well ive tired everything i can think of , the normal map still is coming out looking the same , i even have 2 programs now that do it 2 different ways if anybody knows if that normal map looks right leme know still
Should I make the basic terrain just one big displacement map, or should it consist of multiple ones placed on a big, flat brush? Btw. it would also be even better, if somebody made the layout texture an enormous model, since Hammer shows model textures/vertexes in two-dimensional views.
hey jj, that looks like its going well, i would make it one big displacement map. like i was talking about last week, im pritty sure the reason there is so much exploiting in the stock maps is because of how they did there displacement bushes. i notice on my map and like duststorm there are no exploits.. im having the model woe's right now... i FINALY got studio compiler to actually do something , and well i think the reason its not working atm is because i was tring everything in the world to get it to load the model and i deleted the bone system i had set, and im not sure but i think thats why im geting this message now im not sure really but its a hunch , i hope i figure out soon , im missing a lot of gg 's any help would be appreciated.
Btw, I would like to draw to your attention that rivers flow FASTEST on the OUTSIDE. This causes OUTWARDS erosion. Outer sides are Steeper and the inside track is more shallow, like a slope going into the water. Just thought I'd tell you this 'cause I study geography and it's kinda cool if your maps are also geologically possible. Judging by what I have seen in this map, the rivers valley is a U-Shape valley, which are only created by glacial erosion! Glaciers erode in straight paths, their force being so strong that they hardly curve. Rivers erode in V-Shape valleys. You have a U-shape valley (Glacier) meandering with a river running in it = impossible. I realise this may be difficult to put in after all your hard work (And the map so far from what I've seen looks AWESOME) but you may want to put this information to more use. Any more information you need, just PM ME or E-mail me.
hmm well when i add the bone and skin and then add all the vertex weights i get this in studio compiler im new to rigging i do have a book that explains how to rig stuff ill brush up during lunch today buut i think i did it correct , i must be missing something
They are merely rivers, since vehicles can pass the small water areas that go across the map. (light blue area) I didn't fully understand what you meant though. A drawing would suffice...
edit: doh well yea i guess when i export it i should really export the bone and the prop togeather edit:2 still not working though
Could I see emp_slaughtered's source files, so I could see how you did the terrain? This one is generated and there's multiple "divisions" of displacement maps, kind of like a grid of them... Is that how it should be?
oh really ? cool thanks for the input ill try that no i had not. sure thing, i suggest that you get vmex its a awesome bsp decompiler, it will allow you to take any bsp file and turn it into the file that hammer can open , this way you can open the standard maps. and yes the grid you are talking about is the correct way if i understand. but i did not generate them i hand painted them with the tools in hammer it was not fun either... btw vmex takes about 6 seconds to convert a bsp to a map file for hammer :p
I did it i did it !!!!!!!!!!! zomg i can sleep again !! finally after a week of beating myself over the head with a normal map and smd it finnaly loaded... i think the problem all along was not what i was doing to my model it was actually that studio compiler was needing the correct directory path info, i did have it set for a back slash and it wanted a forward slash also, and i think in the smd options it was wanting to know where i was puting the texture for it , wich also i had not in the coresponding folder ..anyhow here is my rock wip ,,, 1764 faces is that good ? i know it looks quite good, but i added extra faces because i noticed that the lvl1 turret for nf is 1800 faces or something around there, and its a lil'o turret
thx bodrick, well actually i just zoomed out so it wouldnt be all that noticeable , i just stuck a texture on it real quick to try to at least get the model imported and exported , now that i got it i can do a number on the textureing and make sure it aligns better .. theres some texture stretching because it was a low 800 polys and i bumped it up to 1.7k just to see if it would smooth it out abit. and the uv maping im runing right now is still for the 800 poly version of the model..
i would think that 1700 polys is a bit too much for a rock, 800s a bit better but i would say 400 for a rock that size even smaller, unless ur not going to use it much.
I would aim for about 200-400 polys for a simple rock model. Thanks for that info Tarantio, good to know.
Cyris/Warfle: thanks , i was wondering what would be a good poly count, 200-400 is pritty rocky like broccoli said but thats a target ill try to knock it down too, 800 looked pritty good still but the faces were not adverageing out at 1.7k its pritty even, now ill just take out a lot of polys in key areas none the less i finnaly got it to work so ITS ON NOW! btw thank you for the help i was wondering if even 800 was too much ok i squished it down to 442 polys , whew 1700 to 400 whata drop