I wish people would stop dissing the training server.

Discussion in 'General' started by Inside, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Inside

    Inside Member

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    I see everywhere -- on the forums and in game -- people dissing the training server as though the quality of players there is lower or something.

    I could understand the scorn that a "training server" would deserve from seasoned players on a highly populated mod... but what the fuck? Empires at peak has roughly 60-70 players playing on average -- this is enough to fill up the training server and a 40 slot server like the ghost server. Do you all use some sort of a magical server browser that lists more servers than this that I've never heard about?

    Anyway, just a pointless little rant :D
  2. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    Every so often I see a complaint about admin abuse, so that's probably it.
  3. Jäger

    Jäger Member

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    lol in my view a seasond player will never be a seasoned player as long as they play on the training server. it should be a place where new players can fight new players. while all the people who know what they are doing play against other people of their same skill level. so yes the quality of the players is lower on the training server... BECAUSE THEY JUST FUCKING INSTALLED THE GAME. and the reason epires only has a max of60-70 is all the seasoned players. thinking they are so bad ass that they go kill people that have a hard time picking a spawn point. basicly if you love empires and you play it alot and want to see it grow then stay out of the training server grow some balls and fight some actual opponents.
  4. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    If seasoned players didn't play on the training server, then nobody would. New players join the most populated servers. Someone who just downloaded the game isn't going to join an empty or few player server just because it has 'training' in the name.
  5. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    People dis the training server because the for good reason. Yesterday someone was banned for RTVing a map the admin liked. Day before that there is a complaint in ban hamor about admin abuse. Today I was team switched as commander to "balance teams" Luckly it was very shortly after I finished a barracks so my old team could actually get my cv.
  6. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    It's not an official training server and the name "training server" seems just like a way for them to get more populated.. Also notice the space before the server name so when you view the servers by name it shows it at the top. :p

    Most vets play there because at times its the only populated american server that doesn't lag like the other euro servers. You do actually learn how to play much faster with vets then against all noobs.. It would make the game seem pretty shitty if everyone didn't know what to do..

    on a side note I played an epic 14 vs 14 game today in the [EG] server that only had 2 vets in it.. Me and Razorbud.. We trained and played with these noobs on one map for like 2 hours.. It was more like a training server then the training server!
  7. Empty

    Empty Member

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    It's hilarious because noobs go to the training server, and get shot down because they don't know how to play.

    And Grapehead, playing as a noob on a 90% vet server, is not likely to teach you anything, except vets are generally dicks.
  8. Inceptor

    Inceptor Member

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    I vote cool people who will help noobs put on a (Emp_Helper) and teach noobs how to rape other noobs.
  9. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    You need atleast 2 vets to have a real game of emp with noobs.. So maybe the training server should just ban all vets like someone said awhile ago.. That way they all populate another server and the noobs can find ammoz by themselfs..

    I answered all kinds of questions today for noobs and they asked those questions after seeing me do something they didn't know how to do.. Playing with people who know how to play is a good way to learn. And vets are not generally dicks unless someone is a dick to them first.
  10. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Only twice in 7-8 months have I seen any bad admin abuse on the training server. Most times it's not an issue, but there are times, an hour maybe once every couple of days, where one of the admins is being a total dick.

    I've been team switched while building mid barracks for my team alone while on NF. That was the worst that I can remember. But there's only been a couple times.

    Also, it is one of the best servers as far as no lag goes, unless JPL gets their populated. Except JPL's server has a weird glitch where repair pads form race tracks in the sky all of a sudden, so it's best to avoid that server at times...
  11. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Cpatton initiated a vote to permanently ban me, because I griefed previously on a small game on another server [See tovars rant]. After the first vote failed, he started another one.
  12. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    lol thats no glitch.. Caggers likes to make huge bases and race tracks
  13. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    The Training Server does have its problems, but its one of the few with regular and active admins. Empires is so prone to exploiting/griefing that the only good solution is active admins. I think recon has done a good job of this, even if that means the occasional disagreement.
  14. Chronis

    Chronis Member

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    There is a damn big differnece between active admins and bad admins however, getting banned because the admin thinks an exploit is legit and you think otherwise, and making fun of someones poor loser attitude are not grounds for a ban. I honestly think admins in games turn me off more than any griefer ever has
  15. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Just to clarify, if I have an argument with someone and then hop on the forums and flame them without saying who it was, it's not considered offensive even if that person knows who I'm talking about?

    Somehow I think the word "someone" would be used much more often on the forums were this true.

    at any rate, I've never heard of a mass revive at the wall trick. Is it supposed to boost you on top of the wall or something? and if so, how does that help anyone?
  16. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I the wall is the destructible NF wall at the end, and they mass revved after they built it [on the other side] Or something.
  17. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    While I dunno if it's what we're talking about, I do think that constantly rebuilding that wall is exploiting a glitch, particularly putting the entire team around it and using it as the lynchpin of your defense. The respawn speed of that wall (the fact that it respawns at all, actually) is not intentional, people.

    I mean, unless I misunderstand, the fact that the wall can be rebuilt so fast is just a glitch that exists only in certain versions of the map because the map's creator didn't realize that setting the wall's respawn to 0 would make it instantly respawn instead of never respawning. Using that instantly-respawning wall (or any other mistake made in the map's design) to slow BE down is practically the definition of exploiting a map glitch... it's no different at all from climbing up the sides of the map when you're not supposed to, or using walls and mines to get to places where you obviously shouldn't be.

    Of course, the real solution is for the server to get a newer version of the map, where it's been fixed...

    But simply using revive to sneak many people behind enemy lines is not a glitch, it's a feature. That's what revive is intended to do -- it teleports dead people to you. If you think it shouldn't do that (and I can see some argument for that), go to the suggestions forum and suggest that it only revive people within your squad radius range, or whatever.
  18. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Sometimes RTV is abused. Maybe if you provided more details...

    Admins sometimes do not have time to look at who they are switching (e.g. if they wait too long, the game will be over). Commanders should never be switched, and we do not intend to.

    We have a zero tolerance policy for greifers and cheaters. Sorry if that doesn't work for you.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  19. Empty

    Empty Member

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    It was literally weeks beforehand, on a barely full server, that isn't yours. I'm sorry good sir, but if you want a god damn demo every time you think about banning someone from a random report someone gives you, you can go fuck yourself, because tovarich didn't have a demo or even any evidence, Cpatton probably heard it from some random person, and it wasn't YOUR server, quite frankly mind your own business, as well as the fact that only one person on the 10 man server [IE Tovarich] was upset by the grief, BE still won the game.

    Seriously dude, you can't ban someone off your server because someone reported them from another server. It's not your place.
  20. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    I notice alot of noobs on the vet server and alot of vets on the training server. Kinda funny actualy.

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