List of bugs, defects, or stupids.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by uZiSoFt, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. uZiSoFt

    uZiSoFt Member

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    I like this game and all but there are so many things that you fixed that seem ether to not be working to just be stupid with version RC 12.

    Assault Rifle
    The Assault Rifle fires amazingly fast and though it's clip is small it can kill someone with 3 or more bullets. Sometimes even less. Thats not even with damage increase. Put this with it's amazing 1000 yard range, that seems to be that it has amazing accuracy, whether running, jumping or just standing. The dig in skill and damage increase with this weapon make it extraordinarily strong and leads to sniping with an assault rifle making both the scout and the grenedear both useless and also leading to long holdouts and boring game play when someone sits sniping with his medic right behind the wall setting up a camera and healing you when ever your hurt.

    Machine Gun
    The Machine gun, though a great weapon, I think it was nerfed to where it's useless. The gun requires stamina to fire which I think makes no sense because your ether going to be kneeling down or prone when you use this weapon, only you can't go prone. While I agree with the massive recoil, the damage on this weapon is definitely lacking. Now, in the description it says its a support weapon. Well, I fail to see it's usefulness when an assault rifle can out range it and out damage it from farther then your bullets will go. Saying this I believe that a machine gun should take more stamina when you walk around with it instead of taking it when your firing. I agree with the spray because I think that it shouldn't be accurate for shit but the bullets should do more damage seeing as the Browning M2 has a 50. caliber bullet and this is the future so maybe.... IT SHOULD STILL HAVE 50. CALIBER BULLETS. I'm saying this because a .50 caliber bullet will stop you. You won't run straight forward in the fire with an assault rifle and shoot the guy from 2 feet away after taking 20 pounds of lead. BTW, this is a machine gun, I do believe that you should be sitting or and have it mounted somewhere. I should add that it should have more recoil when firing normally not mounted.

    Ranged Rifle
    This gun is utterly useless. Now I understand that it is not supposed to be a sniper rifle and have range it SHOULD have accuracy. I can fire this thing in aimed mode at someone standing 30 feet away and still miss. This gun should also have less damage, now I'm saying there should have head shot kills and all that, but when you shoot someone in the leg, it won't kill you.

    Land Mines
    This is just stupid. I agree with letting the mine load up or whatever but you shouldn't have a mine that takes 1 second for Beroldi and 5 or 6 for Northern Fac.

    Keeping Scores
    Now, all of us have problems with Steam. Instead of having to start over every single time allow it to be where your score or rank will load back as long as its the same map as before. This is for Drake because he constantly crashes on Steam games for NO reasons at all, and every time he has to come back well guess what, he has to start over.

    The normal SMG should have less range, but otherwise I didn't have a problem with it.

    Double Barrel Pistol
    This gun, I've tried to use, guess what, it didn't work. I don't know if it doesn't shoot or what but when I use that I just don't get any effect. I've seen the same problem when someone shot me point blank with it.

    Server to Client
    It might be me, it might be nulloperations, it might be blackwhitehawk, or even nol. Whatever it is, it annoys the shit out of me. I don't know if it was ping, which mine was 40 at the time. When I shoot at an enemy and CLEARLY see that I've shot him, he takes no damage, or something of the sort. I don't know what the problem is.

    Map Navigation
    Sometimes its hard on a map when your trying to get the resource node in the damn dam and you have to zoom all the way in and scroll very slowly across the map to try and get it locked on.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2007
  2. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    To what AR are you referring to?

    Machine Gun
    I always manage to kill people with these guns...
    Just sit in an alley and only a scout with hide will be able to hit you ;)
    also it costs stamina to fire because of the great recoil and heavyness of the weapon.

    Ranged Rifle
    I thought this was going to be removed...

    Land Mines
    next RC willl have this fixed I believe...

    Keeping Scores
    I belive krenzo is planning to code in a stat tracking system, but ofcourse hes currently to busy with other things..

    "The normal SMG should have less range, but otherwise I didn't have a problem with it."
    define normal and again to what sides SMG are you referring?

    Double Barrel Pistol
    each bullet does 15 damage and it fires something like 5 bullets.. the weapon is basically a 2-shot kill. although you kinda need to aim perfectly..

    Server to Client
    It might be that the server was lagging or that he did get hurt or even that you thought you hit him but actually hit the screwed up hitbox in front of you...

    Map Navigation
    inside the dam theres a button that opens the roof...
    for other things you can click the minimap to teleport your view to that location...
  3. cpugeek

    cpugeek Member

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    A bit frank, perhaps, but i have to agree with most of his complaints. The weapons need a lot of work. Whoever is suppose to be balancing them should start doing their job. Beerdude, i know you want a private server to test out weapon configs, but i don't think that time will allow for that. We can't continue waiting to start weapons balancing. I apologize if you are working on them right now, it just doesn't seem like anythings happening.
  4. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    I have noticed the scout randomly fire where you don't want it to sometimes, but that is only on occasion, most of the time, I can rack up 10-20 kills per stand with it on flag maps.
  5. J1ZM0

