Let's Make Empires Great Again!

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Donald Trump, Apr 3, 2016.


Should Counters be introduced to promote diversified research and promote new styles of play?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes, but with some tweaks to the suggestion

  1. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    You mean if the Commander is located in that circle? Yeah, I like this. But there should still be feedback. If the current Comm gets out to let someone else in and they can't, the Comm or the other player needs to know why.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  2. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Comm Vehicle protection needs its own thread, wouldn't want it to derail this one. Its something that has been discussed many times but ideas towards this are always welcome because its always been a problem.

    Personally, I'm against a hard counter system but the former balance as Ikalx described it always worked really well for me. I really like the system where certain armors and engines favor certain playstyles rather than hard counter enemy research - though the balance that allowed this to happen fell by the wayside somewhere along the way.

    It used to be that your research often changed how your team played - regen had teams going for hit and run attacks, reactive for sieging, reflective for maps where combat tended to happen at angles, absorbant... to be honest I never really got where absorbant fit other than being an armor in chemistry, and composite was prohibitively expensive and all-around good making it basically an upgraded standard armor for high resource late game. Now, as we all know, your research merely determines if your team calls you shit or not.

    I do agree that there probably should be some soft counter like abs takes less damage from rails etc. to add dynamics to mid/late game.
  3. Omneh

    Omneh Member

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    These ideas seem great on paper Donald, but you've forgot just one thing: empires isn't just an RTS. For everyone but two people on a server it's an FPS with RTS elements (or chatroom with explosions in the background) and what you are proposing would make the game absolutely shitty for the little guy.

    Hard counters work in strategy games because ultimately, units are just pieces on a board. Players aren't forced to write letters to the grieving spouses of marines dissolved by banelings. Neither do they have to worry about their soldiers ragequitting, uninstalling the game and badmouthing it to their friends when they get killed one too many times because one player sitting in a monster truck made the wrong move and ruined the game for everyone on his team. Players are people too, people who often choose to quit games that seem too unfair to them.

    This idea of yours Donald takes an already serious issue with the game and makes it ten thousand times worse. You may as well build a wall around the steam page to keep new players out, not to mention all the old players you'd be deporting if the devs followed through on a trick like this. Frankly, this plan smells dangerously COMMUNIST, sacrificing the FREE MARKET of skill and strategy that ensures every player has a chance to team up and win the game, the FREEDOM that makes Empires GREAT. Your plan would replace this freedom with a pair of socialist BEAN COUNTERS leading a team of COLLECTIVIST DRONES in a race to see who can make the best PLANNED ECONOMY of RESEARCH. Empires would fall as surely as the USSR in 1991 should hard counters make it into the game.


    You get my point. Research in Empires may have serious issues currently, but it doesn't make the game terribly unfair so long as both comms are aware of the current best research path.

    Hard counters would destroy any sense sense of individual agency players have. Hard counters, far from encouraging an abstract ideal of teamplay, would actually serve to crush the anarchic, freely associating teamplay we have already.
    Señor_Awesome and complete_ like this.
  4. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    Oh, it's a troll. For a moment there I thought I was about to read a legitimate counter-claim to this idea.

    So, assuming this guy voted, that means we can reasonably ignore 2 votes from the "No" results. This one and Ranger's vote, since he admitted to not reading the thread.
  5. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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  6. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    Thanks. My mistake, then. We can at ignore at least 1 vote. Lazybum and Senor_Awesome both make reasonable points.
  7. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    As it stands, I think both sides have made some good points that narrow this idea down to doing one of two things:
    1. Research changes to focus on individual playstyles instead of hard-counters
    2. Research changes to favor hard-counters instead of playstyles
    Since the idea behind hard-counters include an instance like a specific armor that counters a specific weapon, playstyles will be secondary. For example, if I like playing in fast vehicles with Fission Engine and Absorbant, but the other team has researched an anti-absorbant-armor weapon, my playstyle just got tossed out the window.

    I'm beginning to realize that hard-counters could undermine the fun of the game if I am forced to use a specific armor/weapon/engine combo that the commander chooses. Then again, our chances of winning will increase if the right combo is chosen.

