By limiting the ammunition for tanks, we can balance tank battles more because we add a new balancing factor to the equation. Also it would make tank battles more dynamic because instead of fighting constantly until a tank becomes too damaged and has to retreat to be repaired, with limited ammunition tanks would instead have to retreat whenever they ran out of ammunition, which would lead to more dynamic retreating tank battles.
Lol, adding more "balance factors" is a good thing? I would say the opposite. It makes everything harder. Yet, tanks are going to run out of ammo soon. This thread is a bit pointless. Just give the poor devs some time to work, eh?
What's the point of making a suggestion about smth that is planned already anyway? Oh... you want to be able to say "My suggestion made it ingame!" OMG, sorry for ruining it. Or is the opposite the case? After all, you voted "No" ...
At the current system, definietly NO. Heat does the balance already, and as Trickster mentioned in other thread, the weapons are "balanced" around the limitless ammostock. (reloading time, "loaded capacity", heat, dmg, etc.) Also with the current armor values you already forced to retreat at enough rate, or you may stay and buy a new tank after respawn... So I think it's either limited ammo or heat system... both are good in some cases, and sucks in others, question is, will the devs change the current heat to ammo limit. PS.: Yeah I know at earlier versions both the heat and limited ammo was in the system but there was a reason of change and a reason to keep in that way. I'm fine with a current system, and they say the new armors and weapons will be polished so theres nothing to worry or complain. (There are already enough and those ARE mentioned in other threads.)
Pretty much, I assume you read my post in the other thread, this is why we don't make official threads for this shit. People just want credit, it's sad. Also, in my own opinion, ammo is a useful balancing factor, and without limited ammo, I have to abuse reload times, which are less fun.
I've been thinking this through and I've to agree with the others. Limited ammo will be just like using the repair-pad. This wouldn't even only get a LOT more confusion for new players joining, no it would even give them reason to be more defensive when your team needs to be the opposite. I mean right now unlimited ammo gives you the freedom to defend/attack any point of the map without any bounds, no one is stopping you to be effective. You figure out ways to be better at this game without any restrictions. This usually leads to the point where you have fun! Empires is a game about many ways you are able to achieve your objective and by adding something like ammo-limit it would only make it worse. I hope to god that this game is not going to turn into one of these tank simulation games where you have fuel and all the other BS.
im confused, are you going back to limiting tank ammo? why? unlimited ammo just frees the game up imo.... why want more tanks humping ammo boxes like the old days?
Trickster thinks that reload time isn't enough to properly balance vehicle combat. I don't think I will like finite ammo, but I feel like this community needs to be able to deal with unpopular changes. We don't want to be stuck in a muck of dogmas.
Apparently some of you need to replace your sarcasm detectors, and also your other defective mental equipment. If you look at the poll, it shows that I vote "no."
There were ideas banging around about adding ammo into the weight equation for your tank, but I don't know if that's necessarily a good idea if you can restock anyway. In my opinion though, there has to be some sort of tank support system. Tanks humping ammoboxes and repair pads did suck, but ammo was a good limitation on tanks and stopped the ridiculous amount of solotanking we have now. I mean seriously, I can just go find the enemy comm, stun him, and empty my rails into him to win the game. And I don't need to worry about ammo because it just restocks. Sure, I could increase reload time, but that's just boring. It would be far better to give you the OPTION of a fast reload time by having you near ammo, rather than force a slow one on weapons to balance them out. That is to say, I'd rather have quick reload times but limited ammunition, so that the positioning of your attack is important, rather than balancing it on reload time which has no difference regardless of how you're attacking. I believe ammo adds strategy, but I also believe that we need to find a solution better than humping ammoboxes and repair pads. I don't know of one right now, but that's what we should be discussing imo.
Well apparently it seems like tanks having unlimited ammo has become a make or break issue for empires, judging from the massive outcry after this change was mentioned. I honestly have no preference either way.
I wish people would learn what the word 'dynamic' means. It can be roughly defined as 'moving' and constant driving around and shooting is almost the epitome of 'dynamic' while sitting around waiting for ammo to refill is the opposite, it's what we call 'static'. About the only way you could make tank battles in empires more dynamic is to make the tanks fly.
You could do that before, unless you are going to gimp ammo so much that you can't carry enough to kill the comm even with the best tank in the game, you're still going to be able to do that. Besides that's not really any different from driving an APC into the main, or sneaking a scout into the main, or an engineer, or building a ninja rax, or any of the other dumbass solo methods for winning the game that you whine like a baby about if anyone suggests removing, so I really don't get why you're complaining about it.
To be entirely honest, I can't give any real justification for tank ammunition that holds any more weight than any of the counter-arguments. I, as a personal opinion (and I really want to state I'm speaking for myself and no-one else in the dev team here) preferred it when ammunition was in both the balance and gameplay equation. On the other hand, I do recall being happy that it got removed at the time. So maybe I accept defeat. But no, the honest truth is, loads of people are asking for it back, and lots of people aren't, and I just think that it's worth trying out, worth testing, and seeing if it genuinely does benefit the game. The thing is, we have a hardcoded system currently where ammo is unlimited, but that was always possible in the scripts, even serverside, so I would much prefer to try it out with limited ammo again, and if it sucks, I just throw round a patched vehicle_weapons.txt with unlimited ammo added back in. All I know is, my experience with unlimited ammo has often made tank combat feel cheaper, like it's one less thing I have to keep an eye on. That's all very well and good when I'd love something such as the heat system abolished, which I'd probably again go back on once it got removed and cry for having it re-added. But I just don't see an issue with testing stuff.
Hrr, personally I think it was tested plenty in every single other empires version, and anyone who wants it back is dumb and shouldn't be listened to. But if you HAVE to test it I suppose it is easy enough to do.
Put things back to the way they were before MooTard decided he knew what was best. Limited ammo AGAIN. If you need more ammo you park on a repairpad, have an engineer drop a box near your tank, or park next to an armory.
again in this thread, simply make repair pads refill ammo almost instantly, they are big enough to not be able to spam them. it at least makes you drive back for half a minute. you dont have to fully be on a repair pad so unless on maps where you clusterfuck anyway, you wont end up in a clusterfuck. also make refilling ammos dependend on if you are "in combat" (= been hit the lets say last 5seconds or smthg) or not. id also like to see ammo boxes not give ammos to tanks at all, i admit this was shit and weakend the whole supply line idea. armories though should be useable but stay at whatever speed it was previously. idk if the boxes inside give ammos to tanks, but since you can give ammos to tanks somewhere in the scripts it shouldnt be that complex to copy paste the code (since it probably isnt just a function) to armories ... in case the later one is too dramatic (which i assume), please at least consider the first one.
sometimes it seems like backpedaling on one of the least broken parts of the game is the MO of the dev team,.... when's the patch coming? when ammo became infinite i felt like it was a bad idea...but now i definitely think it was a simplification for the better.
Limited ammo gives yet another reason to only drive as engineer when driving tanks, with limited ammo you need ammo boxes when you want to go on ref hunt trips. With unlimited ammo, you can attack wherever you want.