    J1ZM0 Member

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    Ranged Rifle:
    Personally i think this should have the same (fixed) damage at any range, just under 50% of health then its not a one hit kill weapon, also if people are too stupid to get in some cover after loosing half their health that their own fault
  6. uZiSoFt

    uZiSoFt Member

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    Yea, but even with the accuracy upgrade the bullets stray to the left or the right, or just go in random positions. The stealth upgrade though it is good on dark maps, can be easily seen on CTF maps and when your shooting bullets that go in random directions it gets harder to maintain stability when you die and waste the tickets. That is unless you have a engineer.
  7. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    meh the scout rifle has never been better than it is now IMO
  8. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Scouts are massive with the SMG1, I barely ever used the scout rifle.
  9. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    The scout rifle is not a sniper rifle, hence the straying to left or right.
  10. Align

    Align Member

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    Then what good is it?
    What I really want for it is some sort of hit confirmation. I cant tell if I'm completely useless or if I'm reducing the enemy team's hp by half regularly.
  11. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    That would be useful, i mean the blood effects are visible, but they show up for almost any reason at times.
  12. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Scout rifle is bloody good.

    SMG's are having their accuracy halfed. pistols too. rifles are being maintained from what I know, they're just really powerful because on some maps you're right up next to one another. at range, the rifle is really not to OTT. it's just close that it's really bad. i recommend that the damage is taken down by 1/3, and the range dampening is decreased by 1/3 to compensate, so it's still good at range.
  13. Mr. Weedy

    Mr. Weedy I will report bugs on the bug tracker

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    I'll add my own list.

    Brenodi Empire's Vehicle Factory:
    You can still fall inside it on its sides but I haven't managed to get out even someone got.

    This is a suggestion. Could the walls be shown in the minimap? Because then they would be a lot more easier to finish up. They could be a thin rectangles not too big but enough so people could see them.

    Also I was thinking what if those walls would have 4 phase color health indicator in the minimap. At first when it has been built it would be shown as yellow as all the other structures in the minimap show up now. Then when you start to heal it to get higher, when it reaches 25% and goes till 50% health the yellow color turns bit towards the team's color. When it reaches 50% it turns more towards the team's color and when its health is 75% or higher it is totally shown as team's color as the finished structures show up too.

    At least I would like to see where we have walls so I could build them up and plan my route a bit like for example where I could take cover.

    And the version where those are/would be is 1.08. (Yes I have played it now. =))
  14. uZiSoFt

    uZiSoFt Member

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    I know it's not a sniper rifle, I pictured it more as a small game hunting rifle. It shouldn't one hit kill but it should be accurate.
  15. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    The scout rifle is known in the circles of empires to not be a sniper rifle, but what does a emp_recruit think it is/expect it to be. Since it does look like the sniper rifle out of all the rifles I always thought it was supposed to be a sniper rifle, but since I've found it to be difficult to get kills even though the target is right smack in the cross hairs and several shots were taken this way, I don't use it as often as I'd like. I'm still not convinced that giving it good accuracy and power would cause problems or make the scout dominate in the field. I'm not talking LegShot = death even at full health. But 2 legs? He's DEAD, 1 shot stomach ok, but 2 shots? He's DEAD! The long reload time /small clip is always the death of a sniper. A rushing smg, assault rifle or opposing snipers neutralize the sniper threat Source has a sniper, DoD has a sniper, all these fps games have sniper weapons in them. What happens when people get to empires and especially use the Be Scout rifle? As I've found it to be even worse than the nf scout in terms of accuracy and stopping power so it seems any how. But either rifle looses its appeal if it can't get kills. IMO

    Smgs need to be brutally effective at close range and effectiveness figured from there. I thought this problem is solved in that there are differnt types of smgs? Can't that be enough, that way its for the user to define their fate when they pick a gun. #2 Be? lots of fun running around corners and blasting someone away in the sewer. But totally useless in the fields of canyon. The Be assault rifles do seem to still have their distinct advantage over the NF. This can get rediculous on the infantry maps where nf is obliterated from the start from these weapons of terror!

    Ditto on the buckshot pistol its fun to shoot but it dosnt really do anything, should be like a shotgun, the only time its effective is when all of the shots hit their target, as they are individually small, but when they all do hit it should be a 1 shot kill. Its only a 2 shot, with a long assed reload. It'd make it worth carrying, at least you'd bring down 1 or 2 before you get waxed before your reload completes = fun.

    Mines: if I understand correctly they do need to be armed. The animation is cool, and it forces the grenadier to be tactful. The fact that Be drop is so quick is unfair for the folks an NF. And the folks at NF already have problems with unbalanced tanks. There you have it, mine ignorance exposed.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  16. uZiSoFt

    uZiSoFt Member

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    It doesn't matter about a problem with tanks, i can easily kill a small tank with an AFV, the fact of the matter is that it takes 15 extra seconds to lay 3 mines.
  17. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    filler for the empty message "bug"
  18. uZiSoFt

    uZiSoFt Member

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    They didn't fix the mines.

    With the rifle, it is ridiculous that you can annihilate 4-7 people with one clip, whether its the heavy rifle, or the normal assault.

    And for the buckshot pistol, you have to have pinpoint accuracy to kill someone. Now unless you can get point blank in the face shot.
  19. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    meh point blank is what it is meant for isnt it?
    as for the mines I was talking about the next RC not this one, just want to make that clear...
    now as for the rifle :D
    Go stand in front of me and I'll get my rifle: 1 shot = kill... BUT because this is a game and noone wants to die in 1 shot you'll just have to be satisfied with 3-8 bullets
  20. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    The Scout rifle is not a sniper rifle. Period.

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