2.51 Scout issue

Discussion in 'General' started by JustGoFly, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Or it's spiritual successors, Supreme Commander or Planetary Annihilation.

    Total Annihilation there is a self destruct button/hotkey (ctrl+k) so you can rush aircraft factory and a carrier, take your commander to the enemy base, drop him and suicide. Or if you want to win really hard just use that carrier to grab the enemy commander (you can grab enemy units) and fly off with him.
  2. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    except... when they go.. nukler the com can escape in an emergency escape flying pod thingy and rebuild the commanders body.... NEW idea... Com can escape in flying pod and rebuild com tank!
  3. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    I like Ikalx idea.

    There is one attack that is worse than a scout sneak. A Scout squad lead - giving his Engineer squad scout hides. At least one of the four engies running with speed upgrade into an enemy base will make it. It takes two hides on Cross roads to run all the way across the map. Then give one engie lead, or change to another squad with points revive four players in enemy base. For good measure crank two squads in there. One guy build a rax, and everyone else take out the winning teams base, or commander. Turrets won't shoot at you when hidden, the engie can run right next to the com and wall him in. Yay - beat this game to death with Trickster style of attack.

    Everyone needs to take advantage of this intended use attack method before the few who use it regularly will be restricted from using it. It will take depopulating the game before anyone will listen. I am staying out of the command vehicle.

    When everyone bitches that every game is no fun, maybe something will be done. I need a group of guys willing to practice this with me so we can win every game within five minutes.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    eye for an eye? sry, middle ages are over ...
  5. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Flasche - I have no bad feelings towards anyone in the game. I would just like to see some things fixed. In SW development I have always lived by a rule that most other less capable developers don't subscribe to. When you find something that breaks with low frequency and you can't reproduce the problem or see the error, you do not try to remove the chance of it occuring to work around the problem, you increase it.

    Some devs add sleeps or delays in their code to reduce the chance of problems and they live with the rare occasional failure. I remove all sleeps and make it break more frequently. If it polls something once a second, I'll change it to 1000 times a second, and cause it to break more quickly - then FIX THE BREAK, and set the poll back to once per second. I have code running on millions of pc's that are used daily and it never fails.

    In fact if we do that in this game I think it will become more clear to those who get joy over taking advantage of this break, that it is wrecking the game.

    I helped FN do his scout hide sneak and quick win on a game we rightfully should have lost. I intend to keep doing this until the community blocks this shit. I will train players on how to do this type of attack. Why should FN and Trickster be the only ones having all the fun?
  6. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i do have bad feelings towards a lot of people playing this game - there should have been bans handed out left and right when it still was time, too bad a lot of the retards are quite good with devs and server owners - i dont have bad feelings towards any of them though, its easy to talk in hindsight.

    anyway, i guess theres a time where you need to let go. thats it for empires with me - ive been here for 8 years, ive started and stopped playing 4 times now. this was the the last time ...

    ... servers start emptying again anway.

    farewell empiresmod
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  7. Candles


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    I'll have to remember that tidbit when I'm debugging hard to reproduce bugs.

    Or people just learn to deal with it properly, making them better players in the long run. Either way, I'm okay with this.
  8. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    I'd rather not be in the COM vehicle than to develop that level of paranoia. GG
  9. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    flasche nooooo! :(
  10. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Flasche - I was commanding a game last night with incessant rushes from hobbes. He just played more skillfully than we did and I have no issue with rushes or commanders who drive into your base and over your rax. Anyway my team had one mediocre player since those guys love to stack and the ONLY way hobbes can win now is against nubs.

    So I started to lose my shit. I was telling everyone - "Throw a fucking grenade he has 20 turrets going up - one grenade will take out three at a time". I was jumping out of the com vehicle and fighting and throwing grenades and the nubs were building walls and running around in circles. Infuriating !

    Well one guy kept his calm, his calm voice actually completely changed my game play and I started thinking and playing better. We did better and I was more instructive but the skill level was just way out matched. We lasted a lot longer than we could have and final game I was driving in money on the bridge in circles respawning a nub squad that would instantly die. It was funny and I didn't quite hate losing. I would have done a few things differently given the chance again, so I learned a few things.

