DayZ standalone released

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fooshi, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Wow foosh, it seems that stick up your ass is apprarently exerting pressure on the uterus .
  2. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    You can buy a fully functioning game for 30 dollars and get your enjoyment out of it. DayZed is a memegame, the devs might not even finish the game they'll still get money out of it cause of the ridiculous hype. People bought ArmA just for DayZed so why would they pay again for the exact same shit?

    You consumerist fuccbois are the worst.
  3. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Arma is fun if you can get a bunch of friends to attempt and fail at simulating being a soldier. Me, my buddy and my sister failed mission #3 of the original campaign sooo many times.
  4. Freaknovich

    Freaknovich Member

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    Whoa since when has fooshi been hired by Bohemia? I'm not complaining for the 30 bucks for the final game, but rather that you have to pay 30 bucks to participate in a QA test. Sure, ONE day it might be near functional, but until then, don't charge 30 bucks. I wouldn't be surprised if the price goes up even higher after the alpha and beta (they did that for arma 3). Also knowing how popular daisy was for arma2, it wouldn't be a stretch to say they are charging more than what they need to be just because they know people will soak it up any ways.
  5. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    I played a lot of that game mode where it's Humans vs Computer players and you have to go to every town and complete every objective. Was it called Domination? Anyways, the game itself is way more fun than DayZed, which is just run around for an hour and then die from being thirsty. I wouldn't charge 30 bucks for such a boring experience.
  6. Freaknovich

    Freaknovich Member

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    Are you talking about Warfare? Where you can build bases and research? I played that a few time with a friend. That shit is booomb. Besides the downside of having to spend at least 3 hours to get anywhere, it was some of the most fun I had in any multiplayer game. I just remember him and I going around the map, each in our own T-34, capping towelheads and stealing their towns. Those memories.
  7. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    No it's not the RTS one, that's in the vanilla game, it's a mod. Your base is at one of the airbases (the central one in Chernarus and the one at the very south in Tajistan) and periodically a town goes "under attack" and you have to go in and kill every single enemy and destroy the radio tower or whatever. Whenever you beat one of the towns you get a new asset at the base, like a new tank or an attack chopper.

    edit: actually it's a user mission, not a mod
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  8. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    If you had any idea how much time Rocket (lead dev) dedicates to the project, you would have thought otherwise. He is one of the rare devs out there who actively take part in the community and listens to it because he knows the game is built around it. He doesn't go to work, do his shit then fucks off to his own private life. Quite often he would dedicate several hours of his day at home chatting with the community, picking up ideas, testing the client, etc. Claiming he will abandon the project is just dumb as fuck.

    At most, ARMA 2 + AO was around 25€ when DayZ started picking up publicity, which is a steal considering the amount of time the average DayZ player has put into it. I would say I've put in at least 300+ hours in DayZ alone, probably another 200 in regular ARMA, be it Wasteland or any other game mode.

    Now take into consideration how many hours in total people will put into it when standalone becomes playable and it starts to replace the mod. 50-55€ for both ARMA and standalone, maybe even less considering how many people have picked it up during sales, is well worth it when exceeding the 500 hr mark. A triple-A SP title for 50€ will never give you so much fun and will probably last 20-30 hours at most before you put it away to collect dust. (If it's not something like Skyrim or Fallout.) Yet you don't see many people going spastic over shit like that. (Exclude the "I will wait for a sale a year later" part of the population here.)

    I'm triggerhappy when it comes to wanks that whine about everything. The entire "oh god, Google broke YT cuz copyright policies are ruining let's play channels (which deserve to die, by the way) and G+ omg", or just whiny, entitled shits in general tick me off and this is the outcome. Mentally retarded people who cannot read and understand what an ALPHA is fuel me with hatred. Take a quick look here. I don't know if I should laugh or smash kittens with a hammer. Of course, this is only the vocal minority making it look like the entire community is humping their refunded Steam wallets.

    As for the price, I gladly paid 24€ for it. Not only does it support Bohemia, which is an awesome independent company, I get the game when it releases without having to worry about paying full price. Think of it as a pre-order where you actually get to help shape the game the way you want it to be. If anything, go complain about pre-orders instead of early access games. Paying full price for a game that you don't even know you'll enjoy or pay a slightly cut price for a game you can help shape yourself?

