Clan Stacking

Discussion in 'General' started by Thor, Sep 10, 2006.

  1. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Lol exactly what I thought :p

    But with clan stacking, you've got a scapegoat to pwn.
  2. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    As far as i know, Me, Dafleck, M00tant and Wayde are pretty much the FB Pub regulars

    Not me so much ATM, ive got internet problems
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  3. jasonmgeorge

    jasonmgeorge Member

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    Personally, I think stacking in general is major problem. I’ve followed the mod since well before the 1.0 release and played religiously since. Just after the initial release it was hard to find a lousy game. Everyone was on equal footing in terms of experience and unless one team had significantly more players than the other, teams were balanced.

    That’s clearly not the case anymore, and anyone who’s played more than a week can recognize the tags of guys who know what they’re doing. I know how frustrating it is to play with new players, but lately I’ve noticed that (regardless of clan tag or not) the experienced players all end up on one team round after round.

    Since I auto-assign at the beginning of the round, I invariably end up on the team getting pounded. After playing nonstop for months, I haven’t been on in a few weeks because I’ve just lost interest in being #$$ r#ped round after round. Considering I don’t care to play anymore, I find it hard to believe new players will be back for more abuse…
  4. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Auto assign usally puts me on the stacked team,, someone said thats cause of tickets,, i find it more of a challenge when im on the loosing team,, im usally the one who ninjas the stacked winning team's cv
  5. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    I've learned my lesson all right :p

    When I'm comming, you'll find at least 8 MGs around my comm vehicle at all sides.
  6. Bisclaveret

    Bisclaveret Member

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    I've noticed the same kind of thing going on on a lot of servers run by the Tactical Gamer community i'm part of. We run many different servers for many games, most of which are public (though a few nights a week on some servers, like the BF2/PoE2 servers, there are passworded nights for TG members and to get people to join, read the forums, rules, etc of the servers)

    Now.. most people who are with Tactical Gamer run with |TG| tags/prefixes. Its sort of an honerary thing, meaning that you've read the rules for the server, you understand the operating procedures, and youve joined the community focussed on teamwork, maturity (not spamming up the chatlines with profanity, bunnyhopping and exploting like mad, etc) things like that. Its free to join, too, so it's not some exclusive clan or anything (though they support a good deal of in-house clans and others) as long as the rules are read and you agree to them.

    The thing we get is, many people see the |TG| tag and complain about stacking, or join midgame the team with the most tags and stack that way. seen this especially on the Dystopia servers.

    I can sort of view the TG stacking the same way as the clanstacking, because in general the TG tagged people are focussed towards playing as a team, defending/covering each other, things like that, while most pubbers split up and wander around (And ignore advice through chat and voice) and get killed easier than us, but that only reinforces the problem with people immediately jumping on a side with tags and refusing to leave. I've no problem with switching to even the badly losing side, though.

    I'm wondering if empiresmod could go the way i know at least the Dystopia server and i think BF2 servers we have have gone, with an autobalancer on the server forcing people to go to the team with less members if the value is greater than 1-2 difference? That would at least help the teamstacking, and i don't know if thats implemented in-game yet.
  7. Gremmie

    Gremmie Member

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    Ah yes you all know why you were banned.... common respect/courtesy I would say to not be doing that on other "clans" servers.

    Also On|E has been around much much longer than u care to know and is just not an Empires community/clan... whatever.

    And to topic stacking yeah it happens it’s a "team" based game and yes people like to play together and it is more fun when people know what they are doing, but there comes a point when teams/clans have to bite the bullet and make the game fair for everyone and split up. We were all pubnubs at one point and it was nice to be on experienced players teams. Yeah yeah I hear it ruins the strategy or the quick win, but why play if you are wanting a quick win. It’s a game folks it’s supposed to be a challenge.

    And yes there seems to be a bad habit of the losing team quitting, spectator, or even switching here is where my opinion differs from above there comes a point in a game if and when teams become overly unbalance due to people quitting i would say its not fair to force people who have been on one team or another to switch just to even that point when people are quitting that games is almost over anyway. If you are switching teams or specting when you start to lose stop it were part of that team finish it out, there is always next round

    OK im done:D
  8. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    I agree with not enforcing teams late game but people don't care to play something if they already know they're going to lose.

    I mean one might aswell get if over quickly and get on to a fresh game in my opinion :P
  9. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    Gremmie, you basically agreed with us :D
    We won't switch if the opposing team switches, leaves, or just gives up, and usually we don't like to have to split up because no one wants to play against us. We WILL however, make sure that if we are in a game from the very start, when we all join a team we make it even... and it usually is, until someone realizes BSID is playing and switches, or... THE ULTIMATE...

    ..people wait until certain people (the regulars like (Please don't yell if I don't mention you :D)GRIM GRIBBER, FB people, On|E people, or us) join a team, and then join that team.

    EDIT: Good point Dee, sometimes on our server, instead of changing to a map we want, we instead will just go with fast tactics, so not to upset people by taking away their entire game.

    Also, we only really APC rushed a lot of On|E's server, because of all that delicious res :) But we don't get to play there anymore, so no biggy.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  10. Gremmie

    Gremmie Member

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    yeah sorry just kinda skimmed the posts...just wnated to put my 2 cents in
  11. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    yeah, we did that on the ONE server once...the whole BE team thought that Empires was just CS:S with a new they'd create a vehicle repair station without a VF....dumb crap like that. When we started to own them...most quit....we just finished it with teams like 8v2 or something...despite the whinning that BE was doing...
  12. the_6th_monkey

    the_6th_monkey Member

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    Clan stacking is something the server hosts should decide on, if they want it let them have it, if they don't they can kick who they want ;)
  13. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    I usually play Northern Faction because I don't like "Military parade zombies".
  14. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    I think everyone would agree that if there are people from seperate clans on a server, they should aim to have equal amounts of clan members on each.

    IE, if there are 4 BSID, 1 FB and 1 ONE on a server, the BSID could go one side, and they'd be together and happy, and the others should definatly go on the other.
  15. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Clans recruit skilled people (Hopefully) clan wants to play together... Skills get stacked on one side... while the other is stuck with CS nubs... Not much of a challange there...

    If the clan breaks up into 2 (Something like sandbag said) and "Tutors" each side, not only will that raise your clans prestige but this will also make a better game, nubs can be bossed around by the more skilled (Especialy if you are on your own clan server) so you can get a puppydog/cannon fodder with you all the time...
  16. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    the problem is skill stacking, not number stacking. as shinzon said, if one team has all the clan members and the other all the newbs then it is stacked, even if the newb team has 1-2 more ppl.
  17. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Hopefully my primarily Northern Faction will be getting members soon enough so we can have a clan going on Northern Faction whenever they can.

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