You totally ignored the point about the size of this building even after it was mentioned multiple times. Turtling would still be impossible because you would need too much space to be able to protect it with defenseive buildings. Mappers could decide where to place enough free terrain which can be easily protected. The commander could then decide where he wants to put a well secured base and what space he wants to use for the "solar-fields"(or whatever). I really like the idea of SwampRat: Here are two examples about the dimensions of size I thought about (approximately): Maybe this is a bit too big but it's just to let everybody know I really mean "big" if I say this .
Wouldn't making it that big kind of defeat the whole purpose of it? I mean, if it's THAT big (or REAL BIG) then it can be attacked so easily then it's not even worth putting down imo.
You say Turtle, I say Siege! We've all been there Two epic teams Battleing it out with one team forced on the defensive. But some how mannages to hold off the one who own the map. No matter the out come, both teams have alot of fun. I want that to happen more often. I want to close the gap between aggresive and defensive stratigys in little un obstructive ways. And I've run out of ideas. So I spurred you all to rethink one of the key roots of Aggesive dominence.
New suggestion, Vessboy can't post in suggestion area. Holy hell Vessboy, this sucks. Turrtling is real, I've seen it in games. You don't need some random new building, just happens when teams are evenly matched. Also, We don't need to add some retarded buildings giving us more money. Mappers pick how much money a map will give you based on refinery points. Not only is it offensive to mappers, it is such a damn noob suggestion. I SUCK AND CAN'T GET REFS. IMA NEED MORE. MAKE A MINIIIII GENNNNERAATTTORRRRRRRRR. With enough of them you can get over 9000 resources a second!!!!
read the post above you cyber kun. I knew mini gens wouln't work. I was hoping to hear some alternitives.
First, I think there should be tweaked something about where a building can be placed and where not because at the moment if a terrain is ony a little bit hilly, you can't place anything there. Second, If you (not only KILLIX) had red my post and the one of SwampRat you would know that I didn't mean it's one big block of a building. I thought about a building with a kind of core in the center and some expandable "wings". This would allow many possibilities for ballancing. You could make the hub in the middle much more expensive so it wouldn't be worth building it if you could only attach one or two of the wings. Or you could make it so that the whole thing needs at least 3 of 4 wings (or whatever) to be operable. The core could be made stronger and more resistant against attacks while the wings could be destryed easily but aren't that strong. I know this is difficult to be implemented and there are more important thing that come first. It's just an idea which could be implemented sometimes, maybe Empires v4 . Did you read anything after the first post? Cool down and read before posting.
If you make it big enough to make turtling impossible, then you also make the structure itself entirely useless. Either you make it useful, in which case it breaks the game, or you make it useless, in which case it does not break the game, but it is still useless. Empires is not a defensive game, it is an aggressive game, you can make it more defensive by making your map more like escort, but it is still fundamentally an aggressive game. You don't win by defending unless you make that the map objective, like escort.
I think this thread has been shot down... I think they intercepted it with the ICBM threads of the past...
What if we have it so Refinerys can go any where just not within a certian distance of each other? Like a no resourcer radious. That way you have stratigic placement And controlling land is even more of a priority.
That's more or less what we already have. You'd want to place refineries in defensible areas, which is usually where they are placed now, except for where they aren't, which usually means the refinery is doubly important and people fight over it. You'd lose that if you made them free-placeable.
But in attempts to maximize space Refs would end up in Vulnerable places. Adding a bit of risk for High production. This how ever would remove rushing to res spots And replace it with rushing towards enmy forces. Push the front so you have more land and thus resources. This would also result in Masive elaborate bases. High res, Difficult to defend. Of all the ideas on this topic. I think this one has the most pottential for enhancing the empires experiance. For things like the dam in M_valy they could become capture able flags. Thus infanry still have secondary objectives. PS Oh and finnaly flags and refs would function diffrently. Right now a res point is just a slow capture flag.
Flags provide spawn points if you want them to and trigger map events, so no, they aren't just slow capture refineries, unless you require them to be, in which case it's usually because a refinery would not be practical. And it would still be rushing to res spots, except instead of a specific location where you are likely to encounter conflict, it is simply to open space, but it is still rushing, only without the fighting. In fact you could well end up not rushing towards enemy forces at all, and simply rushing towards the nearest open space, which could well be in an entirely different direction, unless you would have mappers always place the bases in cul-de-sacs with a single, linear path to the enemy in order to prevent this. It would not produce massive bases, it would produce the same base setup we have now, except there would be another instance of a refinery every few hundred feet. Building two dozen of the other base structures doesn't help anything, so nobody would. It also means you lose all sense of resource balancing, kutm for example has two small areas where resources are concentrated, and two larger areas with little resources and a defensive bonus to compensate, so by removing the pre-placed refinery nodes, you make it impossible to separate space from resources, decreasing further the ability of the mapper to provide interesting tradeoffs. Unless you wish to make it so that mappers can designate no-res zones, which in actuality, is simply producing the current system from the opposite direction, you aren't going to get it balanced.
Well, the main problem I see at the moment is that on many maps both teams often rush to the same location. One Team will win and take it, which will normally ruin the game because it will be just a hunting for the next 20 min. It s not always that way, but much too often in my opinion. I don't like the idea of being able to place normal refineries everywhere on the map (with some distance between them). I think we need the fixed resource locations, but an alternative would be great. Maybe we need another approach. There were already a few suggestions with this problem in mind. Removing Comm-pushing would most likely solve it... at least partially.