just remove turrets from district and gameplay will be fine. those lvl3 turret farms u see in every game on district are ridiculous.
Ya, ive also seen teams just have an engineer camp at the middle of the map or close and just continuously squad revive. maby making a limit to revives after a certain ammount of flags to keep a stalemate from happening.
That's no fun removing turrets, then it'll be a boring TDM, & what's the point of limiting revives, it'll just make the game more complex & have people asking more questions. Like I said before, an engy can build MLs on that map to counter MGs, and the Scout has Flashbang grenades that both stuns turrets & blinds people for a few seconds. Also a grenadier squad leader can call down arty strikes, also don't be afraid to rush in (In a group of course. Just think of that dustbowl map in TF/2 when playing offense).
NO. Turrets and revive craziness are the only things I like about District. Without that it would just be another boring FPS King-of-the-Hill rush. District was made for drawn-out, gritty battles where people fight absurdly hard over every five feet of alleyway. Some people like that, some people don't, but that's what it comes down to... you can't change that without destroying the purpose of the map.
I revive this thread, because I think that district402 has an advantage for BE. It's quite an old map but this is no reason why it can't be a little bit better. The main battle is normally at the large street and there BE has a perfect position for riflemen: With the carbine it's to easy to kill rushing enemys and it's very hard for them to hit you at this position. Although you get a lot of kills it's becoming boring after some time. So after some time I switch to grenadier to destroy the turrets and to have some fun with arty strikes. Easy solution: Just close this balcony with a wall.
NF second flag can be blocked off with a turret therefore, NF has the advantage your argument is invalid
If NF has a disadvantage, it's because the broken APC is much closer to their flag, giving BE a good position to spam HE nades into the alley. BE can usually do a much better job of defending their alley. Either team still loses if they're reasonably outmatched in skill. These minor imbalances are mostly just extra help (or hurt) in delaying the inevitable.
I don't really see why the middle flag shouldn't be a bleed flag. Its a disadvantage for whichever teams captures it because its a prime spot for being on the receiving end of grenade spam. I'd say re-institute a middle flag bleed and double the tickets.