emp_provinggrounds_1_4 no more apcs, normal (300) start res, still 800 tickets, some minor tweaks (details) http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_4.7z http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_4.zip thanks in advance to all server owners that host this map :D emp_provinggrounds_1_3 (links should still be valid ...) It was John Shandy´ and [LoDw]Keef that released the other version, so I couldn't just edit the other post. Anyway, flasche proudly (well not really) presents provinggrounds_1_3 (~b3). If this verison plays out fine I'll be starting a rebuild (thus the strange naming - will be 2_0) in about month. Changes from b2 -> 1_3: - placed quite a few crates (func_details) - the tunnels are now sealed with ramps that lower when you capture the enemies battlements flags - buildings should no longer be placeable where there are hallways below. - additional roof access in the center area. - additional flags give resources (they spawn refs outside the map) and spawn ammoz and health. - each factions get 2 apcs (spawn point, 3 layers plain, std engine, 1std mg, 1 std gl) when the first player spawns - new displacements infront of the battlements (there at least is one small spot to drop raxes there) - new naming convention because of possible rebuild (will be 2_0 then) The flags give more resources but also need more people to cap them depending on the distance to your startbase. The flags on the enemies startbase battlements will lower the corresponding ramps (northwest flag - northwest ramp and so on). The ramps will reset on neutralize. Your whole base will give you 6 res (2x2 res per ref + 2x1 per flag), the center as whole gives 6 res (3x2), and the enemies battlement will give 6 res (3 per flag). Because some asked, the crates are symetic. Its mirrored top to bottom and left to right, so they don't imbalance the map. Screenshots http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30000.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30001.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30002.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30003.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30004.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30005.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30006.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30007.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_30008.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_3minimap.jpg http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/331067/provinggrounds/release/emp_provinggrounds_1_3.zip It's prolly already on G4TC-EU ... I'd also like to thank: - Coffeeburrito for bugging me to keep working on it as well as for giving it to ... - Shandy and Keef who released b2 when i long gave up because of some bug. - Omneh for being great with immediatly helping out with textures - that was awesome of you. - Nebajoth for the discussion that inspired me to create "a multidimensional" empires map. - Darg for telling me it would suck - Silk and Mayama for helping out with various stuff on IRC. - Chris0132' for still not sueing me for useing two textures from king under the mountain - Sloop and Caelo for playtesting, critics and ideas. - Weedy for helping with compiling, i have a shitty CPU - Trickster for final testing, putting it on G4TC for a playtest and one final compile, because i forgot some stupid things - Sonecha for being distractive while i placed all that crates - good luck with plateau - All the suggestions on the forums. - And last but not least the Empiresmod dev-team for creating and continously extending this fucking awesome mod.
Need particles? Fun map btw. I played it recently though and it got skillstacked hard, but it's a pretty good map for the most part.
Sorry Flasche, i just got my computer working yesterday after 2 months of it being down, been stuck on my laptop, i'll check it out tomorrow
its on g4tc-eu and us already. sadly i only had the chance to play like 10minuts of an already running game on napalms and speced the last couple of seconds on viper. more feedback would be nice. i also think, because b2 really wasnt very ... err appealing ... the new version doesnt get much love. tho i did get not so bad feedback from this two times. yeh i guess time will show. unless i didnt get some real feedback and havent played the map at least once on a full server i wont start on the rebuild anyway.
I also haven't played this map very often but last time both teams has captured the enemy main base with the starting APCs. Result was, that one commander could escape and the other died. So maybe add some more turrets at main base, that even a retarded team has the chance to play more than 5 minutes :-)
Could you perhaps make it look less like a concrete version of the grey and orange dev textured maps I make to test basic mapping and particle functions? And delete all the tunnels because their general effect seems to be to make it impossible to secure anything on the map from any direction, because people just go through the tunnels and blow things up and you either have to send someone to walk half a mile to fix it or you lose.