    I have to hand it to Hobbes for his pressure style strategy, which is I think completely fair and can be countered. Although when he gets stickied next to our rax his team may want to hang him.
  11. 101010

    101010 Member

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    The problem is not the rushing. The problem is that most commanders have no idea how to set up bases anymore. Scout hide and squad hide have been here. It is the lack of experienced commanders that loose to the same thing over and over again.
  12. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I don't get it though. A squad of players playing together should be able to make a difference, that's part of what makes Empires a good game - people can make an individual difference. While I agree that 2 people should never end it for a team, JGF you make it sound like there should be no sneaking in the game at all.

    @flasche...it's the players more than the game, I think. Some people see something rejuvenated and they just want to kick at it like a sand castle. They go back to the way they were playing before when there was a steady flow of players and everyone was clued up to the tactics. They don't give anyone a chance to get to know this game, and tbh, that's always been a problem with the Empires community.

    At least when 1.8 was being made people joined, got helped with what was going on, and learned to understand the high level play. Now some vets just want to dick on people. I mean really, if you removed the vets, you'd let a whole new generation learn how to play the game at the same rate, so no one would ragequit at having 4 advanced tactics thrown at them at once, designed to just pwn them. They would have to counter one, and use their own arsenal of knowledge in return.
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    no, really i have better things to do then cope with cheating, exploting, stacking, joining late and being generally retarded. and this game is full of it ... only thing im really gonna miss is reading the forums during work.

    sry firewarrior but yes. ill send you a pm with my email if you want.

    exactly and thats why im not going to play along anymore. it really breaks my heart that the best game there is out there gets ruined by such things, but thats probably the way of things ...

    ... apart of, its not the players, you are here longer then me. its always been the same topics brought up over the years (i dont mean the implement this and that shit - i mean ppl complaining about broken gamemechanics we all got used to). they just got ignored, elitist pricks said "no its so cool you just a nub l2p", while in reality we should have listend. infact all this quirks have never been targeted - NEVER.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  14. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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  15. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    aww queen <3

    miss you too dz youve been among the nice guys around.
  16. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    We're getting on now, dude. I only really come back to Empires when I feel things are moving on a bit, get some time to show people that it's not all about raging, then move on once Empires goes dark again.

    The biggest problem with Empires is really that it's a game that you put your heart into playing, and more often these days that just gets crushed. I know it's literally not worth the time, which is why I only play an hour here or there, and mostly post on the forums when I have an idea or want to see how it's generally going.

    Empires dying would still be a sad day for me, but like...I'm going to be 31 this year. Just broke up with my gf of 3 years. Ain't got no money any more. I just feel like I have to do something with my life now, and that doesn't really leave time for a energy-sap like Empires. It's wasted energy.

    But hey, we had a whole clan of awesome people and some cool cats from the rest of the community. And at least the games were good. Like a proper high that was worth cashing in a couple years of my life for. But I ain't got that much left for an abusive husband like Empires, and I have better things to do.

    That being said, I think people are trying hard to address some of the core issues now, and now that a lot of the old elitist pricks are gone people look to the main playerbase of newbie vets and their feedback is much more along the lines of "this should be fixed already", which is good. I mean look at Smithy, one hour and the BE rax has been modified. How fucking long have we been dealing with a skanky clustered rax? Empires has literally not had a chance like this in 5 years, and you've been part of that.

    If you want to go, go, but I think Empires doesn't have much of a choice now but to listen to the people who they know are making sense.
  17. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i had a good laugh - but then maybe i dont make any sense at all? obviously im biased when it comes to myself ...

    anyways, ik if you ever think about coming to vienna make sure i know, we shall have a nice warm bed and food for you. ill also take off from work and show you around - im not the nightlife guy anymore though (its a bit odd if you share a club with guys and girls half your age), hell i dont even drink alcohol, but well manage to find us a nice club, i got enough friends to tell me whats in now - but we also have 4 working pcs, 2 capable of playing SOTA games, so theres nothing to miss ^^

    and yes, CW was awesome :(
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  18. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Thanks man, one day I gotta come see your hometown :) Of course, the door's* always open this side of the channel, I still don't know jack about london, but I can find a pub right enough :p

    (*one day I'll be successful and have my own place xD)
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  19. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    you can check out any time you like, but




  20. Candles


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    I can't convince you to not leave, and I'm not going to try. All I can say is that we have lots of ideas for what we want to do with infantry, in particular the scout, but we can't be very open with the ideas because of the amount of work that'd go into them. Hopefully you'll come back after some major changes in the game at some point though.

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