slith isn't Irish due to his "resignation." Do ya think it's cuz I sorta called him a girl? I guess it's kinda sad he had a nervous breakdown over some forums. Oh well, I wish him godspeed :D I really haven't seen many problems here.
  7. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Even with current graphics so much is possible... but no genre has evolved for the last 5 years... the last most inovating thing I saw was HL2's grav gun... after that every game started having one...

    The AI is still utterly stupid, with the proccesor power you would think that advanced AI ressearch would happen outside of universities... Alas this is not the case, The last game to even THINK of improving the way AI thinks was F.E.A.R. I suggest that people try it its a good game, scary and the AI is amazing compared to everything else (They will ACTUALY knock down shelves to seek cover, shoot around corners... And they do it well...) Though be warned fear is a resource hog...

    No inovation occuring on the gaming market... please tell me a current title that does something fresh and never seen before...

    Thats why im looking foward to spore, current technology allowed for new type of gameplay... The next step is to make spore a multiplayer game... now thats something to behold...
  8. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    The PlayStation 3 is going to be priced at 599 US dollars. The games will also be at least sixty, if not higher, as a representative of Sony said that it was a possibility that games could end up between eighty and one-hundred dollars.

    Ugh. No way I'm buying that.

    Sony has also been making friggin' insane claims, saying that the PS3 will make the PC obsolete in every way, that the PS3 will be the new PC, that people will be more than willing to pay six-hundred dollars for the console not only for the games but also for the fact that it plays Blu-rays, and so on and so forth. I've never seen a company shoot itself in the foot so many times before.

    There's also the fact that Blu-ray and HD-DVD are most likely going to bomb. The average consumer doesn't know what the formats are actually supposed to offer them, and frankly, they don't offer the average consumer anything. It's just a war between Toshiba and Sony, who are both trying to control the market by introducing their own proprietary formats. This has happened in the past with different formats, and those bombed, too.

    Wii FTW. :D

    No, Jn., Slith didn't leave because of you, he left because a bunch of BSID cocks started trolling him and managed to really get under his skin. Frankly, I'm not too impressed with Dee's locking of his thread, as I have suspicions that she did so out of personal bias. I certainly didn't expect something like that from her.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2006
  9. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Currently the DVD war is reminicent of WW1 trench warfare... No one is moving anywhere mighty fast... Every techy out there say that they are going to wait a "little" and see...

    oh and enjoy this video of sony being smacked... and rember: RIIIIIDGEE RACER!!!

  10. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    http://www.1944online.com/ WWII has maybe been done to death...but not in this way. Oh, and I didn't tell you about this.
    I really hope Sony fails, but that's unresonable. Sony might win, there are certainly a lot of fanboys out there, and there are a lot of rich kids who will go for this.
    There is a ton of games available for the playstation, but would they look that much better on a PS3? People always say that the amount of games available for the PS3 will be a big factor, but no one's going to throw out their PS2 when they get a Wii, they'll still be able to play all their games on the PS2, and any new games they get they'll play on their new system the Wii.
    Get it, there's no advantage to having a system that supports old games except for convenience (saving space and cable swapping)
    Nintendo took the right path by allowing older (and indie) games to be downloaded of the net. I wonder how long it will be till people port old PS(1,2,3) games to their Wii? If it's possible, that could be something really big.
  11. Darg

    Darg Member

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    The Wii will never have the power to play X360 or P3 games. Not that I'm saying it's a bad machine it just lacks any sort of graphical power. It's actually not that much more powerful then the original xbox. The other features in it might however make up for it but it is not a console that I would buy immediately. I'd rather wait til the hype has died away and the real reviews can be written.
  12. zachtos

    zachtos Member

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    I've fallen out of gaming almost entirely. There are very few games that I get excited about anymore. Mostly a few PC games a year.

    I always referred to my PS2 as the final fantasy machine. I did nothing with it other then play FFX, FFX2 and then let it rot. There is FF12 coming this fall for it, then the PS3 will have FF13, so the cycle restarts.
  13. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Ps3 and Xbox360 are nearly equal in parameters... so the look of the games will be entirely up to the developers... But it has been said countless of times that it is alot easier to develop for the 360 then the ps3 and sony already lost a bunch of devs who jumped ships as soon as they realised how flaws the Ps3 architecture is...
  14. Darg

    Darg Member

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    Well the PS3 has quite a lot more horsepower then the 360 as the MGS4 trailer will easily show. I have read a lot of interviews with developers that have stated that Sony has done nothing to simplify the coding for the PS3 while the 360 has a lot of inbuilt APIs for developers pre installed.
  15. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    I dont think MGS4 trailier was even rendered on the PS3... most trailers they showed were rendered on an industrial PC... Even the creator of MGS4 was bitching at sony beacuse it was hell to develop for. And in any case trailers rarley show the real game... Trust me I know... :'(
  16. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    Well, one thing I can tell you are some points from the LTL section of the internet. I can already mention that probably the most emulated stuff for PCs is Nintendo products. Super Nintendo. the N64 (which I love to play some of my favorites on :) ). Other then that, it's usually arcade games (At one point I had over 2000 games for my MAME). With emulation software already on the Wii (done better then the patheitc excuse that M$ calls emulation), it won't be that hard to use it to emulate the playstation, and other things not supported by Nintendo.

    And yes, like I said, all of those trailiers that Sony clings to for support are pre-rendered, not in-game, not even REAL-TIME, crap; developed and made on the god of all video games, a PC.

    EDIT: You know what, here is $ony's E3 presentation in a short .gif:
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2006
  17. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    Well, that's good to hear........sorta. I wish he didn't leave. It's so pathetic how kids on the internet act so "tough," when in real life they're probably puny lowlifes. Why can't we all have a good time while being mature about people's feelings and whatnot?
  18. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    That's part of the reason I'm not fond of clans. Mob mentality pops up far too easily.

    I'll let him know you said that, though. After having pretty much the entirety of BSID after him, I think that he needs to hear other people from the Empires community express sympathy.
  19. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    That is a real shame... I wanted to reply to that thread but it was locked... didnt really understand why (Actualy the trolling bastards could have got to him there as well)

    The whole post count thing really got to him and the trollers didnt help either, Certanly that is not how most of us here feel, he had good posts and was usualy real fun to talk with...
  20. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    From what I understand, the postcount thing had almost no bearing on this at all, although it may have served as a catalyst for BSID's trolling of him.

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