Seeing as the talk about moving defusal to the scout would leave grens with only 3 class specifics I think this would be a very useful skill and fit him nicely.
It would make more sense to go with the Engineer class for this one but then it would be much easier to see a building sabed then repair it. But the Gren would have to go "I need an Engineer to repair the barracks (or something)"
I'm not apposed to this idea, but I don't think I would ever find it useful enough to choose as one of my 4 skills. The only thing it would tell you that you want to know, is how close the building is to being destroyed, and the amount of smoke rising from the building already does a good enough job of that(assuming the smoke isn't glitched-out). --Good enough, that I wouldn't waste a skill on the extra precision.
It will let you know if your wasting/spending your ammo on something that is being repaired by 5 engineers or 1. I think it will help you kill buildings and make every round useful. It's really lame when you use all your ammo just to give engineers repair points. VF's, Barrack's and soon Cranes will be heavily defended and repaired. I would use it specially in a tank when only 2 skills are useful(armor detect and increase) not counting defuse cause it will be moved to scout. So why use foot skills in a tank?
Grenadiers need more initial skills to force people to play as gren. So add Building health detection and maybe Armor detection as initial skill. Because you normally don't get many kills as grenadier, when you are fighting against vehicles and buildings (which can be frustrating). If there is at least some visible response, that you are doing some damage it will help new players to play as grenadier.
how bout a +10-15 rpg damage skill? and for the OP - how bout pairing this detection skill with +10-15 mortar damage, either against buildings only or for buildings and infantry? i just suggest that cause Cobalt is right, I wouldnt take this skill as is above even the general skills.
No more damage increase skills. They make weapons too hard to balance. You end up with weapons that are either underpowered without them or OP with them. I would rather see more skills focused on killing tanks, though. Grens aren't good enough at that. I mentioned heat detection and (tank) ammo detection in another thread; those would be nice. Maybe even as part of armor detection, though.
Shit I know I would use this skill in tanks and even on foot. I could of used it last night. It's nice to know if you should continue to shoot a building or run in it and kill people repairing all the while your feeding info to the other people attacking it. You would know when its smart to drop arty. I hate when a building is smoking and you drop arty on it and it doesn't go down because 15 people are repairing it. Maybe you rush a base and instead of trying to kill there VF you notice they have forgotten to repair there radar fully. This would also help noobs know what does what kind of damage to buildings. Oh look RPG's barley hurt buildings... I'm really surprised anyone who knows how to play gren well wouldn't use this.
Add it to armour detection or something. It isn't good enough to be a separate skill. Maybe if there was more to it, like how many engineers are repairing it and such.
The ideal situation would be where the particle effects coming from the building would tell everyone what it's health is. If a building is being repaired, it should have some spiffy glowing effect showing that it's being healed.
/agree I like the idea, but I also like keeping diffusal with the gren so maybe I haven't opened my eyes to the big picture yet. I'd like to find a middle ground in allowing more classes to see vehicle armor, that too may not be the place for such discussion...
I still think its a great add. Knowing if a building is even fully built yet or if its still not working because they didn't finish it like a forward rax. You can tell your team keep hitting it because its not up or pull back and setup defense since it's up and they will be spawning there. You don't need to see the number of engineers because you will see the speed of the progress bar of them reparing to tell if its worth hitting or not. I can think of a lot of skills in this mod that are never used or are some what useless untill certain situations arise. This will add depth to the gren in anti-building capabilities.
So unbuilt smoke stays there until its fully built? And is there an almost dead smoke or is it the same as sabbed/unbuilt smoke? I miss the good old purple sab smoke days.
Maybe you can continue the work on the vehicle skill stacking implemented by KaneTW. There is still missing, that if the passenger is grenadier with armor detection the driver also receives this skill. And as I already mentioned, I would like to have more initial skills for the grenadier. So maybe more people would actually play as grenadier to kill tanks (and not only to get some easy kills on district).