2.51 Scout issue

Discussion in 'General' started by JustGoFly, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Why are scouts now completely invisible? They don't even need a wall to make them more invisible.

    One match we had scouts going through our base every few minutes, we weathered it and continually repaired and searched. We still dominated the map until Trickster decided to sticky the com and grens shoot from a distance - all of which was completely silent while I instructed multiple attack squads in F2 view. That Scout (Trickster) ran in completely invisible, silently and not bothered by my multiple 3rd tier MG turrets. Another match we squad hid FN as engie all the way to the other teams base - where he ran right by 20+ ppl to get quickly next to the com vehicle, and spawn a squad - hurray, we win! The team who owned us all deserved to lose because of course this is desired in this game to not enable team wins, allow one person the win - silently and invisible.

    While in main base - scanning every nook, I saw a 95% invisible player running with squad hide after sabataging the base. I saw the faintest of signs for a split second of him as he ran past two upgraded MG turrets. I run 1080p on a 27" monitor with gamma set so I can see shadows.

    Is this what the game has become - because if it has I will absolutely use this purposefully added feature of the game? Then maybe I can claim to be a great player, lol. I don't use ARTY and I don't SCUNT, but that doesn't keep those who can't win a game with a team from doing it.

    Now it is easier than ever to sticky the com, silently and win like the champions you are. I HIGHLY recommend everyone use this feature until we depopulate. After one or two more I will just stay out of the commanders seat and tell the new loser how bad he is.

    Hell one match where we were completely stacked against it didn't keep a bunch of scouts from crawling into our bases. If you are commander - be sure to be scout with enhanced senses - don't bother helping your team by building anything. This is a new and unimproved Empires.

    Is this really the intention of the mods to enable a scout to crawl and now RUN around the bases to supposedly show how great a player that person is, even when surrounded by upgraded MG turrets?

    This may be wrong but it seems like scouts run faster than before as well. Anyone care to explain the differences in the scout class now ?

    Guys - plan for continual scout onslaughts until this shit is fixed.
  2. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I though that hide rushers were a little bit too transparent on escort, but I though its only me.
  3. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I haven't noticed anything abnormal, but I haven't been looking too closely.
  4. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    It might be that the new HDR settings on some maps make them harder to see.
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i watched trickster from spec that round on cyclo - if it is what you mean. it actually was a lot of teamwork involved and trickster never been fully invisible to me. also he wasnt running but went prone and used 2nd fire on you which doesnt unhide.

    that this sort of victory is cheap is a whole different topic - i fully agree here, such tactics shouldnt be promoted and some be nerfed right away, they often leave the enemy team completely unaware of why they just lost and rob those who actualy "played by the rules"* of their victory.

    theres certain measures you can take to prevent what happend to you on cyclo - you could have parked in a less open spot (behind rax, vf or the walls) so the 4 grens on that hill couldnt have rocketsniped and ultimatively killed you. there was no escape anymore, you where dead the second trickster made it to your cv. ofc its easy to talk in hindsight.
    i also noticed 9mines is back as it was, you guys should start placing mg turrets around your cv or keep constanly moving again.

    also make arty strike deal less damage to the cv.

    *its no exploit nor a bug though - just bad design imo.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  6. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Getting rusty there old man.

    The scouts are the same as before, maybe I suggest putting on your reading glasses.
  7. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Scout redesign will prevent this from happening with the timed hide, Trickster is just racking up the cheesy wins while he still can.
  8. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    No doubt the loss on that map was of my own doing. I decided to stay OUT and mobile since I have been caught in a protected area unable to move by a APC RUSH or medium tank rush. Had I heard myself being stickied or some audible warning I could have simply dropped a rax next to me to absorb the grens shots. Hell I'd like to see that crush anyone on the other team standing near the com.

