
Discussion in 'Mapping' started by D.D.D. Destroyer, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    The new tunnel is much better and makes sense.
    D.D.D. Destroyer likes this.
  2. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    There's enough ways into the base already - the northern one is the only "newbie-friendly" way in the sense that you are clearly shown the buildables that lead inside of it, but that is fine in and of itself - with a tank or two, NF can lock down the forward bunker roof well enough to let infantry get on top of it. What is a problem is that you have to go to the north to find that path, and that will be addressed whenever I update the map again - thanks to the commander autotarget entities that @Thexa4 added, I can point players to the correct locations and hopefully smooth things out for first-timers. Regardless of that, playing NF relies heavily on being familiar with both the game and the map, as the original design intention was to create a map that old sods can play during low population times. Nuclear was conceived before I learned just how many newbies we get :P

    You can see here that there are sounds for all this recorded and set up already. It might be that they aren't downloaded off of the fastDL servers and as such people don't have them. I'll need to talk to server folks to make sure this isn't the case, but in the meantime - if you don't have those sounds either, you can slap them into your empires/sound/maps folder. I know this isn't of much help to you anymore, but it'll help your experience somewhat.

    I also realised that I should be able to add "time/tickets left" messages to the map that help people stay informed about the map's progress, I just need to confirm that it's actually possible.

    For those curious, here's my current to-do list for the map - I believe that clearing it would mean the map is "complete", but doing so requires...an amount of work.
  3. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    Add Command Vehicles to the map, put the BE one on a ship or something and make the last flag launch a missile to blow it up, make the NF one somewhere else off the map and make it like so an air strike kills it when the timer runs out.

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