Empires mod - lets post some comments to get the word out...

Discussion in 'General' started by JustGoFly, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    I did a search on "Best Half Life 2 mods", found this:
    Empires Mod is fourth down on second page, with a 93% rating - very nice!
    Write up is OK, link to first article is the bland list of upgrades after a release.

    I post this because I know of the highly creative community that is capable of posting their own creative quote or link to video or ... So lets get out there and post some comments to attract new players.
  2. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I am suddenly reminded of complete's community trailer that didn't go anywhere because I don't think anyone submitted a clip. Which also reminds me of how few screen shots tama got to showcase commanding. Effort is hard.
  3. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you play in 4 : 3 ?
  5. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Huh, you had std cannon icon glitched under your ugl, that's a new one. 17 mins in on that streets vid.

    Quality wise it's not bad, that's what empires looks like, but the fps felt pretty rough. Though I felt it more going full screen, so maybe it's just my comp not handling it well for some reason. What do you usually play at? Also is that 1280x1024 res? The menus feel like they took up a ton of space. Looks fine for streaming though.

    If you did intend to make vids for pr or whatever I would definitely record demos then playback later, not only to have a better frame rate but just so you can force the res to some 16:9 aspect ratio, 4 : 3 kinda looks off to most people nowadays I think.

    4: 3 is pretty cool flasche, I played like that for like the last 10 years til I kinda replaced everything with a laptop.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
  6. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    the main issue with demos is how the menus behave (they dont close) and comm view doesnt work either -> its a lot more fiddling around then in other source engine games/way less convenient than it sounds in the beginning.
  7. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I remember hearing that the menus empires uses runs off of custom code, I guess demos don't know what to do about them.

    Still for a trailer, there's a alot of shots you wouldn't want to use the hud or anything, so you could play the demo back without one and the menus wouldn't be an issue rihgt? You'd need one for commanding of course, and probably a few snippets of what empires should look like from a player's perspective(vf menu, engy building things for a second, squads maybe), but I would think that for a more cinematic look to draw attention you'd do away with it so people only see the action happening right in front of them.
  8. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    I've been meaning to cap some COM videos and screen shots. Tama caught a decent one. It might be fun to do an educational HOW TO com video to show the intensity needed to com. Instead of telling people all the things that are needed to com, lets record it. Crossroads is pretty intense and changes how the com needs to work as the game progresses. Money is seemingly simple but focus's on dropping buildings. Tama - it might be fun to capture both factions during the same game and post them side by side. My only issue is my system might bog, I've been having heat issues since it's a laptop. Let me know if anyone wants to give it a try. I use FRAPS then I shrink it down with video/audio compression afterwards to keep it lower processor hit.

    Kudos for gathering more videos on the game. I watched them all - great stuff!
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    honestly i dont think its the - admitably suboptimal - controlls preventing people from commanding much, its more like that the task itself is more of a chore than a rewarding position to take.
  10. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    I think the COM just has too much to do. I've always thought we should introduce a drone from the spawn barracks location to allow nubs who want top down view to provide targets and information to the team. That would enable them to see more of how the ground troops work and add some value without just building walls in the main base. This would help eliminate sneak attacks on main as well, letting the com build and research. Vet players could take a quick peek at the field prior to running out. Fog of war would still be necessary, but dropping of cameras everywhere would be more useful throughout the game.

    I think the commanders role is just to enable the players to play evenly and team skill wins the game. The fact is a new player in the com will normally lose that team the game. But one with a microphone, who listens and reacts to remote commanding can be very effective. Besides knowing the research, I think a very good engineer can be much more effective than a very good commander. I still maintain engineers win games.

