Sweet. Thank you guys for all your help!! Okay, let's start testing stuff ! One small question. With editing the fgd file you can use a new entity in hammer. When you compile the map, does it include that entity? Better question would be: since everyone else has the standard empires fgd, will they need something to be able to play the map, or is everything included in the .bsp? Edit: Haha, i'm so stupid, i've been searching for a trigger_hurt entity for more than an hour. Then suddenly i remember that i need a brush to start from, and turn that into an entity. Stupid thing is that i've done that yesterday! I wish i could trade my brains for nvram or something. By the time i'm 25 it'll only take 1 hour to forget something
K, thx ! It's all coming along nicely. You can't damage buildings belonging to the other faction with weapons, and the trigger hurt is working as well to stop the engineers. I've improved some textures as well before i started with this. Now i only need to add the cap points (no problem) and remake the minimap with mat_fullbright 1 and that should be it ... i think. If you have suggestions it's probably best to come up with them before sunday, or wait untill yet another release after 1.08 has come out Edit: Everything is working but for one probably small problem. The game ends right after loading the map, just as it would do if there was no spawn. The spawns have still the 'enabled on startup' set to yes. They are now however connected to the first flag (1 - nf, 8 - be). These 2 flags start as being captured by that team from the start. So ... i'd say there should be a spawn, but apparantly it isn't. Well it's probably not a serious problem, just posted it hoping you guys knew something about it that i don't. Edit: nvm, everthing is working now !
I dont think this .res file is working correctly.... I got my own dedicated server with custom maps on it. For e.g. your map distributed here (it contains the .res file already!) I wanted to dl the map from the server on my client via empires. The only files my client dls from the server are the mapfiles. That workes pretty well. But the server doesnt make my client to dl the main bsp file. (im using the right res file!) So i get the error: "Cant find mapname.bsp, dissconnection from server..." on my client. If i just delete the res file on my server my client downloads the bsp file ONLY. If i want to get the dl working completly, i have to add the additional files comming with the map in the mani admin download.txt. With it works properly. So what the hell is this .res file good for ?!?!?!? Is it just bugged?
I'll take a look at it in 3 hours, when i'm home from school. But it looks as if it is bugged if it's doing what you say it does.
In addition to that i found out, that if you had a dl cause of a .res file on the server, the dl of the bsp file wont work even if you deleted the .res file on the server. That holds even after a restart of the server and the client! So there seem to be a temporary save that tells empires what dl you have done . If anyone knows how to clear this temporary save plz tell me, cause now i cant check if the dl of this single map is working correct again after i edited the .res file on the server for this map....
"Resources" { "maps/emp_vehicletraining.bsp" "file" "maps/emp_vehicletraining.res" "file" "materials/CW/cw_spray.vmt" "file" "materials/CW/cw_spray.vtf" "file" "materials/maps/emp_vehicletraining.vmt" "file" "materials/maps/emp_vehicletraining.vtf" "file" "resource/maps/emp_vehicletraining.txt" "file" } I don't seem to know what's wrong with it. What did you edit? Edit: I just removed every file from my empires folder. I joined the cw private server which was running the map. The first thing it did was downloading the .bsp. After a minute i was playing the map without any problem. So i suppose it is working. This is probably not the problem, but i'll say it anyway: sometimes when i was testing my map, people joined the server. Almost every time they got kicked automaticly, if not i kicked them myself (they wouldn't be able to play anyways). Did you ever tried to join my server when i was testing the map? Maybe that could cause some problems since it would be another version of the map ... don't know though, it's just an idea.
sv_allowdownloads must be set on the server. also, the "temp file" you refer to is the res file on the client
Everything is coming along nicely. Only 2 small things that needs to be done. 1) at the moment the trigger_hurt only hurts the players, not the tanks. Now i think that in tictactoe it also damages tanks? 2) i've chosen to make the flags only linear capturable. Most of you won't agree with this, but i've been thinking about it a lot. Anyways, this was working yesterday. But when i tried the map today, from some reason, i could cap the flags in any order. I took a look in hammer, but all flags have linear = yes. I'm kinda hoping it will work again tomorrow :D And for some reason when driving tanks the sensitivity, for lack of a better word, is very, very low. I need to move my mouse 20 inches to make the weapon turn around 360 degrees. However, nf light tanks and other smaller tanks don't suffer from it as much.
I've noticed the decreased mouse sensitivity while turning tank turrets in the previous versions of your map... what could account for that? I think it would have to be fixed if people are actually going to use the map to practice their tank skills.
Agreed. The problem is ... things like fps are all fine. Lowest fps i get is around 60, highest is 120. So i don't know what could be causing it ... On the other hand, it sill has that problem that is hangs for 4-5 seconds. Nothing more than that. It doesn't crash. It just freezes for a few seconds. After that the game goes on as if it never happened. I've had it twice in 54 minutes. On the other hand, that's only 10 seconds you loose on 50 minutes, but still. Maybe with more players it will be more frequent. I should really investigate this further.
Load it up before the next CW practise. We can do a quick test run to see how it runs, then continue as scheduled.
Funny, the trigger_hurt in my tankwar map hurts tanks just fine Make sure you set the flag IDs so that they are not 0 and are consecutive (read the description on the flag ID keyvalue!)
They are numbered from 1 to 8 (1 nf, 8 be) It worked two day ago! When i stood at flag 3 without having flag 2 it would say 'not capturable'. Yesterday it just didn't work anymore. I'm going to try again in a few hours. The trigger_hurt only hurts players. I've put a jeep in it, went to the other team as engineer, but it didn't got hurt. Well ... it's not fully compiled, and i haven't got the server side install, only the client side install. Maybe there's a difference?
Flags are working again. Tanks still don't get hurt in the trigger_hurt area (well ... it's not THAT necessary i think) I've been playing for 25 minutes, with 2-5 people, and never did it freeze (it will happens sometimes, just not that frequent apparantly) Decreased mouse sensitivity in tanks remains, but it's a little less disturbing after playing so much.
Ok so ... i've been driving around in official maps on real servers, and i noticed some sort of lag with vehicle turrets there as well. It is a little less obvious than on my map, that's true, but i'm starting to believe it is only that way because the official maps aren't as open as my map is. You rarely have to turn your turret for 360 degrees in official maps. Maps like crossroads, slaughtered, and even mvalley don't give nearly as much opportunity to play with the enemy tank as is the case in my map. Playing on my map people always drive circles around the enemy. This makes the 'turret lag' much more obvious than when you're fighting on a brigde in money or on top of the hills in isle. I still think this is worse in my map though, just not as much as i assumed. I don't really know what to do about it though, so i think i'll have it compiled and just upload it. Maybe when professionals like you guys play on it, you can tell what's wrong with it.