    I moved every minute or so but did get focused for too long near end of game when my team was taking over their main. I should have been more wary for sure. But my point remains valid. I know of this and still I get caught. In some cases you have to get lucky to get away - skill doesn't matter. It could just as easily happen to the best commanders as the worst and the worst can be popped at will. SHOULD this game be designed to enable this by the few SCUNTS who like to wreck it for everyone else. Should the most valuable vehicle on the team have absolutely no method for protection and be encouraged to be blind while controlling a team that requires a view where the com is susceptible? Is this even remotely something any army in the world would allow - no warning that you are stickied or being shot at, or even see nearby enemy players ? If you think this is fair - then I am fine, I'll just encourage other players to take command. I'll hide in a spare VF where no MG can protect me and scream when stickied inside the VF with five guys throwing stickies on me. Still not a fix. Maybe the com needs a personal protection squad to sit in base marching in circles the whole game.

    Oh and Teef - you are absolutely no competition in the com vehicle. I look forward to crawling into your base as scunt or just outplaying you as com on every map.

    One more thing you all should do that a select few are doing to make this game more fun:
    Go into the enemy barracks and LIE DOWN in the middle. They will not be able to spawn. Then just wait until you derez the rax or one other guy outside takes it down. So much fun - and so fair !
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  9. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I think they should sparkle and drain health :p

    But in all seriousness, it seems less of a "hide" and more of an "invisibility".

    Edit: Maybe cameras paint squad hide members? (not scout hidden, though). And maybe then reduce the points it takes to use squad hide a bit? Not sure.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  10. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Haven't read the thread, but I'll add my data point.

    I killed a hidden scout out in the open on Palm bay's sand. He definitely wasn't invisible, but I haven't seen any scouts against walls or in corners.
  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i think a lot is due to vehicles taking so much damage before they blow, if you simply couldnt get an apc/a jeep pass a couple of mls a lot of questionable tactics would be nullified.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  12. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Invisiblity depends on the number of objects you touch, touch 2 or more and you're more or less invisible.
  13. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Actually JGF, there was absolutely nothing you could have done to stop that attack. The moment you were stunned, the game was over, and there was literally not a single thing you could have done to prevent it.

    I drove an APC to A3 (Cyclopean, for those trying to understand) with radar stealth and parked it up, taking extra care not to be seen on the way. I then crawled prone the entire way to your CV, while hidden. Upon reaching your CV, I had about 5 Grens sat on that hill with eyes on your CV, which you had very kindly parked in the complete open. I then proceeded to right-click stun your CV, which didn't reveal me from being hidden. To do this, I had to literally be almost under your CV. You actually ran over me a couple of times when you got out of the CV. There was absolutely no room to place a rax to block the RPG shots due to the position you were parked in. I considered for that contingency anyway, and we had someone ready to grab the APC and plough it into the base with the full squad.

    The time from you being stunned to dying from the RPGs was around 10 seconds. An experienced commander such as any clan commander wouldn't have been able to react quick enough to stop that, so you certainly wouldn't have been able to.

    And my final point:

    While in that position stunning your CV, one of your engineers came round the corner and saw me. I killed them first but died to the LV3 turret. My point being, I wasn't hard to see.

    Seriously, I don't see how it's hard to see Scouts who are moving. Empires players are like T-Rexs, they literally only see movement. I've pulled off countless ninjas as Engy or Gren without even having hide. All you do is run along a wall and just stop moving if someone comes along, 9 times out of 10 they don't see you. On Escort, I had no problems seeing any of Freak's hide rushes, and I use default brightness (can't edit brightness if you use windowed mode) and default gamma. If you haven't seen a scout going into your base, either:

    a) You're blind.

    b) He's taken the time to approach carefully (using darker backgrounded textures to move against), and deserves to have gotten behind your lines. You have no right to see someone who puts the time in.
  14. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    well humans have a very hard time seeing immobile things aswell. its especially hard in a 2d image as your eye and head movement doesnt cause perspective to change.
  15. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    There has been ALOT of scout hide faggotry in the past few days. Its a valid tactic but the only decent counter is to do the same and just hide until everyone runs out of points.

