Get rid of the commander target ability

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by -Mayama-, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. manbeef

    manbeef Member

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    There's no way you could totally remove comm targets from the game, cause then you' just get the comm micspamming enemy locations, and that would be straight-up retarded for all involved.

    The one beef I have with them is how precise the targeting is. I can sit in a bush, unable to see anything, and just fire at the red diamonds and make kills. I think a little bit of random error should be introduced to the targets so you can't snipe people super-accurately with them. Maybe change the diamonds to an amorphous blob or something?

    Also, I like what Ikalx said.
  2. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    That sounds good on paper. Here is my problem:

    Generally, in an actual game, squads get all shuffled up shortly after the game begins.

    If you limit it to squad only, it'll be much less useful than both comm targets and sensor equipment. And that's stupid. Both sensor equipment and comm targets are easier and cheaper to get -- they don't require that you have a scout.

    Information like that should be one of the scout's main roles. While we can't get rid of comm targeting, and sensors are fine as they are, we should at least make the scout's ability to provide information is as good as both of those -- and that means it should work for everyone, not just for your squad.

    If we can't get rid of comm targeting, we should make the game's other detection mechanisms at least as good at it. There is no reason -- none -- to nerf the scout's detection mechanism, in particular, compared to anyone else's. They should be the best. If you want to make someone's detection mechanisms weaker by limiting them to squads, go for the engineer ones. Let the scout detect for everyone. An engineer can heal anyone; a rifleman or gren can support anyone, and can fight away from their squad if they need to.

    Why should a scout's detection be limited to their squad when the engineer's heal and revive aren't? It makes no sense.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    its actually piss easy to get rid of the commanders mass targeting ability ... :rolleyes:

    so you give the commander enough to play with. comm abilities/skills or however you want to call them would be at hand.

    but, hey, i dont give a fuck anymore ... if empires 2.25 will be nice i think about playing again, if not, well, i wont ... piss easy, as would removing the comm targets would be.
    all there is, is a bunch of retards that love their wallhacks, thats all there is. but well, it fits the average retardation within the empires community ...

    its sad that devs listen to those who yell loudest most, but well i guess its like that everywhere.

    (oh and manbeef, i didnt mean to call you retarded with that)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  4. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    As a dev, I can safely say that commander targets will never be removed. Thank you.

    Carry on.
  5. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    and what havoc would this wreak upon hidden scouts?
  6. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    Who cares? It's scout vs. scout. It doesn't make the scout any weaker to have other scouts act as a counter to them. And, honestly, I don't see crawling around for huge distances on your own behind enemy lines as something that should be encouraged (that's basically the failscout style of play that has never worked for the class as it is) -- I would rather give the advantage to scouts that are working with their teammates.

    I mean, if it really bothers you, there are solutions to avoid exposing hidden scouts (make it so they don't get highlighted to anyone except the rival enhanced-senses scout, say. Or at all, if you really want to go that way.) But I don't see the need for that. If it's scout vs. scout? I'd lean towards give the advantage to the scout who is working with their team, every time.
  7. Empty

    Empty Member

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    As a dev, I can safely say that it's entirely possible perspectives may change and in the future commander targets may be removed for a more intuitive and fair system.
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    -inappropriate rant-
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  9. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    Very nice arguments. Just listen to the community and ignore them. I also love the persuasive explanation. Beside with the list of good alternatives. :rolleyes:

    Go Empty! ^^

    The devs should just add some cvars for this issue like:
    emp_sv_com_targets 0=disabled, 1=current ones, 2=camera like, 3=only minimap
    emp_sv_scout_enhanced_senses 0=current one, 1=for whole squad, 2=for whole team

    Then see how it changes the gameplay after one or two month and maybe adjust the settings again.
  10. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    It's MASS targets, not targets that need to be removed/improved. But no one needs to talk to you anyway. Spawn will listen and throw back counter arguments, which is what I at least, look for.

    I haven't a problem with commander targets being asked for infrequently and not giving such a high advantage that a skilled player can't do much if the enemy has a target on him and he has not on the enemy. I don't mind painting targets once every 10-15seconds or so. I object to needing to paint targets faster than I can relocate the Commander view on the minimap, and having to do it so frequently that dropping buildings and doing research is a BREAK from it. It's become so ridiculous that targets are the main thing the commander does now.

    Listen and understand; that is not right.
  11. Rehnquist

    Rehnquist Member

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    Guys, if you don't want commander targets just vote apwall21 as your comm. I'm not even kidding, he will give them once a game and any other time tell you to bugger off and build a camera. Problem solved.
  12. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    true that, but there is only one apwall21, we would need a second one as enemy commander ...

    but if apwall always loses, who will win then? :eek:
  13. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    The point isn't to cripple the team by not giving them targets when the other team has some lol. And no, I never ask for don't get them unless the commander is giving them in my direction.

    So ask me again if i've played without targets...? The answer is yes.

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