Empires 1.07 and Blimps

Discussion in 'General' started by DonMegel, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. Ganks

    Ganks Banned

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    dude this is sounding unbelievably fun. HURRY UP DEVS!! PLZ!! WE GOT COOKIES!!

    lol jk jk take your time and make it way cool :D
  2. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Does anyone get the feeling that by v2.0 the game will be so weird to play that newbies can't get the hang of it because the playing style is so random.

    For example, (not gonna happen I'm sure) the nuke man with his one bullet rushes the enemy base at the start and about 5 scouts wait for him to arrive and try to stop him firing his bullet, then a specific amount of blimps must be built and sent to a location to defend a forward base.

    Newbs aren't gonna know what to do! =P

    Quickly, place a ranged gatling artillery turret at the forward base so we can move our blimps into the regen zone for maximum effect! Get an APC to the bridge so we can hold it against the NF! Oh crap, the nuke man has destroyed our first forward base, send in the whales and build a ref. OMG theres a rush of light tanks in B4, quickly turret farm!

    See, crazy...
  3. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    You had me till the end. What kind of aweful game has turret farming? What are we, Protoss? No, We're monsters!
  4. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Let's hope it also disencourages the "noobs", we don't want jerkbags, right?

    The people who it interests when it gets stupidmadcrazy will get better at it, and we'll get new players. I really am starting to hope they'll put blimps in, by the way.
  5. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    -satchel charges for Grenediers as option instead of mines
    -Anti Aircraft weapons for vehicles
    -Anti Aircraft turrets
    -Gattling Arty should be a PREPLACED building, which people must go inside to capture. then in can be used by commander
    -Gattling Arty: good vs players and vehicles
    bad vs buildings (so no attacks on base)
    -Anti Missile Turret
    -Turrets cannot attack buildings except for other turrets
    -Add engineer ability to see view that their camra sees instead of minimap (if button is pressed
    -remove engineer grenades; they serve only a purpose of making the grendier useless
    -turrets target visible part of enemy: so they do not shoot the ground if the enemy is higher up than the turret
    -reduce ramming ability of jeeps.

    -Realism additions;
    --blood/dirt splat on camra
    --no crosshair, whether using iron sight or not (Iron sight becomes crosshair)
    --screen blur as bullets pass face reflects natural squinting / closing of eyes in danger zone: makes covering fire more effective

    -vehicles run over players, PLEASE add this again, but use a different method to avoid lag spikes.
    -if adding prone, add jump + prone makes a dive. (no shooting while diving)
    -no shooting while sprinting
    -rocket laucher must be "shouldered" in order to fire; reduces speed to a walk.
    -add area specific damage to players
    -if keeping ranged rifle the same, give it a scope (same as current zoom function, but with a real scope crosshair)
    -add corpse fall related to current movement: if a player is sprinting at you and you kill him, his body continues to fall forward.
  6. pickjaoe

    pickjaoe Member

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    Fast Reload skill for Riflemen.
  7. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    -satchel charges for Grenediers as option instead of mines | OK
    -Anti Aircraft weapons for vehicles | OK
    -Anti Aircraft turrets | OK
    -Gattling Arty should be a PREPLACED building, which people must go inside to capture. then in can be used by commander | I don't get it.
    -Gattling Arty: good vs players and vehicles
    bad vs buildings (so no attacks on base) | I don't get it either.
    -Anti Missile Turret | Why? D:
    -Turrets cannot attack buildings except for other turrets | Maybe
    -Add engineer ability to see view that their camra sees instead of minimap (if button is pressed | OK
    -remove engineer grenades; they serve only a purpose of making the grendier useless | I was thinking of giving the engineer a perk if he chooses not to use the grenades. Maybe a larger (double) engineer tool clip? Or have it regenerate double as fast?
    -turrets target visible part of enemy: so they do not shoot the ground if the enemy is higher up than the turret | This might require some coding or lag, maybe give the turrets spread as suggested
    -reduce ramming ability of jeeps. | Yes. lol (The Buttery Lobster will not be pleased D: )

    -Realism additions;
    --blood/dirt splat on camra | Maybe. Seems more annoying than anything else
    --no crosshair, whether using iron sight or not (Iron sight becomes crosshair) | Again, maybe.
    --screen blur as bullets pass face reflects natural squinting / closing of eyes in danger zone: makes covering fire more effective | Just no. I'd rather just shoot the enemy instead of scaring them. It would be a nice addition for melee, however.