    It doesn't matter if they are not completely invisible, in anything other than open fields you are getting KO'd 8/10 times - reduce the stupid range of melee upgrade. It is so unintuitive to be punched at like 1/3 barracks length if there is a bit of lag it is going to feel more like 1/2 barrack length.
  16. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    scout love since 2006
  17. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I can't help but feel that it was cheesy anyways, the only game that can be lost in just 10 seconds from such a position is Counter Strike. I guess it just plays into the FPS side of things, but it's annoying as hell to half the server, and that's hard to deny.
  18. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    It was pretty easily preventable. Once the stun went off, it was over, but before that it could have easily been prevented by simply parking in a place with more cover, and moving the CV around much more often. Like seriously, had the CV been on the other side of the VF/Rax, that was never going to happen. Given the amount of ML turrets, and the fact there would have been 2-3 spawns in that base, I really doubt that there was any way you could have pulled off such an attack on that CV. Turrets covering the CV would have prevented any Scout hide into Grenadier Mine ninja, they would also have killed any APC that went through, not to mention the killspawns that would have come through.

    But instead, the CV was parked in the open, a good 10-15 second run from the nearest spawn, with huge viewing positions from the hill to the North, or maybe even to the East as well, given just how in the open the CV was. I don't know what you expect when you put the CV in such a position, and then on top of that, actually leave it in that position.

    Add to this that I'd been scouting in that main and got killed about 10 times for like the past 20-30 minutes, it wouldn't have been difficult to just go Scout as commander with enhanced senses and actually pop out of RTS view once a minute or so.
  19. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    it was - its not the point though. its a stupid mechanic, the game should promote the intended way and not quick enders ...

    ... and seeing as there is research and buildings and shit i assume the original intention is to have a huge fight going on rather then trying to end it the fastest way possible. all you needed to win was 20 points (and we all know how hard that is) and a vf so why bother with anything else? dont ignore jgf, hes having a point. even if all you did was a (currently) valid tactic and even teamplay, maybe this exact example is just bad.

    i dont have a solution either.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  20. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    I was parked right in front of the barracks. Had I been parked in front of the VF you would have said I was too far from team spawn, but in front of the rax, you say I am too far from team spawn ? I know I was in the open, and 30 seconds was too long to remain in COM view. On a big team there are alot of demands to keep players building turrets and pushing, which we did very well.

    I was moving continuously the whole match around main and not just sitting still. I happened to be in that spot and stayed longer than I should have due to organized attacks and ref replacement. I knew you were coming in and as you said we killed you ten times. I guess 11th is a charm. And this is what you have decided is right for this game ?

    But the time it takes to kill a CV is less than 30 seconds if you have enough grens or close riflemen. Had I parked in front of the VF - as you suggest I could have been hit from the other side. Had I parked behind the VF - a medium tank rush would have pinned me in, with plenty of time to win before my team could remove every single medium.

    The game is shit for making it so easy to kill the com with shit rush tactics and invisible players. I actually don't mind medium rush as much as the scout attack, since I will see the mediums coming. The one match that I was hit with eight mediums in a ONE EXIT quadrant was a team fail. Someone should have said mediums are coming, cameras should have been placed and I should have been near my team.

    The issue comes down to - what will make this game more fun and I think a team win is much more gratifying than this scout shit. A medium tank rush is a team win. APC rush and spawn is a team win - squad hiding a engie into a base and spawning a squad from within the base or a scout spending the whole game crawling around the map is bullshit. Stickying from a moving APC is bull as well.

    It seems all of the tactics that I see you and FN doing are all about exploiting the weaknesses of the game. If you can't win head to head - crawl for a win.

    I am not an inexperienced com - most of the guys I play with don't research arty and don't do this shit tactic. We play to compete team vs team. Arty should not have extended range. Scouts should not be so invisible. Com's should not be so blind when in com view. MG turrets should shoot invisible scouts. And NF should have a second seat in the APC so we can throw sticky stuns at the com from a never ending supply just as BE does, or put a Gren bomber to circle bases and take them out while driving. Which is a load of crap IMHO.

    Good luck getting veteran commanders and without them your game will die.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014

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