6 month have passed - may i bring up tickets again?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by flasche, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    im still for simply removing them from all "classic" gameplay (thats the one where you gotta blow up the enemy cv) maps.
    there is no substitution needed - the game still has 2 (blow up CV or eliminate team) goals if you remove them, there is no need for further ones.
    also, usually, the game doesnt end with tickets. ive set tickets to absurd values (iirc 999 or even 9999) on provinggrounds (which isnt really a great map, i agree, u dont need to tell me that) and it never turned into an endless stalemate - to prove my point even further, im creating another, pretty open displacement map atm and im going to set tickets to 9999 again.

    [sarcasm]if you need more goals for whatever reason, please implement space race and cultural victory[/sarcasm]

    also, if devs continue to disagree, i encourage all mappers to set their tickets to really high values for classic maps. dont worry, they wont go on forever, youll just never experience those shit situations where you ran out of tickets and lost because of that.
    and befor you say revive will turn useless, think twice - revive is one of the most powerfull skills there are ...

    case rested - thanks for reading :D
  2. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    apparently you've never played king or delta
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i have, a lot of times actually, since im not one of those afraid of new maps ;)
  4. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    No, you may not.

    /me reaches reflexively for the ban hammer
  5. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I used to think tickets should just be removed, but now I think there are probably better solutions. But removing them is better than leaving them in. Maps like mvalley, cyclopean etc would benefit from unlimited tickets, but there has to be a solution for maps like slaughtered.
  6. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    even slaughtered can be won without sudden death. i thought increased spawn times dependend on how often you actually spawned (so revive doesnt count) would be necessary, but in the meanwhile i dont think that its needed.
    but hey, lets do it like sip, make it a cvar - emp_sv_disable_tickets [0|1] :P
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  7. Michael

    Michael Member

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    I also agree with removing the tickets. Why? Just.

    Trickster: For the maps like slaughtered the solution is the long awaited aircraft.
    Or the changing of H.I.T missile from vehicle weapon to a building weapon, controlled by the commander, being an expensive building with very slow cooldown beetween shots but a lot more destructive (even hitting through buildings and vehicles, so non-bugged as it is now.) larger radius and damage.
    This will more likely to make "holes" in the frontline, which is definietly enough to breakthrough for victroy.
    Just a suggestion.
  8. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    i always set tickets to insanely absurd values on my maps, that is unless its part of the gameplay i intend (bleeder flags)

    they should be removed and possibly replaced by a more enjoyable gameplay alternative
  9. gezor

    gezor Member

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    dont remove tickets, but increase them. several maps have 200 tickets which is far too little, especially on full servers.
    then the ticket wasters (newbs, noobs) wont be so bad for the teams too.

    wats wrong w/ them? i love the high amount of tickets. games dont last forever, nukes & arty end them pretty fast.
  10. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    one of the 5 people who appreciate games that have all aspects of the game forced out unless one team sucks ass.
  11. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    Just because 6 month passed it's still the same suggestion ... -_-'

    don't delete tickets or ... USE SEARCH FUNCTION

    I say if mappers really set their tickets to "really high" set the mappers into the hardcoded ban list and ban their maps from the game!
    Yeah radical solutions for radical problems ...

    just because some single ppl would like to see the tickets gone they shouldn't grief the majority of the gamers, RIGHT FLASCHE? :pathetic:
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  12. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    King has lots because the infantry fight in the city should burn tickets faster than a normal match.

    Whether it actually does that or not I don't know.

    Also I like complete matches, I find on standard maps with lots of people the tickets can kinda run out before you really finish the match, you get half way through and then suddenly tickets run out and the match comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying halt.

