Holy crap is it sexy as ever, I can hardly recognize it, it is amazing to look at. Kudos on getting rid of that stock skybox texture as well.
it looks great and all, but can you please place the bushes back in sbend? grens use those to place mines in. im sure the entire grenadier community would be very thankful. e: i thought i posted that it looked amazing already
While I agree, I can't help but think that the bushes disappear at long distance, or is that just me.
the bushes are generally bad looking, and light terribly. Even with a vertex lighting compile, the bushes are waaay too bright for the surroundings. I kind of liked them myself but had to delete them and some of the other little grass models that were placed around the map just because they looked so bad. I'm trying to see if i can make some decent trees and bushes with 3dsmax right now to hopefully put them in the map.
nah they dont. and im sure everyone would take a gameplay upgrade over a graphical one if given the choice.
If you haven't figured it out yet I'm a dick and I never put enough effort into something to be able to release it in any sort of reasonable time frame. With that said I'm looking around for a decent skybox that matches the feel of this map but has a higher angle for the sun, so less of the map is covered in shadows. If I get one that fits I'll implement and get out a new version of this map that's easier for those of you who don't know what "navigational skills" or "sense of direction" means.
My argument was that the map didn't have enough "points of interest", be it rocks on the side of the terrain or whatever, to work out where you were. Slaughtered is good in that it lets you work out where you are at any one time, whereas Varbles' version struggled with that. But it shouldn't take a lot to fix it.
Updated original with new link and new pics, the sun is still in the same direction but is much higher in the sky so less of the map is in shadow. The bridge also now has somewhat of a death animation, large chunks of it fall down when it's destroyed. Apart from that, I changed the water texture, changed the sunlight color and dynamic shadow settings, and added optimization improvements.
Given that he's fixed the majority of problems with it, apart from 1 more release to tidy up the last few bits and pieces, this will probably replace regular Slaughtered in the next patch anyway.
Apparently, it's (was?) almost impossible for BE to win because it's almost impossible to put a barracks in the S-Bend out of sight of the NF barracks. Did you ever change that, because that's the most common complaint I heard about it as far as gameplay is concerned.
Building placement should really be looked at. If you can get an image of the minimap and draw up what you mean Candles, then maybe Varbles can look at it. There was a weird bug on EPIC server when we tried it, where NF had 1 ref and were receiving 12 res/sec, and BE had all 3 and received 18/sec.
I took a look at it again, and it's nothing to worry about. People used to complain how you couldn't stick a BE barracks around the curve because it was too narrow I believe, and the only option was to place it out far enough that NF could hit it from afar with mortars and seismics easily. But, if anything, it's actually easier to place a BE barracks around the curve now on alt_rc4, so it's no matter.
So trickster... what are these last few pieces you are referring too? I don't really notice anything that says what else needs to be done.(read what else needs to be done... I want this map soon)