    As for claiming they won't change much, you, as Grant, clearly haven't followed the development closely like hardcore fans have. Of course it'll still be the same DayZ as many people knew from before, but it will have an incredible depth where it doesn't feel like a dried out survival game anymore. On top of that, modding support will come later where, again as a typical Bohemia title does, will get a lot of extra, FREE, content supplied by the community. Look at how the mod spawned dozens of other mods, including Epoch, DayZero, Overwatch, Invasion 1944, etc. Those are only a few. Investing in an ARMA game is like getting a Source game. The community will throw free shit at you even if you don't want it.

    TL;DR: No.

    Additional note: Where's the whining about Planetary Annihilation? Shit was like 80€ at one point. That's crazy, not 23€.
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    hell yes
  10. Freaknovich

    Freaknovich Member

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  11. Candles


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    Every time someone bitches about how <XYZ> is unfinished and comments at how it's been in development for <N> months, I want to tie them up in front of a computer and force them to write a game engine.
  12. Freaknovich

    Freaknovich Member

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    Never said that.



    About my original post, it wan't really whiney per se (besides the "fuck this in the ass so much" statement), it was more of me wondering why they need to charge for people to try the alpha. But after looking at your little link there, it gave me an idea. They want the alpha accessible on steam, but valve most likely does not allow straight up alpha version to be a part of the steam store. So basically, Bohemia is releasing an unfinished game (not whining, just stating a fact) and charging money for it, while also gathering feedback on it. This makes sense since they get to leverage the steam platform for distribution of the alpha, as well as having the discussion section for feedback. The alternative might be having a free alpha/beta, but also having to provide their own download services and support. They chose to take the steam route. Also I never said anything bad about the GAME, was just questioning their BUSINESS PRACTICES, which I somewhat understand now. Chill your butts, y'all.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  13. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    So what Freak said earlier, Notch. His Alpha actually was very functional, despite crashing every couple hours, but a lot of the features were implemented. It was still an Alpha, and he knew this, so he didn't sell it at 30 fucking dollars. he sold it at around $10.

    I never said he would abandon it, but he could abandon it and still make money. I was trying to state that it's extreme fanboys and people who just bought PCs who want to jump onto these memegames all these "gamers" are playing on youtube. You people cash into this shit.

    I do know what an Alpha is though, because I've learned some software engineering in school. It's the point at which a program can function but is very simplistic and basic. Not all the features have Alpha testing is done only with the developers on the project or associates.

    I recently purchased Space Engineers which is also an Alpha, but I don't berate people for not wanting to purchase it. It also doesn't cost 30 fucking dollars. It get's updates every single day, and the developers are also very passionate. (and they love engineering). But if they sold it at 30, I'd tell them to fuck off too.

    I don't care if it isn't finished. I waited 11 years for Starcraft 2 and I know it was well worth the weight. They didn't sell me a $60 beta so I never said shit about it. EA did try to sell $60 betas, and now DayZed devs want to sell a $30 alpha. That's some bullshit if you ask me. I also think it's hypocritical of Fooshi to defend $30 Alphas when he bitched about EA selling $60 betas.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  14. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    But when I get hyped for somthing I take it a bit too far, and when I start doing my creepy laugh I have entered the zone.
    However, I will buy the game when it isn't buggy or broken.

    Look up the blood raven thread on planetary annihilation.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  15. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    do it fgt

  16. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    There was reason behind it. Kickstarter backers were promised alpha access if they paid 80 EUR. It'd be most unfair to fuck over the people that risked the most for your fledgling project just so the newfags could get in for less, look at "omg so alpha" and leave.

    They, like Rocket (except I guess at a much smaller scale?) invested in the community.
  17. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    My boss walked by when I read your post and he got fired.
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Gran, noone will give you any respect for referencing 4 chan injokes.
  19. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Confirmed redditor
  20. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    Nah he browses /tg/

    Yeah but no one ever post NSFW in /mu/ so I never get the chance to make a 'got fired' joke.

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