Daily Game report

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by JustGoFly, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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  2. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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  3. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    Oh god, I don't even play Empires.
  4. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    You know, Devo does have a point. We walk on a fine line. More players, people hold, is always good, but honestly, considering the game that Empires is, do we really want to have to f s space new players out of the comm every 2-3 minutes?

    I know you disagree with me making fun of new players, but the fact is, Empires has a manual, and it has a wiki page, albeit a somewhat dated one. When I first started playing this game, admittedly, I played one round of Empires Cup (my first map ever) before I decided to look at the wiki and the manual. If you can't be bothered to at least learn some of the basics about the game, you basically end up griefing your team. One guy I was making fun of, for instance, gets a fully armored weaponless medium tank (when BE has heavies). He drives it around Coast for about 10 minutes, and then drives it onto a NF jeep. At this point, he goes back into his vf and gets a weaponless heavy tank, and drives it around the map for about 5 minutes, at which point he asks "how do I fire?". And it's not as if this guy didn't have any armor--judging by how little damage HE cannon fire was doing to his tank, he clearly wasn't using paper. So he knew enough to customize vehicle armor, but evidently could not customize vehicle weapons, which means that he is either supremely idiotic, or had simply not read the manual or any guide on how to play Empires, and that is inexcusable.

    But this defeat on Coast allows me to bring up another issue I see occurring with a lot of games, and that is deliberately fucking around when the game should be won just to either killwhore or because of plain arrogance. I remember when a good NF team could hold the second flag of Escort easily, and quite a few times, our whole team would pull back just to prolong the "fun" of killwhoring. It's terrible sportsmanship, as if the losing team is too far behind, it easily can depopulate the server, and if the losing team gets counterstacked with a competent vet with a mic (as it did in that Coast game), that vet will more often than not easily lead his team to a victory in a rush or do a ninja, especially now that comebacks are made even easier by the fact that research is free. So, please, don't prolong games that you should have already won. It may be hilarious to you, but 9/10 times, it's completely dull and boring to the other team.
  5. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Saw it, and I'm getting better reading all the shit comments just to pick out the one GEM that you post then bitch continuously that com is not reading the text. MY RULE - is use a voice signal like ScRaT does to draw attention to something he needs. Last night I had at least two guys ARTY SUPPORT NEEDED. Still not sure why there is not a voice prompt for "COM SUPPORT NEEDED". All refs were dropped within a reasonable time and more than 60% without prompt, which I think is acceptable. The tards that insert a text line in a long line of other text lines can rage all they like.

    Sooooo - I did see and did ignore your comment about starting a clan. If it happens it will happen after we spend ALOT more time playing together. I'd rather we keep it fun, and most of the guys changing their name to BenGoFly and such are doing it in jest. I think it's hysterical.

    There are some decent guys that enjoy playing together with no screaming or bitching and it becomes a very enjoyable night of playing. Then you have the guys who join us and "Go North, Go North, Go North, Go North...." for a minute - thinking that is the way to control a squad. I just go spec when that starts happening. We have some seriously disfunctional vets, but also some very fun vets - which is why I'm still here.

    We need a second VIPER for when the shit squad comes online. Hell I may have to start a server of my own, I have enough PC's sitting idle. Funny thing is when the guys who play fairly well and don't scream the whole game are on the same team, it doesn't matter who is on the other team - we will win. When I calmly say "Rush attack - get to main" - the guys just show up and take the proper action. Hexi - you may have experienced that last night.

    What the guys who scream don't realize is some of us will ignore them when they start screaming. Go Head Shot Master on us and it's to our satisfaction to light your fire a little higher and ignore you. Go ahead and say we're bad players and don't listen. Them getting all pissed off and not playing for a couple nights is to our benefit.

    Regarding pulling back when ahead. You are looking at it completely wrong. We didn't pull back for more than the time it took to load up a shitload of heavies then intend to finish it with an epic roll through their base and clean their clock with one final sweep (as they did to us in the same game). It also was intended to be training for team play - which never happened due to the team being mostly newbs. Even though we lost - I have no regrets. The team learned to listen and do as they're told. If you tell a team to keep tanks together, and they go in different directions, then lose all of them - don't you think they might have learned something?

    I do agree that at the end of the game, not destroying the barracks and sitting outside the barracks shooting people is just rude. It is fun as hell, but I have been on both sides of that tactic and the receiving side causes lots of guys to rage quit. Don't ya hate when a 16 people game goes to 8 once you rudely shit on the other team ? That tactic also causes newbs to unload the game.

