hobbes is the best commander

Discussion in 'General' started by complete_, Dec 9, 2014.


Promote hobbes to supreme overlord

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes (& also ban him)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I thought this was a serious discussion.
  2. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Yeah, nah. I know there is a lot of people like me who know how to command in the basic sense but hate it for all the reasons that commanding sucks. When hobbes, or anyone, steps up to the plate it's a load off my mind because I know I won't have a terrible time for the next half hour. I swear it is only when I command do I see all the problems with how people play, probably because I don't have much else to do but see people doing bad. Also a good reason why I see commanders constantly complain about the team when things tend not to go too much better when they are on the ground themselves.

    I will say I do love being on hobbes team, so even if someone else did step up to the plate I'd vote hobbes anyway.

    Also this thread made me realize I never look at where the commander is unless hobbes is commanding. I should fix that.
  3. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    He beat me once in Slaughtered because he boomtanked SBend and my entire team killspawned to kill him. He got free while a couple dudes took bridge and got behind us.

    If you know what you are doing and don't get too out of position, you can tunnel vision the other team. If you fuck up that risky play, you are donezo.
  4. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Except from what ive seen that hasnt largely been the case in the past month ot two. Before hobbes decided to make his little comeback, theres been at least 3 new guys that have proven to be decent at worst and they commed pretty regularily since.
  5. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Oh good, ive been back seating people as much as I can so they can help themselves especially when they are new.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  6. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    This is my stance about Hobbes commanding.
    1.I wont ban him for boomtanking because players vote him in, they take part of the responsibility for him commanding.
    2.Many times he's the only one opting in, so more players need to opt in when hobbes does.
    3.If he wins comm vote when others have opted in, refer to my 1st point.
    4.I asked hobbes recently after receiving many complaints if he is going to command not to boomtank or be so reckless doing so.
    5.If he continues to boomtank recklessly he will be slayed and or kicked and cv ungriefed but someone has to take over the cv.
  7. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I am twisted in this area.
    On one hand... it pisses me off that rounds end significantly faster when he is paying more often then not in the bad way for his team.

    On the other hand it adds a serious level of excitement trying to rescue his ass almost EVERY damn round.
  8. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    I believe most players could only concentrate on their actions in the field.

    They don't really have spare brainCPU cycles to pay attention to other things.
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Maybe my mics not working but people generally ignore me most of the time while I'm screaming 'GET REFS GET REFS GET REFS' and they just sit in main asking why there's no money for tanks.

    I had a good match today on cyclopean though, everyone was tight and paying attention but NF just wouldnt fucking die. Continual scout BS and hobbes boomtanking made the win an utter pain in the ass.

    It was nice how people actually listened to me though, turns out just fucking ignoring hobbes' bs is a great way to win. Just don't react to the CV running around your base and you'll do fine.

    I really did want to stun hobbes though, I was scout as commander the whole game just waiting for the opportunity but the dickhead never gave it to me.
  10. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    since people now stack hobbes (this was different years back) i always join the opposite team and i get him stuck on something 8 of 10 times i try. the only issue is the rest of the team doesnt know what to do with it.

    i was on kylegars team in this situation he described. hobbes was stuck in the bend of sbend on my ml turret right next to a fully built rax. i quitted the game as soon as he came free since with such team what do i play for. (not blaming kylegar)
    i called all moves beforehand - i took the short way round to bridge from be side (you go north over the hill not east) built walls since i know hobbes builds a vf at bridge and rushes an apc. as soon as it was clear the apc goes trough sbend i was there and placed a shitload of walls. i fought my way to sbend with empty, we then fell back and secured sbend with a rax. i have no fucking clue what the rest did in the meanwhile. there was some vehicles and jeeps wasting themselfs against the turretfarms right around the corner. when we didnt get attacked hard enough for the amount of people on the other team i asked "what about bridge" as noone on our team was there (they clusterfucked vfs to waste even more tanks against their defense) after the 3rd time i asked and someone took a heart to look you could already see the enemy on the minimap at bridge - ofc our whole team had to be heros and went there
    what empires lacks is new people playing under experienced comms. but that cannot happen since theres stack after stack. its so easy to see if you look at the join pattern. hobbes team is full? nobody makes a move. someone autos on the enemy team? theres someone joining hobbes immediately.

    i know noone gives a fuck ... but you wonder why the game is so dead. this is why.

    also im against banning hobbes, hes not the problem, his strategies wont work against experienced players, its those experienced players being stackers which is the problem.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  11. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Just put up ML farms.

    The goal isn't to prevent hobbes from doing his thang. It's just to regulate it without significant effort.

    A turret farm is just a good idea, so the fact that it limits hobbes' boomtanking should be treated as a side effect.
  12. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Cyclo barely has enough money for refineries, let along a turret farm.
    We were struggling to keep heavies on the field and we had every refinery except 2.
  13. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Buildings are dirt cheap compared to vehicles.

    Perhaps a few MLs may have reduced the need for so many heavies?

    Like most situations in life, a happy medium is often the best route.
  14. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    Give a monkey a gun and he will shoot himself.
  15. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Trust me when he was doing it (early to midgame) I barely had enough dosh for a radar let alone turrets
  16. Trainzack

    Trainzack Member

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    I remember that game.

    I left because I was frustrated at constantly losing and failing at pulling off scout BS.

    Anyway, I'm okay with hobbes as a commander. What I'm not okay is when he stole my apc on that one city infantry map.
  17. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    im going to help put hobbes in danger from now on. to help his strategy.
    cant wait for more shittypires this weekend
  18. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Thats because unlike new players I know how to deal with scout BS (send one guy, get enhanced senses, kill him and continue the assault)

    It was just a pain in the ass because it meant I couldn't get in a heavy tank to actually finish the game since I had to babysit every single base. My team were around the same skill level as NF and NF only really held on for so long because NF had a 2-3 player advantage most of the game, and I was stuck in the CV because you can't boomtank the BE CV. Fact of the matter is, your scout shit didn't make either side happy, you got pissed off because it failed, and I got pissed off because I was locked inside a command vehicle all day having to deal with hobbes continually fucking with me, and you continually sabbing my main.
  19. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Now hold on there, it is unanimously agreed that the be cv handles way better than the nf cv. Accelerates faster too.
  20. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I find the NF CV just bullies it around like it doesn't give a fuck.
    Also 300 ping = your CV now handles like a piece of fucking shit.

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