    -vehicles run over players, PLEASE add this again, but use a different method to avoid lag spikes. | I say you add a point_hurt under the tanks.
    -if adding prone, add jump + prone makes a dive. (no shooting while diving) | Aww, no bullettime either? D:
    -no shooting while sprinting | Nah. The accuracy is horrible most of the times, anyway. Except for the SNIPAR RIFLEH
    -rocket laucher must be "shouldered" in order to fire; reduces speed to a walk. | I would leave it as it is now, but add this feature to make the path of the rocket MUCH more stable instead of it going "ololol drunk rocket"
    -add area specific damage to players | Ok, but please don't incorporate instant headshots with weaker weapons
    -if keeping ranged rifle the same, give it a scope (same as current zoom function, but with a real scope crosshair) | If nerfing ranged rifle, be happy
    -add corpse fall related to current movement: if a player is sprinting at you and you kill him, his body continues to fall forward. | This is already incorporated. If you want to make it more realistic, go learn how to animate (they need one anyway :p) and keyframe the right animations to the ragdoll.

    Because I hate replying in quotes D:
  8. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Agree with about half of it, that was such a bigass post I'm proud for reading through it. I would like a "concussion" effect when hit by a melee weapon, where light becomes much more intense.
  9. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    I read the post, then had to re-read it thanks to beerdood.
    There was something I disagreed with, but I can't find it now. I think engis should keep their nades, so that must have been the point of contention. I basically agree with Beerdood. I don't have it in me to reread the post a third time.
  10. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Yaaay, go go Slith!

    I don't like any of the realism additions mentioned above. They're simply realism for the sake of realism, and that tends to screw with the gameplay.
  11. Al Fire 101

    Al Fire 101 Member

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    - One thing that would make me much happer is if you could connect turrets onto walls like in Command and Conquer Tiberium Sun, also to go with that a wall that opens when a person on that team goes near it.
    - Another thing I would like to see would be a Battlefield: Vietnam thing being able to play music when your in a vehical.
    - A turret that is weaker then both the mg and ml but can hit both things people and tanks.
    - A ban on all sniper rifles (ohh how much I hate them)
    - For the northern faction side keeping the jeep, but having a minigun on it, but for the Brenodi Empire changing the jeep into a motorcycle and adding a weak misslelauncher on it (the motorcycle is by far faster then the jeep)
    - Being able to lean around walls like in Red Orchestra
    - Lowering the total height of the North Faction's barracks
    - An easier way of joining squads (aka remotely)
    - Same thing for destroying own turrets
    - Letting people start off with one special ability
    - Having engineers being able to destroy enemy buildings quicker
    - Having commander special abilities like an orbital strike???
    - Visiting my blog http://blogs.ign.com/Alfire101
    - When a special ability is chosen for the same class have it become an instant effect (no going to a spawn point for it to work)
    - A larger building limit
    - Having each class more easily told a part
    - Having a higher view away in command view but having everything automatically having a box around it to show its health
    - Having more "big" differences between the NF and BE like costs of buildings and special abilities
    - Having a reason of each battlefield like a brief overview why they are fighting at that position
    - having people being able to ride on the side (outside) of tanks
    - being able to create suicide vehicals with no armor
    - Having a "walker" tank with either miniguns or missle launchers

    This is my list of what should be place in the upcoming betas and Empires team I hope you enjoy my pro-Empires blog entry! Empires is amazing and continue the good work!
  12. Darg

    Darg Member

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    It's getting technical now.. I'm scared.

    "- Visiting my blog http://blogs.ign.com/Alfire101"

    nice inconspicous plug.
  13. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    When I mentioned the Gattling Arty being a static building, I meant that is was something part of the map. it is not origionally owned by either of the sides, and would have to be "captured" to be used.
  14. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Oh, for Christ's sake...

    No, Al Fire, no god damn mechs.
  15. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    LOL omg.....................what is up with people and mechs???? Do they want them in every single game?
  16. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    yeah, they were about to be added to the Sims but a mysterious fire destroyed the only hardrive with the model of it on. (shifty eyes time).

    Sandbag says: no mechs
  17. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Mechs, jetpacks, grappling hooks, and AWPs.

    Ahh, the arsenal of n00bs.
  18. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    coincidentally, every one of these has/will at one point be in the battlefield games =D
  19. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    You don't say?
  20. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    well battlefield 21whatever looks pretty tight, and it might not have an AWP. Each of these things has been suggested for Empires though. Good thing the devs have some sense :D or else i think this mod will be reduced to tumbleweeds. I don't think I'll be able to play much soon anyway. I've got to get back to recording music. The people demand it :) Games sucked me in, but I have to get away from them to do something constructive.

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