    Again in our case - our withdrawing enabled the losing team to pull an EPIC move, which they should feel proud of and they earn boasting rights for putting it in our faces. Our attempt was winding up for the final last big push - FAIL ! Our building of heavies just donated resources to the other team due to our incompetence. Still the epic win did occur, but sadly was not ours.

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
  6. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    You might say that not reading text chat is excusable, but I can promise you, if you were to go even one day without using voice chat, you (or anybody really) would easily be driven insane. It's amazing how unperceptive people can be of text chat.

    That having been said, yes, I spam the air support command whenever I want a commander to drop something. If they ignore that radio command, then there's not much else for me to do except not build the ref I spent 5 minutes waiting around for, and then frown slightly when the comm bitches at me for not building that ref.

    I don't know about you, but for me, the fun vets are all dysfunctional and vice versa. There is no such thing as a well adjusted fun Empires vet. There really isn't. I'm not sure what you mean by you not liking people just saying "Go north go north go north". Squads are supposed to stick together, so what is wrong with having a guy tell his squad repeatedly to go north? I admit, usually I don't spam my team directions--I'll give a squad move order, and I kick everyone out of my squad who doesn't follow it, but I honestly don't see anything wrong with people telling repeatedly their squad to move north, or whithersoever.

    I don't know if you pay attention to my playstyle at all, but I killspawn all the time when asked (unless I'm in an expensive tank). I played a match under you leadership last night on Streets of Fire, and in case you didn't notice, I was killspawning all over the place, most of the time, simply because I noticed flashing buildings on the minimap. The difference between a good vet and a skilled vet is that a skilled vet needs to be told to killspawn, but a good vet can look at the minimap and regularly predict where the enemy is, and in what quantity, and to be honest, in 90% of circumstances, I still need to be told to killspawn, but I've been working on that lately to good results.

    Yeah, to be honest, I don't 100% remember that Coast map, but you did say somewhere that Senor Awesome was screwing around, so I guess that I just assumed that that's what you guys were doing as a whole. I would like to think that teams learn something from their mistakes, but after seeing APC rush after APC rush after APC rush fail due to teams wandering off in lone wolf APCs... yeah, I don't think so.

    To be honest, as much as I would like to give that win to the other team, Devo was right: it was basically FN who gathered the two other vets on the BE team and rushed the NF comm. A vet without a mic can delay the loss a little longer, but a vet with a mic can totally turn the tide.

    Speaking of which, I should be getting a new microphone soon, thank god for that.
  7. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Yep - you stick with that crew. Mindless and wondering is a good way for you to be.

    When you get a mike - here's what I'll be doing:

    Attached Files:

  8. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    heres a vid of me streaming my entrance to VIPER
  9. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Does anybody else think that JustGoFly has the exact same mannerisms as Bort? After reading this post I began to get déjà vu.
  10. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    Bloodraven and I agreed that he reminded us of apwall21.
  11. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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  12. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    I like your penis.
  13. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    Can I have two accounts too?
  14. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Your penis is not large enough.
  15. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    If I buy penis-enhancing pills, can I have two accounts too?
  16. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    You will have a detachable penis too! :)
  17. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    Fuck yeah!

    Brb giving my credit card information out to n0tasc4mm3r|1337
  18. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    He must think we are all the same person. It's sort of funny, since he's just like Bort in the way that he came here to make drama himself.
  19. BroT

    BroT Member

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    Secretly, I'm Bort.

    I just changed 2 letters :D
  20. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Don't you childred have home work or yard work to do ?
    I honestly have no reply for the simple minded posts I see and Hexi, although up to this point I have said I don't hate you. I certainly like GlowStick MUCH more than I like you.

    Seems my two new friends are Bort and apwall21. If they piss you guys off - then they can't be that bad. Maybe I should start a clan with them. Ooops - sorry I am not a weenie who joins clans only to shit on other people. Play the game as a person - enjoy it and stop being asses.

    "Hey my clan is better than your clan". Holy shit - get a fucking personality and be a leader not a follower.

    Now I know why people like Hobbes and Freak play they way they do. They basically are saying "Screw you group of idiots, I'll win this by myself - get out of the way you PAWN".

    I prefer to rally a squad, but now I finally understand how this game can make you take on that type of thinking. Basically it's not the game - it's the list of fools playing it and claiming to be someone. "HEY I've been playing this game for XXX years and you should respect me". Move aside child - daddy wants to shoot the guy behind you - this game is NOT all about you.

    JGF: "Alpha Move North-West"
    Hexi: "I am North-West you idiot. Read my text."
    JGF: "Hexi - the game is not all about you. There are four other players who need to be moving North-West".
    Hexi: "But I am already doing that you dumb-ass. Why can't you read my text's?".

    :) Thanks for the laughs.


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