    This isn't an easy decision. Is the game more about winning by being forced into a vehicle combo that counters the opposing team, or about having fun in your own custom vehicle combo that you're skilled with?
  8. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    He pretty much covered all my reasons to oppose "single-weapon-hard-counter" (Something is bad against rail, good against Ranged..etc)

    Oh and I haven't voted.

    I agree with hard-counter, but I won't go beyond "Abs is good against bio, bad against vehicle MG".
    I will also make sure the counter isn't that "hard".
  9. RoboTek

    RoboTek Member

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    I agree. In my opinion, this problem largely exists because of a lack of grouping effects.

    Right now, when a commander researches something its like researching rock or paper. If your team don't have the counters to build, it sucks for them.

    Instead, each research could get *multiple things at once*, there-by enabling players to make counter decisions on their own. You can still have some weaknesses or strengths in there. Maybe the Bio MG is a worse machinegun generally, but it hedges the Bio ML research, so you don't lose absolutely when that is hard countered.

    Thats the basic premise at least.

    The real problem is that players can be terrible. This is the major complicating factor of empires, and I have no great solutions here related to it. If you give players access to counter systems, then they terrible 8 year-old section of the community will be capable of being even worse, and its already a bit of a problem.
  10. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    I strongly disagree with this. I think research right now feels more like researching rock or rock, with a lot of "scissors" options that don't help at all.

    We almost always get Composite Armor or Reflective (rock or rock), but never get Budget or Capacitive (scissors and more scissors) because they're simply inferior. And then there's Plasma MG/Cannon (more scissors), Bio MG (scissors), etc.

    How about organizing the weapons into categories? This will allow us to better focus on what armors are strong/weak against them.

    Bio damage (Bio missle/MG)
    Explosive damage (Explosive shells/HEMG)
    Kinetic damage (Depleted Uranium/Extended Range Cannon)
    Energy damage (Rails?)
    Heat damage (Plasma)

    Now choose 5 armors that are strong/weak against those damage types.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
  11. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    apparently if you write a joke in your post alongside your argument, its a troll and is to be ignored (along with any other no that our lord and savior deems a "not reasonable" point)
    flasche likes this.
  12. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    Oh, was he just being an idiot? I thought he was trolling.
  13. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    Actually, we DO have these damage types, I used them to implement that 15% damage reduction for Abs against vehicle-MGs.
  14. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    Excellent. I'm beginning to lean towards a "No" with my vote. I think if we work on "checks and balances" as opposed to "hard-counters", it will provide the balance we're looking for without undermining individual players' playstyles, which it sounds like Security is and has already been doing.

    We could approach the issue a bit differently - rather than restructuring our research for hard counters, how about adding one thing into the mix that could give us the edge in balance I think many of us are looking for - Tank Destroyers. A slow vehicle with very heavy front armor but very weak side and rear armor that can only face forward (similar to Arty), and does massive damage against tanks with a single, rail-like projectile. This will increase the use of small, fast vehicles to surround them even in late rounds, and it will throw figurative dynamite into the constant rock vs rock when both teams have maximum research and the entire game has become heavy vs heavy. It would also provide a hard-counter-like option: "Do we get Heavies first or Tank Destroyers?"
  15. RoboTek

    RoboTek Member

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    You fail to understand the important part about what I said. Counters are weak now, that is *why* it doesn't matter much.

    You go on immediately to plan something that will experience the problems I described. These are the really basic traps we need to avoid if we have stronger counters.
    If you are going to separate it, it needs to be so a given tech tree has many different counter types, not just one. Not just 'bio' for biology tree weapons, but HE weapons and MG weapons, for example.
  16. GregariousJB

    GregariousJB Member Staff Member Web Developer

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    It sounds like you're making a strong statement here that hard counters already exist in the game, and that if a team doesn't have them, "it sucks for them". "It's like researching rock vs paper" - a game about pure counters... That's what I disagree with.
  17. RoboTek

    RoboTek Member

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    I am saying that the way research and the technologies you get right now are grouped, this is an imminent problem if we try to implement counters.
  18. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  19. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    *cough cough* Tried to suggest this here.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  20. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    You know somewhere's between 2.4 and 2.5something we did have a system that usually made us think about what to get depending on players, the map, and what was generally happening. It didn't have much of a counter system either beyond abs being good against rails.
    Señor_Awesome likes this.

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