  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    What flasche said. The idea of commanding to most would sound like a position of power, you tell people to do things and things happen, but unless you are one of like 4 commanders that is not at all how commanding goes. To enjoy commanding if you don't have that years of not only experience but enough respect from a majority of player to listen to you the really fun part of commanding is simply all the little tedious things that make commanding. Placing buildings, keeping troops updated on what's happening, trying to predict and correctly play against the enemy comm/enemy team(you can do a lot on this one without cooperation from your team), running people over and balancing the use of the cv as bait and not getting caught/dying(yes this is bad practice, but a lot of games are really hopeless unless you do this), simply keeping research going and base building everything yourself. Basically making everything work nicely from the background, a position you will never receive praise for but if not done right will have everyone rage at you.

    I can say I've been enjoying commanding a bit more recently but that's because I kinda exhausted the fun of infantry and vehicle combat. People like me aren't minded as much in the cv because we have enough experience in regular empires not to do really really dumb things that make everyone angry. I is good ref dropper. New players don't actually have that incentive, to them the idea of commanding sounds like it could be fun but that's not how commanding works so when they opt in they find it's a horrible experience and quit forever. Or don't quit immediately, but don't stick around when they see how little direct impact they can make on the field. It's simply not as rewarding as driving as tank around doing things, commanding doesn't have that immediate gratification factor.

    Really, the only thing I really really would like is a super basic 10-15 tutorial on just how to do the most basic of things as comm, and have it so you can't opt in unless you take that tutorial. I'm almost tempted to say they can't enter the cv either to help prevent griefs, but I feel that's gonna cause tons of problems for vets who know the game already but can't be arsed to play the tutorial. I never minded new players in the cv, but I really really do hate it when they don't even know how to move the camera around and the first thing they drop is a bunch of turrets or a repair pad in main.
  12. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i dont think its that. for me the majority of tasks are just boring, repetitive, require barely any skill, and have little to no direct impact on the game.
    sure, in the grand scheme comm does a lot, but it in the long run thats too abstract to draw from - at least for a majority, or so it seems (to me)
  13. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    My view of COM is more like an old game I played called TRACON. It was an air traffic controller game. You let aircraft into your airspace and routed them to various airports, controlled their direction and altitude to allow 20 or more airplanes to pass through your quadrant without any close calls. Once you start everything happens to fast, then it all becomes easy and you can do it without any error. Commanding is doing alot of things at once and the more you can do, the more you can benefit your team. Targets always help a team control an area. If you can be certain you have cleared an area - then your team pushes without any hesitation. Hell 30 seconds in this game is enough to get into a base and overun an enemy.

    Tonight we had an awesome game vs Hobbes on Slaughtered. Creeper com'd and I said "He's going to rush bridge". They got over bridge exposing S bend, enabling a small squad to take S Bend and continue to push north. Our bridge squad got decimated, we lost south east, and center, but the team pushed with force and controlled the area. We closed the loop on Hobbes and eventually crushed his ability to do what Hobbes does best. That is to control four corners of the map, all at the same time. He's probably the one com that everyone can respect and he seems to be able to drop buildings while still driving. He takes chances, which is why he also gets shit from his team. But when he wins he does it in awesome style and very efficiently. Had Creeper given up - it would have been curtains. Fun match!
  14. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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    Sounds great JGF, I hope you recorded that game.

    I think the issue with commanding is that, far too often, you're the only one able to do a bunch of low-level stuff. That's why I've suggested the personal commandview, which would allow any team member to suggest a building, and therefore do all the placement of e.g. a battery of turrets.

    Giving targets is really terrible at the moment; I've been yelled at too often for not giving targets. It takes absolutely zero skill and it's tedious. Possible solutions:
    -No more commander attack targets
    -Squad leaders can give targets as well
    -You always automatically have a target set to the nearest enemy

    Those are all suboptimal, though, so I'd gladly hear your alternatives.
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Squad leads can already give targets? Or you mean they can kinda pop into comm view and do a wide sweep like the commander does. Sounds bad to be honest. I don't know why people always want targets either, it's like no one places cameras or uses their brain, they can only be in so many places. The only time that targets feel really needed is in base where they have 100 places to hide.

    Which to me sounds like it would be better if it was a defensive measure and you can only give targets in range of the cv. Don't know about range though, like half the distance of the radar? Enough to cover a base at least.