hehe ... there are no dev textures but yes, i already said (OP) i have a rebuild - srsly you better never have a look at the vmf, chris. you prolly would get nightmares for the rest of your life. at first the map was too small (the nf cv didnt fit under that bridges in center) and i just scaled it up (silk told me to try that). well, i was too stupid to consider a scaleing where the map would fit the grid again and so it ended up offgrid at some places. i think i fixed most offgrid parts, but now it only fits to a 1x1 grid so makeing big changes wont happen with the CURRENT version. i hope this explaination alone doesnt cause nightmares already anyway, ill make a completely new version (including more textures and more props) out of it once i know where exactly problems are. since the rebuild fits on a larger grid now i'm open to larger changes too. sadly the map never gets voted when im on the server and sip was the only one so far that replied. the basic map idea was "stolen" from a urban terror (q3 mod) and it even has its name. my generall idea was to make it a "2fort" map focused mainly on infantry, but not infantry only. therefore removing all the infantry tunnels prolly wont happen - they are needed to protect us poor infantrists from overpowered tanks. something i noticed, and i already thought about how to fix it, is that your own battlements fuck you over once the enemy captured them. i strongly recommend to all commanders to build forward barracks close to the ramps that lead up your battlement flags. the vehicle tunnels have been locked of by ramps that lower when those flags got captured (fully captured) by the enemy. they go up again on neutralize. i think, and this was general consense that it was too easy to rush vehicles into the base. and dont get me wrong, im open to discussion and very willing to make the map the way the community likes it. at first i planned to make a low money map so it would be only focused on infantry. people said they would like it to be money2 (= high income) and i provided lots of income (i hope at least, money has 10 per side afaik, mine has 6 per base and 6 for center) long story short, what exact tunnels do you mean? and thanks for the critics (this is not meant sarcastic) :D
the big ones into the small ones, really and from center to base. The tunnels i think that would be worthy of keeping are the ones from inside of the base to the tops, leaving the ability to jump down to the center areas. make people take the side tunnels ALL the way to center or to the other base, don't leave paths up to the tops of those where the refs use to be, it's a pain in the ass to constantly having to go to those area that are out of the way just to take care of one person really. Most matches i've seen played here usually take forever due to the fact that those refs towards the center always get taken out becuase in order to defend them you have to keep a squad there to protect them at all times, which i know no one is going to do.
there are no refs anymore other than the 2 mainbase refs, and they are really next to the startrax (and prebuilt). the flags that replace that refs now need 3 enemies to cap them (and only one of your team to recap them) the minimap - numbers indicate amt of res and amt of players needed to cap - and yes they spawn refs outside the playable map, so resources will scale. (i added flags and startrax only to this pic here ofc )
Need some sort of barrier to prevent the instant APC rush I always see... Maybe a decon barrier in the center?
so the start apcs dont work out? tho they only are plain armor ... that saddens me :\ i thought giving the map a kickstart would be fun. i also added lots of cash and tickets, so its possible to do that. want me to remove them? btw. i still havent played a real game on that map
Well, I haven't played it too much, but everyone seems to immediately rush (often saying how much they hate the map). I really don't know... Try it both ways, I guess?
it didnt have the apc's in the previous version and people complained because they have to run so far - they have been more of a test. i mainly made the map to get into hammer ... but i get no feedback at all and it gets voted in so little, so i dont know ... i like the general concept, i can see some issues (i thought about removing the middle vehicle tunnels after chirs complained about tunnels), but its straight, 100% balanced and imo easy to get (well i made it so i might be biased). people nowerdays only vote like 5maps which have been played for ever and they know them inside out. most customs dont get much love - if its 99% concrete this obviously wont help. but if it really fails due to gameplay, i see no reason why i should spend weeks to make it look nice ... i dont get paid for this ... i would be willing to improve lots (especially the look), but no feedback - no can do sadly - "i hate this map" doesnt help at all, the only conclusion i could draw out of this would be to get server owners to remove it ... edit: oh and thanks for your reply :D
Of course. I try to vote for it when I can, because I quite enjoy it. Overall I think it is pretty good. I find it unique because it caters to a different play style than other maps (It's kinda 2forty). Just needs more play time is all
base rushes early on are a bitch ive only played the new version once, and i wasnt expecting to get rushed, and i guess no one on my team saw it coming either. it seems like you want this to be a war of attrition, not an insta base swap. how bout two of each turret at the main bases to promote heading for the flags with the apcs? also, the one way ramps up the sides... um... that seems, boring... maybe make them buildables like the ramps on crossroads?
yes well - i thought it might be fun. maybe i should remove 2 layers per side from the APCs - nerfing them to uselessness? currently they need 3 hits per side with a RPG or mortar - i didnt think this would cause issues. but well, as noone plays gren from the beginning ... i thought if i initially lock off the tunnels (the ramps lower when the enemy caps your side flags) the vehicles would either meet in center or help capturing/recapturing the 2 barracks spots at the side. another thing i noticed (on a almost empty server tho) was that the 1000 start res seem to be an issue. with all that initially placed refinaries, i probably should set it more to something like 2-300. so the kickstart wasnt a good idea :\ oh, and the boringness of the ramps changes as soon as you lost one of your base flags (it needs 3 enemies - so its not so easy) because then the corresponding ramp lowers and they can bring tanks from the side.