Another solution for this stupid ass tank problem

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Paradox, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Polyesta

    Polyesta Member

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  2. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    We are talking heavy tanks here right? Since med tanks are half the cost...

    But perhaps 45 heavies over 45 mins is what's needed?

    On a side note... Wages don't count for that much i feel.
    If you get 50 points and at 20 wages per point? That's only 1000 wages, so just enough for a heavy. If its 100 pts, then perhaps 2 heavies... (bare minimum cost here). So wages would give each player (who gets enough) another tank or two over the course of a game. Which is fine really

    And is 45 tanks that high? (~20res/sec)

    I suppose that depends on the player count. If its 20 players per side? That's 2 each. If its 7 players per side, then its more like 7 each...
    Given how fast a tank can be killed, it doesn't seem that excessive to me.
  3. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    We're talking about real empires games here right. Like atleast 16 v16. Do we have a scoreboard of our pug? let me find it and then edit this

    so I looked into the video xya posted and I could only find the full scrnshot for NF.

    For 22 players, I exempted the lowest 4 people who only had a total of like 7 points.
    1340 points. x 20 -> 26800 lets say only 3 quarts of that get used. thats 20000. 20 extra tanks just cause of wages. Thats half the total of tanks in a 45 minute game coming from wages thats 65 fucking heavy tanks.

    Dude 45 is a lot already over an entire game course. 65 is fucking crazy.

    Especially counting that thats 65 per side.

    If you acount for the fact that if Im playing for real I wont lose my heavy tank, or at most once. Thats 3 heavy tanks per player over the course of a game almost.

    Fuck that shit thats way over the limit

    edit: Any real player that loses 2 heavy tanks over the course of the game should not be getting a third anymore imho
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  4. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    PUGs are super rare and super fun too, but public games are far more common. In most "normal" empires games (the ones i play most often) we have a few players, so medium pop... Maybe 10 per side?

    I feel we should be balancing around those common real empires rounds, not these rare happenings.

    Also, massive team coordination is rare too... So tanks are lost far more often than they should be
  5. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    So we're going to basicly start developing the game towards the fact that we are a dying game?
    Thats stupid, empires is so loved by the veterans that love to come play pugs because of the POSSIBILITY of great teamplay and amazing gameplay. Lets take that away to please the noobs that come in. Fuck no.
  6. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Maybe it's because I've played back when there was a 10 vehicle limit, and in slightly more recent times 2.4 era where overheated fission tanks were common so tanks died super easy, but it was more fun in general with less tanks on the field.

    I would say that because of wages everyone gets at least one tank, and because of that I say it's fine if that player can't instantly get another tank when they lose it. There's something I noticed, which is there's such a huge pool of resources there's less effort to keep a tank alive. If a player couldn't just get a tank whenever they would treat their tank like it was actually precious, and not just a very fancy jeep. If players started treating tanks like it had value then there would be less of this need for tanks to be an easy accessible resource.

    I feel it's kinda important to ask a question at this point, which is what purpose does a tank have in empires? I feel if you can answer that well you have a very good idea of how many you should have in the game.
    Polyesta likes this.

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