    Honestly, squad leads can give targets to help coordinate their squad, and we have cameras everywhere anyway. This is one of those things that people really shouldn't be bothering the comm for.

    As an aside, that personal comm view was suggested a couple of times but I'm to lazy to find them. Sounds neat, but I feel that would work better if you redesigned empires without the commander and gave everything to the players. Placing buildings is really half the fun for commander, taking that away kinda kills the commander's fun potential. I know I really wouldn't want to bother with it if players can do that themselves.

    Extra aside, am I the only one who isn't bothered by this so called low level stuff? It all adds the commanding experience I say, all things put together gives commander something to actually do and is something of a challenge to do it all effectively.
  16. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    they want targets, because they CAN have them
  17. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    No they can't, I'm busy doing useful things, like not losing the cv to a base rush or ninja(again...).
  18. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    then you just dont get my point xD

    Iam saying, people want targets, because its possible to have them
  19. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    I think the whole target system in Empires needs to be re-done, it needs to be something that you invest in to gain a tactical advantage over your enemy, and not just a freebie that you gain from having a commander or a squad leader that knows the command. You shouldn't be able to track your enemy's movement by default.

    My idea is that in a RTS/FPS the commander has too much of a tactical advantage by being able to view all the enemies' troops movement in real time, giving him too big a responsibility to be aware of everything that's going on around the map.
    concretely (in a perfect Empires) I would add a whole new side to the game introducing surveillance, complete re-balance of cameras/radars and adding satellites. Satellites uplink, is a building allowing anyone to view the map via whatever satellite they have available and therefore act as a spotter. and be used to both develop your team's surveillance capabilities via gadgets such as portable movement detectors and radars, also mobile satellite uplinks, a small gadget that allows you to enter something akin to the commander view and research better satellites allowing for a more accurate and real-time view of the map.
    Of course you could imagine other gadgets linked to the surveillance side, such as in-helmet targeting system which in my idea would be one of the end-game tech, allowing your helmet to interact with your spotting satellites to automatically give you the closest targets.
    In the beginning of the round the commander starts with the most basic kind of "surveillance" possible, which would be close to what we use a minimap. He would then build a Satellite uplink to research and build more advanced satellites to gain a better vision, and allow his team to have spotters.

    The aim is to free the commander from an over-burdening targeting job which as pointed out can be pretty tedious and should not be the job of the ranking officer.
    Of course all of this suggest implementing other features from my view of "a perfect Empires" including but not limited to: removal of classes in a favor of a more customizable equipment system (based on weight), including armors (like the helmet mentioned) and weapons attachments. Adding a secondary resources, most likely Energy/Power.

    anyhow... keep dreaming.
    Tama and Ranger like this.
  20. Tama

    Tama Developer Staff Member Web Developer

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    I think the idea of being able to expand the viewing abilities of the commander through research and/or an extra building.

    In the meantime, I think it would be a good idea to change this: The commander no longer sees enemies in a large radius around troops; instead, he can only see (and therefore target) enemies around the comm vehicle, and enemies already spotted by troops. However, the latter already show up to infantry as orange marks, so there is no need to ever sweep around, except in his own area.

    Of course, a commander could boomtank and use that for targetting, but I don't see it ever being practical, since the area around the CV wouldn't be bigger than the area currently around any friendly unit, so you'd have to be really in the middle of the fight to use it, and nobody is going to take that great a risk in games where the outcome really matters.

    This lowers the expectations placed on commanders a little bit, and also pushes the responsibility to spot enemies into the hands of the soldier. I'm not sure about vehicles though; perhaps these should still be automatically visible when near any friendly, because otherwise enemy jeeps rushing into main have to be explicitly "spotted" by troops. Do we want that? Targets on tanks aren't really demanded the same way as for infantry; usually you give more specific orders when it comes to tanks, but it's not an issue of whether you can see them or not.

    Also, engineer camera's and radars should also show the commander enemies (as they currently do), but these likewise give infantry an orange mark automatically, so that shouldn't force the commander to give targets.

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