Res gathering ideas So Heres the deal. Empires focuses on claiming teritory for res rather then tactical advantage. I suggest a mini res collecter(About the size of a turret). With 1/8 the collection speed of a normal res node. This way A defensive stratigy could have some merrit. Lets disscuss befoer I make pros/cons. PS Imagine the farming of these things. :D Rows ...
U SIR SPEEK IN RIDDLES :p You talk about fighting for res and lets make some tactical adavantage but to sort this you say lets have more res to fight for. lol
Well there goes the entire point of the game lol :p CONS: GAME BECOMES POINTLESS TURTLE INVASION KRENZO DIES OF CHOCOLATE INTAKE U LOSE Just a few cons I thort I should point out :p
possibly thinking of sup com here - how about (if they were to be done) these structures exploding on death with enough force that they kill each other, so if you farm them without gaps you could lose them all easily. this may only work if they have weird damage modifiers or are very very weak
I don't know if I like it or not, but we can't just shut it down because I think it could be made practical and even good and help to solve some problems Empires has. It won't work to just add little low price resource generators which can be spammed like hell... that's obvious. You can't balance them with their cost because this will only make the stronger team stronger, which is not what we want, I think. One solution would be to make them quite large (like a field of solar cells in the size of two vehicle factories or even bigger). This would allow you to benefit from captured locations with no resource nodes. But why do we even need resource nodes then? I think refineries could be made cheaper than these big solar-cell-fields (just like in "reality" ). This way you would really need a good plan to get an advantage without securing the resource nodes. One problem is with larger maps (especially when aircrafts are added). Larger maps have much more space for these solar-fields and they would be overpowered. So here are some pros: + Would reduce the rush-to-key-location problem we have in Empires + Would allow some more different tactics + Would make more games become more even + Would be quite cool And one more con: - Difficult to balance on larger maps. Again, I'm not sure if this idea is good, but please discuss it and don't just shut it down because you like doing this.
Where was this suggested before? I've done a search and only found this: ... but these generators mentioned there weren't for resources, so it's a different suggestion.
I think this means powerstations which your buildings need for being functional. There is nothing special to learn with power generators which only are resource-generators.
If your team is winning, you can just win even more, and stop any attempt by the other team to fight back. Not to mention those that rush them early game to hoard resources. Other than that, resources should only be extracted from resource nodes and given by flags.
By making it so that you do not have to hold key points on the map, It makes the game pointless. the whole point is to hold territory, which holds res. If you don't need to take territory to hold res, you can just sit in one well defended location and then bust out the super tanks whenever you are ready for a massive attack. If you've ever played star craft on their "Fastest" Maps, that's what happened there most of the time.
The idea is quite okay, I like the idea of power stations, even though they would be kinda redundant structures that take up space... D: In order to make them just useful for the defending team you could make them deconstruct themselves over a while, so there's gotta be engineers around to repair them. The repair would be quick, but if you forget about it, byebye go your generators. Maybe even make it placeable by engineers?
Im Thinking mainly they Would require space to be useful. So you still want teritory. And battles will focus on defensive positions rather then res nodes. Imagine on a 16 x map Be ing able to set up a main base where ther are no pre determined res nodes. So the enemy actually has to look for your base. With this in mind Your entire team might even be able to function as a convoy. Comm, apc's and tanks Mass relocating to avoid detection, with out having to go to a predictable spot.
An interesting test would be to take a map like duststorm, have no ref nodes, and give each team between 4 and 10 res a second.
This idea would work. Games have done it before. Supreme Commander had a system exactly like this. They were called Mass Fabricators, and basically created Mass (a resource) on their own (it used power though). Each fabricator generated a tiny amount of resources (similar to what is suggested in the topic starter post). To reduce their power load in Supreme Commander, players built power generators around the fabricators to give an adjacency bonus. The trick though, was that the fabricators exploded when they died, so one fabricator blowing up usually took out the entire grid. A similar system we could implement here is have the "resource fabricators" built around your base structures, eg. Radar, Barracks. The base structures "power" the fabricators, while the fabricators generate resources for your team (like 1 resource per tick). Blowing up a fabricator causes it to explode, damaging base structures (and other units) it is close to. The system would be balanced: you can create "free" resources from the fabricators, but if the enemy took them out they would severely damage your base. Of course, this could be overcomplicating things, but hey, we can all dream
I think its a worth while risk, Haveing them be volitile. Make protecting them al the more important.
The whole point of flags and nodes is that they allow the mapper to dictate where the battle takes place, and make those areas interesting and balanced. It will get very boring very quickly if a team can just find the least accessible spot and wall it off, then park two dozen generators in it. It completely destroys the gamplay of empires, which is that you are forced to expand to get anywhere, map control is vital, this removes the need for it.
No it doesn't. You can't be creative as a mapper unless you can control how the game works. The whole point of mapping is to make locations for encounters to occur, and then make it so that encounters will occur in them in the way that will make them most fun. In CS, you do it by timing, you figure out where the teams will meet, and you can do that because you know where they spawn and how fast they move. In Empires, you don't know where the team is going to be spawning from for most of the game, unless you make it so that there are only a few possible base locations, and the way to do that is to put resources in them. Resources also define battlefields because they are what you are fighting over most of the time. But if, for example, you could simply build your own resource generators, then all of that goes out of the window. Nobody would fight over the middle in isle if the double res node wasn't important, nobody would bother expanding to the other corners in cyclopean if their resources weren't important. nobody would bother doing anything other than finding the hardest to reach location and spamming it full of resource generators. Deathmatch maps are different. they can be freeform because you're just running around and killing things, but in empires you are attacking from one location to another, your base to their base, and between you should be lots of interesting places to fight in. Either mappers would have to find some other way of dictating where bases will go (like for example, putting block triggers in to stop you building anywhere but your starting location and one other place) then you are going to lose that. Unless you can, as a mapper, dictate where people will fight, you can't make a map fun, you can only make it pretty.