    Amusingly that is only really a problem on good matches, on bad matches tickets don't help because the match is stalemating anyway, but on good matches with lots of fighting they run out too soon. I don't really like tickets.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i dont need to use the search function - i actually know who opened those threads - it was me ;)
    apart that this game was originally a BF42 mod, where tickets came from, there is no reason for tickets. if id only get a 100days time to prove it. sadly chances are bad that i will, since everyone is too afraid of the outcome - me being right and you wrong.
    imo its rather predictable - research and resources (well resources currently are a bit over the top thanks to wages, but that easily fixable, its just a cvar that'd need changin) provide enough slippery slope to change the tides of battle.

    just tell me, how many shit rounds have lasted till you went into sudden death - then tell me, how many epic games have been ended or turned into something shitty because the tickets ran low (or even worse where depleted)

    tell me recently (which are surprisingly few in my case, actually ive only seen sudden death twice since after 2.25) and since you play empires.
    for me its a clear answer. the ratio tends heavily to epic games ruined by tickets ... those shitty games where mainly shitty, because i joined midgame and didnt fully get what was going on till we reached sudden death (which is the worst outcome of tickets imo), i bet for most others its been a great round too ;)

    empires provides you with so many possibilities and eventualities, thats is almost unthinkable that you cannot find a strategy to defeat your enemy.
    use nukes, arties, UMLs (yes dualUML eat buildings for breakfast), railguns (sadly with the low ammo count they aint that good against buildings anymore) - get a scout to sab at the same time you throw 2 stickes at a rax. APC rush their comm and take it out with 7 other guys of your team. maybe two grens will make it in a jeep - maybe one alone gets through with enough arty strikes in his backpack. maybe u just defend your engies nadespamming, rather then rushing off somewhere else for once, or maybe rush off, get into the rax, kill the guys repairing. build walls to advance, and so on and on and on and on ... that not even close to all options - maybe it proves usefull to have 2 or 3 plasma tanks? who know, currently they are quite useless - but they might turn a battle aswell ...

    ... there are so fucking many ways to win and a bit of creativity isnt asked to much imo. if it requires teamwork then its nothing bad, its actually what we all want i suppose? whoever works together better WILL win - and there is no such thing as two completely even teams, never ever ...

    and finally. a hard victory is way more enjoyable then winning because the enemy simply couldnt spawn anymore.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  14. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    In b4 10 hours of district ...
    no tickets means longer games, less teamplay(who the hell would give a shit to rev you in public games if theres no live limit), less tactics, and tons of apc rushes, also less use of squads since squad revs not gonna be used and less teamwork means less squadpoints ...
    also all early achievements in a round will be for nothing, as soon as heavys are rolliong early achieved territory means nothing, so why make tanks a research path then if they just start the real game?
    If you delete infantry fights out of the balancing and just leave tank fights and the caused ressloss the only changing value it will get boring

    yeah there would be oh so many ways to win the round ... for the commander and the few lucky tank drivers only, if the commanders not a bloody newb
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  15. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    This is basically my point as well.

    Tickets don't solve problems, if a match is stalemating, it does so before tickets, in fact it does so often BECAUSE people complain about using tickets when that could be used to win the game after a 20 year stalemate.

    If a match is going well on the other hand it burns tickets really fast, then suddenly the match completely stops, within like 2 minutes, where one team either instantly steamrollers the other regardless of map control or anything, or the match instantly turns into a stalemate for 5 minutes until a comm gets nicked by a grenade and blows up, again entirely arbitrarily ending the match stupidly and unsatisfyingly.

    If you increase tickets you make them useless to end stalemates, if you decrease them to make them solve stalemates more often, they ruin good games more often.

    You need fewer tickets when no fighting is occuring, and more tickets when fighting is intense, something which the tickets system is entirely unequipped to do.

    Tickets. Are. Stupid.
  16. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    oh cmon kane, if i wouldnt be such a jerk myself from time to time and ignore my opponent, id be offended. i clearly said in my first post, that this would only be for CLASSIC GAMEPLAY (= the one with 2 commanders) maps.
    ofc district needs tickets, i might be stupid at times, but cmon ...
    i disagree, i doubt anyone apc rushing ATM is careing about tickets so the number wouldnt increase (at least not significantly).
    infact, noone gives a shit about tickets anyway - i mean seriously, who waits for a revive (on classic maps!!!) unless they already play together. so your argument about less teamwork is actually void - but not only that, i dont see why revive (and squadrevive) suddently would become less powerfull. i dont revive my teammates because i conserve a ticket, but to keep the pressure at the frontline (and this is the true power of revive and always was - right ounin?)
    same is true for squadrev, i mainly use it to teleport my squad around (into or behind the enemy base for example), not to keep the ticket count high.

