Ok i tried to dl the rc2 version of emp_vehicletraining directly from your server today (i guess you have a link to an ftp server running) but my client didnt dl the .bsp file like i said above and disced me from the game cause i didnt have the correct map.... The problem is not limited to my client i know other ppl having the same prob.. So i guess its a bug in the filemanagementsystem.
Haschtewas, i remember you trying to join. I was testing my map that moment, so i was using the client install, not the server install. It's pretty rare that people can join the server i'm in when i'm testing a map. Actually, it only happened twice, all the other times people got dropped from the server. It's those few occasions when people can join that i don't understand, since i'm not running a real server. I sort of finished the map now. Flags have been added, players get hurt in the enemy base, weapons can't damage the other team's buildings, i did some displacement/texture optimization and i'm now using the exact same settings for fog in map and skybox. I'm not sure when it'll be compiled. Will be at least a few days. First thing i'll do is test the res file on the cw server, to see if people can download everything properly. If that works i'll put up a link here.
Off topic but related: I once tested a map I made, using custom models and materials, all in all about 10MB, running a listen server as usual. After less than a minute somebody connected and ran around, killing me, so I went into buddha mode. I asked him wtf was going on and if he saw everything correctly, and he did. Impossible. I have about 24kb/s upstream. I don't know what happened .. only that it did. :p
Should be here in less than a week. 8 flags need to be captured in order 4 outer flags need 2 people to get captured Best strategy: Split your army up in at least 2 groups. One should go clockwise, the other counter clockwise.Wait for the other group to capture their flag, then capture yours, and move up to the next one. Don't stand still at a flag when you're under attack. Unless you've got some really expensive armor and an ally covering you, you'll probably be destroyed before you've captured it!
Ok, you are right the .res files are working fine. But you should not forget to set net_maxfilesize to 64 on the server in order to make it sending the .bsp > 16Mb to the clients. I dont know why they added such a chvar nor why they set it to 16 on default. I only know it sux if you dont know that stuff above.
vehicletraining is turning out to be a cool map. Is there any chance that there can be a "generic version" release for clan use that essentially has your normal CV/Rax setup for the start? Sidenote: I forget who it was, but once, long ago, a BSID member tried to join my server while I was testing (a really old version of) tete_a_tete. Heh. Silly BSID guy. Trying to get a map off a 56ker.
Niarbeth, that shouldn't be a problem, just don't expect it the first weeks. I'll be on vacation for a while. Haschteswas, good to know! Sorry knight, nf has to capture them from 1 - 8. If that doesn't work well i can change it later when i release the hdr version. Jwc87 is compiling the map for me right now. So everyone, show him so much respect that his face turns red!
Ok, it's compiled, tested, compiled again, tested again and uploaded ! http://www.pgsit.org/~pugh/cwfiles/emp_vehicletraining_rc2.rar 1 issue remains: it still freezes for a few seconds about twice every hour. After several months i still don't know what it is, but i don't really care anymore either, so unless someone can tell me how to fix it, i'm not going to search for a solution anymore. Sometimes it works for several hours before it freezes 5 seconds, and it has never crashed yet, so ... not that important imo. Changes: - BE weapons can't damage the NF VF and Armory, same goes for NF weapons and BE VF and armory. - Players will suffer damage in the other team's base. - Some displacement and texture improvements. - Map will end when a team has captured all 8 flags NF needs to cap the flags starting at 1 to 8, BE from 8 to 1. Best strategy: Split your army up in at least 2 groups. One should go clockwise, the other counter clockwise.Wait for the other group to capture their flag, then capture yours, and move up to the next one. Don't stand still at a flag when you're under attack. Unless you've got some really expensive armor and an ally covering you, you'll probably be destroyed before you've captured it! Suggestions are still welcome, but won't be implemented anytime soon, since this may very well be about the tenth version already.
The freeze problem may be something in the code, if it isn't gone in v1.08 you should try to get Krenzo to look at it.
Could be ... Then again, i've had problems with every version of any map i've ever made, so ... Wait a minute ... I posted somewhere that i noticed that it mainly happened when i bought a tank. It froze the splitsecond you zip from the vf into the tank. I also posted that it sometimes happened when i was in a fight for example, so not when i bought a tank. But what if someome else bought a tank at the time that I was in the middle of battle ! Djeezes, how come i never thought of that. :D Well you may be right, it could be something in the code. To be honest i really would like to play it with more people for once ... i don't know if the gameplay would be awesome or that it would suck, but i want to find out.
I think lots of people would be cool. More people, more tanks! I've put up the wiki page you asked for here. Feel free to modify if the description isn't quite what you wanted.
If it is all cleaned up and ready for presentation I could post it in BSID and see if they will put it up (if it isn't already hiding there).
Thx broccoli! Opie, you can always suggest to put it on the custom maps server. With some luck they'll do it !