    thats all only for commander maps ofc - it doesn in no way count for district, escort, or similar maps (conquest iirc)
    i dont see any difference, its like that now too. heavies roll, inf gets useless, i criticised that often enough (remember all those buff RPG threads?)
    but other then now, you could just die without feeling guilty (not that i would) to waste 10 tickets per heavy.
    money doesnt play a roll for the winning team now either, the only advantage would be on the losing side, where you have to fight off nukeheavies with your bare hands ...
    uh, welcome to empires ... always been like that?
    or do you really try to tell me, you play for a ticket victory at any time during a classic map earlier then lets say 15 tickets per side? dont fool yourself ...

    and one thing tickets dont do for sure, relieve us of n00b comms :D
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  17. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    the fix is to make end game weapons actually end games
  18. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    The same problem remains. The solutions are to fix ticket values on maps currently released - i.e. have most ticket values much higher (this is a temporary decision) or decide on a new mechanism and implement it - e.g. the longer spawning times etc (this is a permanent/testable decision).

    Tbh, you should do the first in the meantime anyway, and the 2nd could be blended in gradually - e.g. a 1second death penalty certain amounts of tickets used. This could be every 5, every 10, or some sorta sequence - 5, 10, 20, 35, 55, etc.
  19. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    I know but I couldn't resist, sry about that one =)

    I actually do, on maps like cyclopean where the victory depens 90% on tickets, even use revive in the beginning to conserve tickets on cyclopean, (and I hate revive if not with a good squad,... silly teammates ain't worth my skill slot ... >:) )
    also I love to APC rush but don't do it as often for 2 reasons, first (less important though) it costs tickets, and second ppl just dont spawn in apcs ...:(
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  20. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    If you want to keep tickets I would suggest the following:

    Add a decent amount of tickets at the start, say 500 by default.

    Add a constant ticket drain to both sides.

    Give a side tickets as they earn points, so intense fighting would balance out the ticket drain and result in less ticket loss, whereas lack of action would result in faster ticket loss.

    Instead of sudden death, ticket numbers would cause different effects.

    At 0-100 tickets, a side has triple spawn time and normal ammo on spawn.
    At 100-200 tickets, a side has double spawn time and 1.5 times normal ammo at spawn.
    At 300+ tickets, a side has normal spawn time and full ammo at spawn.

    Degen would be like 1 ticket every 2 seconds, and regain would be 5 tickets per point scored.

    The overall effect should be that if the teams are fighting hard in an area, they both gain tickets. Tanks of course net you double points and so tank kills net you basically 20 seconds of spawn time, infantry kills net you 10 seconds, so kill one infantry every 10 seconds and you stay as you are, kill one tank every 20 seconds and you also stay as you are. Don't get any kills for a while and your score goes down. If both teams reach 0-100 and stay there for 5 minutes I would suggest the match be stopped and declared a stalemate, in the manner of TF2's mutual 'you all suck' draw mechanic. Of course if both teams fight a lot they should escalate the tickets a lot and never reach a stalemate.

    The precise numbers would require testing, but this solves the currently backwards implementation of tickets where few tickets means no good games and more tickets means more stalemates.

    It adds to the slippery slope somewhat but the overall effect should be that the teams which are dominant in actual combat are able to push forward, and I don't think that's really a bad thing, and you can always sacrifice tickets to spare resources, you still lose something but you can come back with more tanks to offset your longer spawn times.

    You could also add on further, more than 600 tickets could start to cause escalation, with weapons getting damage boosts or teams getting more money and shorter spawn times, so an epic match that has constant hard fighting would result in teams getting more and more destructive, with more and more tanks and infantry on the field doing more and more damage until the match becomes so volatile that it turns into a total deathmatch. I would cap the tickets at 1000 though, which is 33 minutes of decay time, so if the match goes down again it won't end up stalemating wating for tickets to end it.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010

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